Landowner’s Approval Process Application
School / Name and Number
Information prepared by / Name – contact details – phone – email
Description of Project & Specification of Works:
Impact on School Accommodation / Will the project result in additional space, subdivide space?
Impact on Pupils
Value of works & Funding / Anticipated total costs of works and funding arrangements
Architect / Principal Designer / Name of company or individual responsible for the Design of any change
Project Management / Name of project management company or individual managing the project
Contractor / Name of contractor please include method of appointment / procurement (competitive quotes, tender etc.)
Evidence of compliance with all Statutory Regulation, Building Regulations approval, HCC Standards and Processes
Have you considered heritage / environmental risks? / Is this a Conservation Area or a Listed Building?
Flood risk
Archaeological or ecological sites
Have you considered whether the proposal affects building insurance coverage?
Can the Existing Building Utility Supply sustain this work? / Have you considered the need to undertake electrical load test, gas supply capacity?
Site logs have been examined and any additional surveys required have been commissioned (Asbestos, Lead in Paint, etc.)
Project discussed with non-School clubs?
Will any Buildings or Blocks require demolition?
Can you please supply the GIA/GEA of any new proposed blocks?
Proposed Start Date
Estimated Completion Date


q  Compliance with the CDM Regulations

q  Compliance with Building Regulations

q  Compliance with Building Control (inc. fire health & safety design)

q  Compliance with County Council’s Contract Regulations

q  Compliance with Asbestos investigations as required

q  Please supply Architectural Drawings (in .pdf &.dwg format) with this completed application

q  Please supply Site Plans (formal plans showing the existing and proposed layouts and showing the GIA and GEA) with this completed application

Risk Assessment

q  I confirm that this a professionally designed proposal with all the necessary regulatory compliance relevant to the construction proposed

q  I confirm that relevant required guarantees and insurance have been sought and secured for the proposed construction eg. Public liability, employer) I confirm that any required insurances are/ will be in place for the project to go ahead.

q  I confirm that I have considered whether any permissions are required for the proposed construction (eg. Planning Consents, Environmental Agency, English Heritage) and will ensure that such planning consents have been/ will be sought and approved and adhere to any conditions attached.

q  I confirm that the School will provide the County Council with copies of as-built plans, warranties and approved Planning Permission documentation

q  I confirm that the School has complied with the County Council’s Contract Regulations in selecting the proposed supplier

q  I confirm that any relevant legislation (eg. Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities, Child Protection) will be adhered to.

q  I certify that the facts stated above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge

Signature ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Head Teacher/ Chair of the Governing Body


Hertfordshire County Council – Landowner’s Approval Process Application Form – 2016