Sub: Computer

Class :V

Q1. What do know about Hardware and Software? Explain with example.

Q2. What are the categories of software?

Q3. Name the types of digital computers according to size and performance.

Q4. Write any three examples of operating system.

Q5. What is an Internet?




Q1.Make a model/Chart of” HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM” and label it.

Q2.Paste pictures of five extinct and five endangered animals.

Q3.Paste pictures of five things made from animal body parts.

Q4.Draw and name any five things made from ripe and unripe mangoes.

Q5.Answer in one word:

a)A fleshy organ in the mouth that helps you to taste food.______

b)Tiny bumps present on the tongue.______

c)The liquid in your mouth that helps in the digestion.______

d)The muscular bag in the body that churns food.______

e)The process of breaking down food in simple form which the body can use.______

Q6.What is “JUNK FOOD” ? How does it affect a child’s health, who eats it regularly?


FOR SUMMER VACATION (FROM 13-5-15 TO 22-5-15 )



Q1. Draw a ‘schools of fish’ and write some more words which express a group of animals .

Q2. Collect some pictures of aquatic animals , and paste these in copy . Try to write two lines for fish

Q3.Write the numbers which we can form with 5 , 6 , 8 , 3 . Find the greatest and smallest number and the difference between these two numbers .

Q4.Fill up the table------

Name of the fish / Rate per kg / Total cost of the fish
Prawn / Rs 125 / 4kg =
Pomfret / Rs 150 / 7 kg =
Squid / Rs 320 / 5kg =
Lob ster / Rs 1260 / 3kg =
Eel / Rs35 / 20kg =

Q5.Make Indian place value chart up to croreplace , and put five numbers in it . Write their name.

Q6. Find the interest on following loans---

Loan / Period of time / Repaid / Interest per year
Rs 2000 / 5 years / Rs 2500 / 500÷5 = 100
Rs 3000 / 4 years / Rs3800
Rs 5000 / 5 years / Rs 6000
Rs 7000 / 7 years / Rs 7700
Rs8000 / 5 years / Rs 9000

Q6. Draw four geometrical shapes ,and write their definition . What is an angle ? What are the three types of angle? Draw and measure the angles.

Q7. Find the English letters which shows Right angle , Acute angles , Obtuse angles

Q8. What is the meaning of Perimeter and Area ? Draw five square and five Rectangle in a10 x 10 grid . Find the area and perimeter of these figures .

Q9.Draw two floor patterns with’ GEOMETRICAL SHAPES ‘

Q10. Draw the angles of---

30® , 45®, 90®,120® , 160®

Q11. Draw two triangles inside a big rectangle . Are thearea of the two triangles and the area of the big rectangle same ?

Q12.Collect the picture of a Rhino and an Elephant , paste them in a 12 x 12 grid. Guess which animals foot-print will have more area ?


1.Collect the pictures of few Aquatic animals or land transports . Paste them in ½ chart paper and write few lines on it.

2.Make an abacus and arrange places according to the Indian Place Value Chart . Put some beads to form some numbers . Write the numbers with correct spelling.

3. Make five angles with match sticks or threads or wool . Measure the angles , name them according to the degrees .





1)Write the story ‘’Bamboo Curry’’ in ten sentences and learn.

2)Make sentences :-

Delicious, shocked, taste, decorate

3)Write all contractions page no :- 27- English Text book

4)Learn the poem ‘’Team Work’’ and write the poem in ½ chart paper in neat handwriting

5)Learn the story ‘’Flying Together’’

6)Make paper bag with old Newspapers.

Mrs. Dipali Sharma

केन्द्रीय विद्यालय सी॰आर॰॰पी॰एफ़

ग्रीष्मकालीन गृहकार्य कक्षा-५

(क)दस मुहावरे के अर्थ लिखकर वाक्य मे प्रयोग करो।

(ख) अपने पिताजी से भ्रमण पर जाने के लिए अनुमति माँगते हुए एक पत्र लिखो ।

(ग) उपसर्ग किसे कहते है ? विभिन्न .उपसर्ग से पंद्रह नए शब्द बनाओ।

(घ) दस पुल्लिंग शब्दो को स्त्रीलिंग बनाओ|

(ङ) किसी दो खिलौने का मॉडल बनाओ |

(च) “खिलोनेवाला” कविता याद करो |


KendriyaVidyalaya CRPF (GC), 9th Mile, Amerigog, Guwahati-23, Assam.

Holiday Homework (Summer Vacation 2017-18)

Class: V Subject: ENGLISH

  • Make a picture dictionary (A to Z).
  • Make a chart on describing words in your classwork copy.
  • Make a list of past tense of 20 action words from the chapter “Wonderful waste” in your classwork copy.
  • Write a report on the topic: - “My Summer Vacation 2017” on ¼ of a chart paper. (10 sentences)