QCA Unit

/ Literacy / ICT
1A / Term 1: Labels & Captions
T14 to write captions for their own work
T15 to make simple lists for planning, reminding
S7 to recognise that a line of writing is not necessarily the same as a sentence
S8 to begin using full stops to demarcate sentences
S9 to use a capital letter for the start of a sentence / Unit 1B – using a word bank
Set up a body template using a drawing programme and click and drag labels to name parts of the body
CD ROM – ‘Ourselves
Simple database ( teacher use)
Unit 1E – Representing information graphically – pictograms
Set up a template of animate and inanimate objects and sort by clicking and dragging.
Use of camera, tape recorder
1B / As unit 1A /

Unit 1B using a word bank

Using a drawing package to paint plants
1C / Term 2: non chronological reports
T25 to assemble information from own experiences to use simple sentences to describe, to write simple non chronological reports
S5 to continue demarcating sentences in writing, ending sentences with a full stop
S7 to use capital letters for the pronoun I, for names and for the start of sentences /

Unit 1D Labelling and classifying

Unit 1B using a word bank

Prepare a template which allows pupils to make an information chart about material
Print out labels for materials
1D / None identified
Could use instructional writing how to test ideas / Drawing package – colour magic – light and dark pictures
Word bank for labels
1E / Term 1: Labels & Captions
T14 to write captions for their own work
T15 to make simple lists for planning, reminding
S7 to recognise that a line of writing is not necessarily the same as a sentence
S8 to begin using full stops to demarcate sentences
S9 to use a capital letter for the start of a sentence / Road safety CD ROM/video
Template sorting objects by pushes and pulls – click and drag
Digital camera + commentary
Word bank labels
1F / Term 3 Recounts
T20 write simple recounts linked to topic of interest / study
Make group, class books
S5 other common uses of capitalisation eg personal titles, headings, book titles
S6 through reading and writing to reinforce knowledge of term sentence from previous terms
measures /

Unit 1B using a word bank

Unit 1D labelling and classifying
Unit 1E representing information graphically – pictogram

Use of sound sensor

CD ROM of animal sounds
CD ROM musical instruments