
XVIII International theatre Festival “Baltic House”

8 -19 of October 2008

St. Petersburg

The main topic of the XVIII Festival “Baltic House” is “Anatomy of Theatre”.

Modern theatre art becomes more and more synthetic. New theatre language conquers world before our eyes. Video, on-line media includes into performances as competent actor’s partners. New technologies set the pace. Theatre directors often prefer cinematographic montage. The main aim of Festival “Baltic House” is not only trace those trends but also analyze its roots, “to prepare” modern theatre art and take a look on all its aspects.

“Anatomy of Theatre” it’s not only possibility to research new global changes in modern European theatre but also call to expanded discussion.

The program of the XVIII Festival includes performances by: Grzegorz Jarzyna „Giovanni”, Luk Perceval “Death of the salesman”, Jonas Vaitkus ”Patriots”, Eugenio Barba „Judith”, Kristian Smeds „Unknown soldier”, Andrey Zholdak “Carmen. Exodus”, Tiit Ojasoo “GEP (Hot Estonian Guys)”.

Also in the frameworks of the Festival will be carried out presentation of St. Petersburg theatre program, which includes the best performances of the season: “The Wedding” by Valery Fokin, “Ivany” by Andrey Moguchy, “Bury me under the plinth” by Igor Konyaev and “Russian jam” by Andrzey Buben.

In the frameworks of the Festival also will be carried out presentation of Latvian program with the performances of the Theatre Dailis (“Ivonna, Princess of Burgundy”, dir. R. Kozak), New Riga Theatre (“Sonja”, dir. A. Hermanis) and Latvian National theatre (“Kerry”, dir. G. Polischuk).

On October, 13th Festival “Baltic House” will come to Helsinki, where performance “Unknown soldier” by Kristian Smeds will be shown. On October, 14th in Helsinki, in the frameworks of the festival the conference “Anatomy of Theatre” will be carried out.

Program of the festival “Baltic House - 2008” – it is the great opportunity to examine the processes inside modern theatre art, to find factors which unites theatre generations, to note the main trends of theatre arts and inner theatre links. All this topics will provide the basis for the conference, in which theatre theorists, European and Russian theatre critics and directors will participate.

“BALTIC HOUSE” Theatre-festival

Alexandrovsky park, #4, St. Petersburg, Russia

Tel/fax +7 812 232 9380, fax +7 812 233 9936



Program of the

ХVIII International theatre festival

“Baltic House - 2008”

Date / Big stage of theare-festival “Baltic House” / Other spaces of theatre-festival “Baltic House” / Other venues
08.10 / Theatre Rozmaitości (Warsaw, Poland)
Directed by G. Jarzyna
09.10 / Theatre «Piccoli Principi»
(Italy, Florence)
«Obrastzov, topics and variations»
Directed by A. Libertiny and V. Nah / Alexandrinsky theatre
(St. Petersburg, Russia)
«The Wedding»
Directed by V. Fokin
10.10 / Theatre of Nations
(Moscow, Russia)
Carmen. Exodus
Directed by A. Zholdak / Odin Teatret
(Holstebro, Denmark)
Directed by E. Barba
11.10 / Theatre-festival “Baltic House”
(St. Petersburg, Russia)
Bury me under the plinth
Directed by I. Konyaev / Lithuanian National theatre
(Vilnius, Lithuania)
Second Line
Directed by V. Masalskis
12.10 / Theatre NO99
(Tallinn, Estonia)
“GEP (Hot Estonian guys)”
Directed by Tiit Ojasoo
13.10 / National theatre
(Helsinki, Finland)
Unknown Soldier
Directed by Kristian Smeds
On the stage of the National theatre, Helsinki
15.10 / State Youth Theatre
(Vilnius, Lithuania)
Directed by Jonas Vaitkus / Alexandrinsky theatre
(St. Petersburg, Russia)
Directed by A. Moguchy
16.10 / Theatre Dailis
(Riga, Latvia)
Ivonna, Princess of Burgundy
Directed by R. Kozak / New Riga Theatre
(Riga, Latvia)
Directed by Alvis Hermanis
17.10 / Latvian National theatre
(Riga, Latvia)
Directed by G. Polishuk / New Riga Theatre
(Riga, Latvia)
Directed by A. Hermanis
18.10 / Satira theatre on Vasilyevsky
(St. Petersburg, Russia)
Russian jam
Directed by A. Buben
19.10 / Schaubuhne am Lehniner Platz
(Berlin, Germany)
Death of the salesman
Directed by L. Perceval

Attention. Program can contain changes and add-ins.