/ Course Syllabus and Classroom Procedures
Turrentine Middle School
AU CLP Class 6th,7th, and 8th Grades
Frances Constantino
Email: Phone: (336)337-2743
Planning: 9:38-10:23 and 1:52-2:37
Ms. C’s Website:

Course Description: We’ll be working on numerous academic and social skills that coordinate with the Extended Common Core Standards in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Our goal is to empower students to become self-advocating, independent, productive members of society, to have some ownership of their responsibilities in meeting the requirements of each academic area and to help prepare these students for high school and life after school.

Keys to reaching the Goal:

  • Attendance and punctuality
  • Functional math, reading, writing, and communicating
  • Peer mediation (conflict resolution, negotiating)
  • Citizenship
  • Self-advocacy
  • Social Skills
  • Technology skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Basic hygiene
  • Accountability
  • Building relationships (role models)
  • Teacher modeling
  • Study habits

Instructional Components:

  • Reading: Our focus is on developing essential reading skills and strategies that lead to solid

comprehension. The SRA Corrective Reading program, Shared/Guided Reading, word wall consisting of 150 High Frequency Words, 37 rimes, and keywords,and daily independent reading will be used. Any other resources will be implemented throughout the year dependent on each student’s needs, instructional level, and progress.

Instruction will coverliterary elements, character development, predictions, use of context clues, identifying main idea and supporting details, and so forth.

  • Grammar: Sentence structure, capitalization, punctuation, nouns (plural and possessives), and

verb tense will be taught and reinforced through content instruction and writing.

  • Writing: Students will write by using all of the steps of the writing process that will be taught step by step throughout the year. Emergent students will focus on completing sentences while conventional students will focus on prewriting techniques, graphic organizers, building solid paragraphs (beginning with a topic statement and supported with several detail sentences), use of paragraphs, sentence variety, elaboration, and revision and editing for content and mechanics.
  • Vocabulary: Vocabulary will be taught in context through our reading programs and each subject area.
  • Math: Teaching to the Standards: Math Workswill be used to geometry, algebra, data analysis. Other skill materials and texts will be used intermittently throughout the year to focus on other extended common core standards and individual academic goals.

Communication: My email and cell phone number are listed above. Please feel free to send me text messages and emails. I usually can respond quicker these ways. I welcome calls during my planning times, as it can be difficult to answer/return calls via the school number as there are no phones in classrooms. I do ask that you refrain from calling me after 7:00pm unless it is an urgent matter.

School Tardy/Absence Policy:

  • Attendance and tardies will be recorded daily in homeroom.
  • Any missed work will be required to be made up. A note will be required by the front office to excuse an absence.

Morning and Afternoon Arrival and Dismissal Procedures:

  • The EC bus will drop students off at the front of school where they will walk directly into the front foyer. Parents will also drop their child off at this location. The teacher and/or teacher assistants will be present to welcome all students safely inside the building and any student that would like to eat breakfast into the cafeteria.
  • Students will be escorted from the cafeteria and foyer no later than 8:00am by teacher/teacher assistants.
  • Between 3:10-3:15pm, students will be escorted to the bus and to the car rider area by the teacher and teacher assistants.

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

  • You CAN do it!! Do not make excuses that you cannot do an assignment or activity. If you have a question or need assistance, you will ask Ms. Constantino, Mr. Noble, Mr. Bozeman, or Mrs. Wooten with an open mind and ready to learn.
  • Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking or getting out of your seat.
  • Respect your teachers, your peers, and yourself.
  • Pay Attention! Do not speak or have personal conversations while the teacher is providing instruction.
  • Be Prepared! Come to class ready to learn with all necessary materials and willing to participate. Negative comments will not be tolerated.
  • Get Planner signed every night by your Parent(s) or Guardians.
  • Turn in any assigned homework on time.

Math and Language Arts:

Tests/Quizzes: 25%

Classwork: 40%

Homework: 15%

Participation: 20%

Social Studies and Science:

Tests/Quizzes: 25%

Classwork: 40%

Participation: 20%

Projects: 15%

Grading Scale:

A: 90-100= 4.0

B: 80-89= 3.0

C: 70-79 = 2.0

D: 60-69 = 1.0

F: < 59 = 0.0

Materials Needed:



Earned Rewards and Consequences:

We will begin the year using Big Bucks since our returning students are familiar with this and it has proven to be an effective method. It will be easy for our new students to learn and understand.

Homework and Planner Signed Expectations and Consequences:

No Homework – Consequences per month!

  • 1st – Verbal Warning –student will complete during break.
  • 2nd – Student loses entire break time and will complete the work.
  • 3rd – Student has silent lunch and will complete the work during break.
  • *Step 3 will be repeated for each additional time he or she does not complete and turn in homework.

Planner Not Signed – Consequences per month!

  • 1st – Verbal Warning
  • 2nd – Will copy responsibility paragraph during break time.
  • 3rd – Will lose entire break time and copy responsibility paragraph again.
  • 4th – Will have silent lunch.
  • *Step 4 will be repeated for each additional time he or she does not get their planner signed.



I have read and understand the procedures and expectations for Ms. Constantino’s class and I intend to do my best to be successful.

Student Signature______

I am aware of the procedures and expectations for my child, and I intend to support their growth as an academic student.

Parent Signature______

Email address (if applicable) ______

Contact Number______