Board Survey – May 26, 2015

Q1 - How would you describe why we exist and our future state or big, audacious goal?


·  Current mission describes well why we exist, although many responses emphasize these descriptors which are not in the current mission statement - unbiased, independent, balanced, agriculture, food, environment, technology, etc.

·  There were some comments indicating that CAST should do more than “assemble, interpret, and communicate,” mentions include – support and defend, reverse misunderstandings, educate, etc.

·  Common responses for big, audacious goal include – increase awareness of CAST; to be the recognized, trusted, most referenced, “go to” source; transform public policy and perceptions of science; improve our communication techniques to persuade skeptics or engage public more.

Why we exist…

·  To translate scientific findings for a non-scientific audience.

·  To support and defend modern technologies in agriculture and food production.

·  To inform the public and policy-makers as to the pertinent facts about agriculture and reverse misunderstandings thereof.

·  CAST assembles, interprets, and communicates credible, science-based information regionally, nationally, and internationally to legislators, regulators, policymakers, the media, the private sector, and the public.

·  Social media and journalists, enthusiastic to entertain have found it easy to create unfounded fear and concern over things that people should take pride in. Regulatory agencies are unwilling to correct mythical narratives created by dishonest zealots looking for a payoff in whatever their cause. Anti: corporate, meat, GMO, industrial ag etc.

·  Why we exist is contained in our mission statement. I would make no changes.

·  We exist to provide independent, science-based research to consumers and policymakers on topics of agriculture and food.

·  We exist to share sound science with stakeholders.

·  To provide credible, reliable, unbiased information on areas of science affecting the American public - including policy makers.

·  CAST exists to present an unbiased view of science and technology in the agricultural community.

·  To provide balanced scientific reviews of relevant or emerging topics to legislative and policy making bodies as well as the general public.

·  CAST exists to create publications that help present unbiased summaries of our scientific knowledge on provocative topics related to food and agriculture. The target audience for CAST publications is policymakers and the public

·  credible, balanced, science analysis of issues in agriculture and environment. Pros and cons.

·  To communicate science-based information on agriculture that improves animal, plant, and human health and safeguards the environment

·  We exist to provide an overview of the big picture for agriculture with newly adapted technologies and those technologies coming soon.

·  Communicate credible science to help decision makers be informed and base their decision making on sound science.

·  To educate the public in a non-biased way about agricultural issues.

·  CAST summarizes and synthesizes science on food, agriculture, and environment issues to provide "intelligence" to target audiences to make value judgments that lead to action on those issues.

·  Informing decision makers and public on Ag science

·  Communicate science behind issues that affect consumers and therefore impacts policy related to agriculture.

·  To share unbiased data to stakeholders.

·  disseminate objective, science-backed information on current and anticipated ag related issues in a format understood by the non-scientist.

·  To inform the scientific public and policy makers on the key issues surrounding agriculture.

·  To communicate sound science to enable sound decisions in policy and direction, in a world where fewer people understand or trust science than in the past

·  To produce timely and credible vetted information on important topics related to agriculture, the environment, human nutrition, and government policy issues.

·  We exist " assemble, interpret, and communicate credible science-based information regionally, nationally, and internationally to legislators, regulators, policymakers, the media, the private sector, and the public."

·  Communicating the science foundation to the relevant issues concerning food & agriculture

·  The role of CAST as providing information and evidence-based guidance to agricultural producers, policy makers and the broader public regarding agriculture and its role in meeting global demand for food, fiber, fuel, and other agricultural products while sustaining agro-ecosystems and maintaining air, water, and soil quality.

Big, audacious goal…

·  to be known as the most respected, credible go-to organization where the real truth resides.

·  to transform agriculture policy based on accurate communication of science.

·  MUCH more awareness that we exist and for us to be the GO TO source for the information. Way way too many potential consumers of our product do not know that we exist. Others are aware that we exist but do not utilize us or underutilize us.

·  to start including the general public as a stakeholder and figure out ways to reach them via social media.

·  CAST is looked upon to consult with any ag related policy prior to setting it into action.

·  influence culture. change perception of science.

·  to get government and society to acknowledge we are THE source to go for a balanced report on new technological developments.

·  to secure high engagement and brand recognition with target audiences with CAST as the leading scientific voice on those issues.

·  Learning persuasive communication approaches that are effective alternatives to science skeptic arguments.

·  Be the go to organization for unbiased information about Agriculture, Food, Feed, Fiber, Bio-based energy.

·  most referenced animal agriculture source of scientific information

·  A recognized credible source of scientific information on current issues related to agricultural science and technology.

·  To be the agricultural science and technology communication organization domestically and internationally

·  To be recognized as the organization that most effectively communicates about agricultural sciences.

·  There is too much wrong information about science being disseminated, so we need to remain the clear, trusted voice for those who really want to learn the facts. But we need to let them know we exist.

Q2 - Please share your vision of the future state of CAST.


·  Financial stability is a key goal.

·  Adapt communication style and methods to expand audience and engage the public, increase impact and visibility, and disseminate information quicker. Mentions include - town hall meetings, videos, new media, social media, outreach to schools, partnerships with other organizations, and more global focus.


·  CAST should be the umbrella organization for all groups with similar goals and interests.
CAST should be to the other groups as the federal government is to the states.

·  Near sighted vision is to "secure the base" by being fiscally responsible and increasing the funding of CAST while still generating publications. Far sighted vision is to host town hall meetings with live video feeds to reach a much larger audience. Publications can come from these town hall meetings.

·  Someone needs to exist to defeat the destructionists and prevail with truth, logic and evidence.
Our B.A.Goal should be to become that voice and serve the consumer with factual risk assessment. The current framing of our food debates is leading to ill-informed bad decisions.

·  Financially stable. Much bigger impact.

·  I believe that CAST needs to continue to do independent based whitepapers on cutting edge food and agricultural issues and share those with consumers, educators, and policymakers. In the future, our greatest challenge will be adapting to new communication styles.

·  CAST will be the premier source for sound science based information for our traditional stakeholders and the general public. Membership will grow.

·  Expand our reach beyond our current clientele. Be more proactive and reach out to schools (determine grades to give the best influence, including college - may be future CAST members) and develop clientele-specific versions of our CAST publications to provide to schools. The earlier we reach citizens with factual science, the better off we all are.

·  Helping inform people and allowing them to use science along with emotion in the issues surrounding food and food production. Ag policy is also a big part of this vision.

·  A group with a substantially improved agility in dealing with current topics built on solid foundations of balanced critique.

·  CAST will increase its impact and effectiveness through better and more consistent funding, utilizing videos and new media to distribute its message, and through partnerships with other relevant organizations.

·  CAST is the go to science source for legislatures, policy makers, and media. CAST is first call for information on current issues and topics. CAST is invited to participate/present to the member societies' annual meetings. CAST products are cited and supported by land-grant universities. Raise visibility.

·  Be the premier source of science-based information on agriculture
CAST believes that leading scientists from industry, government, and academia and other society organizations will work together to identify and address concerns of common interest.

·  CAST should double its size, budget and impact on society. I believe we will get there because of tenacity. Hopefully our new executive director will bring that kind of energy to the table which generates that vision and its implementation.

·  More than ever before, decision makers need to have a science influenced decisions and not emotional. Lawmakers are trending toward emotional party lines and really need more credible science to support what they do.

·  The mouth of agriculture in the USA. Can we help see the way into the future - foresight for Agriculture and the Plant Sciences.

·  CAST is recognized as the leading and trusted source on scientific and technological information on food, agriculture, and environment by legislators, regulators, policymakers, media, private and public sectors including academia itself.

·  Facilitating understanding of Ag technology

·  CAST needs to expand their outreach but needs to protect their niche area that gives them identity among other resources.

·  A trusted, science-based advocacy group working for public good

·  CAST is well funded (endowments) on an annual basis. Delivering quality, relevant products on timely basis. We are a desirable partner for professional societies, agriculturally focused companies, etc, i.e. stakeholders.

·  remains in high regard with patrons in context of #1 above as well as increase patronage

·  There remains a critical need for third-party presentation and interpretation of data to inform and educate decision makers in both federal and state government.

·  That CAST not only communicates technically to scientists and policy makers, but also helps inform the general public about science matters through social media and websites. An example might be "Science Daily News," which tackles extremely complex scientific issues on health but in a way that nonscientists can understand. Other options abound.

·  We are communicating more frequently, shorter bursts of information, in a more social media friendly way instead of review papers.

·  CAST will increasingly use very focused, condensed information appropriate for rapid dissemination via new media formats with perhaps more substantial background documentation on critical or contentious issues

·  The same structure but more international

·  CAST will develop a funding strategy to allow the long-term stability of the organization

·  While maintaining prior successes in communicating scientist to scientist and to policy makers, CAST should move more to effectively engage the public at large

·  CAST fills an unique niche while addressing issues confronting agriculture. Specifically, by bringing together scientists from a wide range of disciplines and professional backgrounds, CAST is in a position to provide information that is integrative and cross-cutting.

Q3 - What values (beliefs and behaviors) underpin CAST?


A commitment to communications/information that is unbiased, credible, science-based, consensus science, relevant, balanced, and objective; and actions that include integrity.


·  Scientific integrity

·  The incredible success and innovation in agriculture is the underlying reason for our abundant, inexpensive food supply. That in turn enables us to enjoy economic stability.
Technological innovation is responsible for our success. Profit motives drive all innovation but science, and therefore truth, trumps everything in the end.

·  The belief that science is the search for the truth and all our communications are science-based. Behaviors of the CAST organization are to represent both sides of an issue with credible data and let the readers make the decision regarding its interpretation. As individuals, we need to be beyond reproach when representing CAST.

·  We strive to present a reality to the public. The attacks on science and the currency that is starting to flow to virtuous ideas and myths will overwhelm our efforts soon.

·  Credibility Credibility Credibility

·  A belief that decisions for food and agriculture should be based upon sound science and research, not on politics or hyperbole.
A belief that the wider ag and food industry can work together to better the world we live in.

·  Independent.
Sound science.
Volunteers who are filled with passion, they have fire in their belly for what we do.

·  Factual, credible, unbiased disseminator of scientific information.

·  Grounded in science yet in touch with reality.

·  Reliability, balance, credibility

·  Commitment to communicating a balanced and unbiased representation of the best science available

·  critical thinking
careful/balanced reporting
sound science

·  Integrity
Unbiased information
Thorough coverage of topic
Modern information
Enthusiastic presentations
Accountable to all stake holders

·  Members bring the same kind of work ethic to the table that they use for their own projects. The beliefs are built on integrity, hard work and camaraderie.

·  CAST is a credible source of science and seeks information on all sides of issues.

·  I think that unbiased educator is a key feature for CAST and frankly since considerable amounts of money come from industry will this unbiased value be compromised?

·  Scientific integrity and the scientific method, clarity, transparency, availability, collaboration, inclusiveness.

·  Science integrity

·  Science-based

·  Independent

·  Reaches out to array of science disciplines

·  Open and free exchange of science-based information.