Summercourt Q&A
Q.Tender for Day Services, what service is that? For example residential nursing or in home care.
A.Generally we are looking at either a building based day service or based in the community e.g. a leisure centre then taken out for day activities. Services provided by going into someone’s home would be under the Care at Home tender.
Q.Would we have to be CQC registered
A.Day Services provision is not required to be registered. A Day Service in a care home would have to be registered as part of the care home service.
Q.Safeguarding, when a referral has been made in the past, no one came back to us with an outcome, need to be assured there is a clear process that this is being seen though with feedback.
A.We apologise for any delays or lack of communication. We willfeedback this to the Safeguarding manager. Cornwall Council is committed to safeguarding adults and has robust procedures in place. Please raise any concerns about the procedures with the team so they can respond.
Q.How we do we quantify frailty scores as we won’t know the level of need in advance?
A. All providers will need to undertake an element of assumption in their business plan, based on current and projected levels of need. Data is available on the CC website and will be provided as part of the tender.
Q.1:8 ratio isn’t going to work for us in a horticultural day service, usually run on a 1:4 or 1:5 basis using fully paid staff as the service users need supervision, how will this tender work for us?
A.The 1:8 ratio is an average. There needs to be a ratio on the tender so that we can compare prices and like for like costs. Please send in evidence of ratios in current business models so we can assess the ratio in Cornwall.
Q.Do we have to reapply for Health and Safety accreditation?
A.Yes, this only lasts a year, it is a desktop assessment and gives you a chance to review your own Health and Safety procedure.
Q.What is the cost of the Health and Safety accreditation?
A.Each accreditation service will have a different price. As a rough indication it is £280 including VAT
Q.The tender is every three years, if not successful would the users have to be moved on?
A.The tender is three years + an optional one year extension on the framework. If the provider decides not to bid or is unsuccessful then individuals will be supported to move to an alternative service. A long mobilisation period is built in to allow for this and to give people choice. The service user can choose to take a direct payment and can stay at the current service if that is what they choose.
Q.What about service users that are lacking capacity? Their parents could make the decision to move them closer to home as it would be easier for them.
A.Not everyone is able to receive a direct payment, please refer to the Direct Payment information on the website. The tender will not change any of the policies about direct payments or Mental Capacity Act. These apply now and will continue to apply.
Q: How will this tender effect council run day services?
A: There will be no direct change to council run services as a result of this tender. Internal services are subject to their own review process.
Q.Does this apply to Shared Lives?
A.Yes it would if the carer is offering a Day Service and the individual is referred to a day service placement.
Q.The national minimum wage rate could increase every year, do we need to incorporate this into our business plan?
A.Bid rates need to be calculated to ensure for full cost recovery plus margin, for the anticipated level of service delivery. These rates will remain in force for the 3 years of the contract term. It is recommended that providers take a view on the effects of inflation over the period to ensure that rates are sustainable.
Q.WillOverheads be taken into account?
A.All costs of delivery need to be factored into the bid calculation. The business plan template will allow all business costs associated with the delivery of your day service to be included. Overheads should be proportionate to the service delivery and will be queried if deemed excessive.
Q.When evaluating outcomes, what are you looking for?
A.Looking for an outcome based service, the next provider events will go through this in more detail
Q.Outcomes for older people, how would you encourage new providers?
A.3+1 tender is certain and we hope this will encourage providers to expand their services and to cover parts of the county with limited provision. Outcomes expected include e.g. quality of life, preventing needs escalating. Recognise that not all older people want training. Want new providers to come and find out more, we know geographic gaps exist and encourage providers to offer expanded services.
Q.Is there a price/ qualityratio?
A. Yes, there will be a pass/fail element and then a price/ quality ratio. This will be part of the tender pack
Q. How will providers be paid?
A. Standard terms and conditions will apply. Payments are monthly in arrears.