Newcastle University Diving Rules:

Newcastle UniversityDiver Competence Information Form

(This form must be completed by each diver participating in the Diving Project and submitted with the Diving Project Plan and Risk Assessment along with photocopies of diving qualifications and medical certificates. Copies should be retained by the Diving Project Manager.)

Name: ______

Date of birth: ____/____/____

Sex: M / F

Height (cm): ____

Weight (kg): ____

Diving qualifications & dates:



Affiliated club/insurance:


Total no. dives logged: ____

Total no. night dives: ____

Decompression diving Yes / No

Deepest dive (m): ____

Date/place of last dive logged:


Please tick other qualifications/skills and enter dates achieved:



Divers First Aid ______Oxygen Administration ______

Life Saving ______VHF Radio ______

Boathandling ______UW Photography ______

UW Video ______UW Communications ______

Other (please specify) ______

Date diving equipment last serviced: ____/____/____

Date of last medical examination: ____/____/____

Expiry date of medical certificate: ____/____/____

[For diving outside UK, normally valid for 5 years to age 40, 3 years to age 50, and 1 year thereafter.]

Name and address of your doctor:






Name, address, and telephone number of home contact:






I confirm that the information given above is correct:

Signed ______

Date ______

I have read the Newcastle University Diving Rules and the Diving Project Plan and Risk Assessment (Must be signed before beginning any diving work)

Signed ______

Date ______

Newcastle University Diving Rules:

Equivalent Diving Qualifications from Different Organisations

This table gives a rough guide to equivalent qualifications from a range of diving organisations. Qualifications are not exactly equivalent. The table below is by no means exhaustive. If your qualification is not present, please seek the advice of the Diving Officer or URL:

Unsuitable for work related diving / For specific benign conditions / For all benign conditions / For all water conditions
Organisation / Lower skills levels / Self sufficient + rescue skills / + Dive leadership and management / + Organisation and rescue management
CMAS / ≤1 Star / 2 Star / 3 Star
BSAC / ≤Ocean Diver / Sports Diver / Dive Leader / Advanced Diver
PADI / ≤ Advanced Open Water Diver / Rescue Diver / Divemaster
NAUI / ≤ Advanced Scuba Diver / Scuba Rescue Diver / Divemaster
SAA / ≤Open Water Diver / Club Diver / Dive Leader / Dive Supervisor - Dive Master
SSI / ≤ Advanced Open Water Diver / Advanced Open Water Diver with "Stress and Rescue" Speciality / Dive Control Specialist
NASDS / ≤Advanced Open Water Diver / Rescue Diver / Dive Supervisor
SDI / ≤Advanced Diver / Rescue Diver / Divemaster
SSAC / Sports Diver / Master Diver / First Class Diver
ITDA / ≤2** Star Diver / ITDA Sports 3*** / ITDA Rescue Diver / ITDA Advanced Diver