1 Administration

1.1  The organising Authority for this race series is the Port of Yamba Yacht club

1.2  The race will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2020 unless changed in accordance with Rule 86 Part 7 by these instructions, by the briefing or by the publication of local rules by the Executive Committee of the PYYC.

1.3  A completed Regatta Entry Form from each boat, with the appropriate entry fee, must be lodged with Race Control before briefing time of the first race it intends to sail in. A sign-on crew form must also be completed and signed by each skipper at check-in time on each of the days the boat is racing. Boat race fees are:$35 per race or $80 for the regatta.

1.4  Notices to competitors will be posted on the notice board at the club room.

2 Rule Changes

2.1 Racing Rule 26 Part 3 (Starting Signals) is amended as follows: The starting procedure will consist of sound and visual signals from the start/finish boat positioned at one end of the start line.

2.1.1 For scratch starts, there will be a 5 minute warning signal (one hoot and an orange flag raised), a 1 minute preparatory signal (one hoot and an orange flag with code ‘P’ flag raised) and a start signal (one hoot and both flags lowered).

2.1.2 For handicapped starts (Pursuit Races), the first boat to start will receive the same signals as for scratch starts above. Subsequent boats will receive a start signal only (one hoot and code ‘P’ flag lowered)

2.2 Racing Rule 29.1 Part 3 (Individual Recall) is amended as follows:-

·  If a boat crosses the line early there will be a series of short sound signals immediately after the start signal.

·  The start boat will attempt to broadcast the name(s) of boat(s) starting early on VHF channel 72, but failure to broadcast will not be grounds for redress.

·  It is up to competitors who think they may have started early to decide whether to continue on and get penalised 5 minutes in addition to the time started early, or to turn back and restart.

·  Rule 30.1 Part 3 (Starting Penalties I Flag Rule) can be disregarded. In accordance with Rules 22.1 and 29.1 boats subject to recall may sail to the pre-start side of the start line or one of its extensions. Note that they must keep clear of other boats not recalled.

2.3 Rule 33 Part 3 (Changing the Next Leg of the Course) is amended as follows:-

·  The Race Officer may change the course or move the finishing line during a race for any of the reasons specified in Rule 32, including to change the length of the course.

·  The course may be changed or a new finishing line may be positioned at any leg of the course even though boats may have commenced that leg.

·  If possible this will be done without disadvantaging any participating boats.

·  Changing the finish line will be notified over the radio on VHF Channel 72 and code S or C flag raised on the start boat together with a series of short sound signals.

2.4 Racing Rule 42.1 of Part 4 (Propulsion) and (in accordance with Rule 42.3(i)), Rule 42.3 (h) Part 4 (Exceptions) have been amended as follows:-

·  If a boat finds it cannot get clear of a grounding using the forces of wind and water, it may, as well as using the forces specified in this rule, use a propulsion engine.

·  Propulsion from an engine must cease as soon as the vessel is clear of the grounding.

·  To avoid disqualification, if any advantage has been achieved in the race by this propulsion the boat must sail back to a safe position equivalent to where the grounding took place before proceeding with the race under sail alone.

2.5 Racing Rule 44.1 Part 4 has been amended to replace all two-turns penalties with a one-turn penalty.

3 Schedule of Races


Saturday 24 June 1030hrs Pursuit race round the buoys

Saturday 24 June 1330hrs Scratch start round the buoys

Sunday 25 June 1030hrs Pursuit race Yamba – Harwood – Yamba

4 Courses

4.1 All races will be conducted in the Clarence River. The courses for Saturday’s races will be round the buoys of about 8nm each. The course sheets will be handed out at the briefing at 0900hrs. Sunday’s race will be a passage race of up to 20nm (depending on wind strength) towards the Harwood Bridge and back which will be detailed at the briefing at 0900hrs.

4.2 The “start time offsets” for the two pursuit races are based on an estimated elapsed time of the scratch boat of 2 hours in Saturday’s race and 4½ hours in Sunday’s race. The course length may be adjusted during the race to ensure that actual race time is close to what was estimated.

4.3 Shortening the course or any other changes to the race will be advised by radio on VHF Channel 72 and code S or C flags raised on the start boat together with a series of short sound signals.

5 Signal Flags and Pennants in Use

PYYC pennant AP pennant First sub pennant

Start boat I.D. Postponement General recall

Orange Flag P Flag C Flag S Flag

Warning signal Preparatory signal Course changed Course shortened

6 The Start

6.1 The starter’s clock will be synchronised with ‘world time’ on the internet and will be available at the briefings. Although the start signals should be in accordance with this clock, the time of the actual start signals will always take precedence.

6.2 Races will be started using amended Rule 26 (see above) with the warning signal made 5 minutes before the start signal. However, in the case of the two pursuit races, only the first boat starting will receive all the starting signals with each subsequent start time being indicated by one sound signal and code ‘P’ flag dropped only.

6.3 The start lines for each race will be explained at the individual briefings and as per the course sheets handed out at the time.

7 The Finish

The intended finish line for all races will be between the green starboard navigation buoy at Moriarty’s Wall below the Marine Rescue Base and the start boat. However, the finish line, particularly for the two pursuit races, may well be adjusted to ensure that the elapsed time of the scratch boat approximates the elapsed time estimated by the handicapper before the race. Any changes to the finish line will be notified by radio on VHF Channel 72 and code S or C flags raised on start boat together with a series of short sound signals.

8 Time Limit

8.1 Unless extended by the Race Officer of the day, the time limit for boats to be designated as finishing a race on Saturday is 2½ hours and Sunday 5 hours. Any extension will be made by radio on VHF Channel 72. The time limit may be extended if a boat is about to finish only marginally over the time limit, or if the minimum of three boats to finish hasn’t been reached but is imminent.

8.2 The time limit should not be confused with the race time estimated for the scratch boat in pursuit races, which is 2 hours on Saturday and 4½ hours on Sunday.

8.3 Boats failing to finish within the time limit will be scored Did Not Finish.

9 Protests and Requests for Redress

9.1 Protest forms are available at the PYYC club room.

9.2 The protest time limit is 90 minutes after the last boat has finished.

9.3 Protest forms must be accompanied by a fee of $25 which is refundable if the protest is upheld.

9.4 The protest committee has been appointed by the Commodore and Vice Commodore.

10 Scoring and Handicapping

10.1 Results are based on a standard performance handicapping system. Boats that have not raced in a PYYC regatta before will be researched and slotted into the regatta fleet as accurately as possible with a provisional handicap. Note that these are performance based handicaps relative to the regatta fleet and may be quite different from a boat’s Yardstick or CBH.

10.2 The handicaps of all participating boats that complete the course will be adjusted after each race of the regatta using a standard mixed fleet performance handicapping formula.

10.3 There will be three divisions: Div 1 – Keel boats; Div 2 – Trailer-sailers; Div 3 – Multihulls. Three boats constitute a division

10.4 The Regatta Champion will be the boat that has the lowest corrected elapsed time of the combined fleet accumulated over all the races held in the regatta. To be eligible, a boat must have sailed a proper course in all races and have any protests resolved.

10.5 At least three boats must finish within the time limit to constitute a race that counts towards the regatta results.

10.6 For PYYC members, the second of Saturday’s races will be a Club Championship event and also counts towards the Autumn Sunday Series.

11 Safety Management

11.1 Check-in and registration of boats and crew on Saturday and Sunday will be between 8.00 – 9.00am.

11.2 Race briefings will be at 9.00am on Saturday and Sunday.

11.3 On Sunday a crewmember from each boat that has checked in must sign off after the race to confirm that their boat and crew have returned to their berth safely. This can be done in person, by phone or Text on 0428668662 or by radio on VHF Channel 72 to Race Control.

11.4 In addition, a boat that retires from a race shall notify Race Control or start boat ‘Bar Tender” ASAP.

11.5 All participating boats must comply with at least SA safety equipment cat 7.

11.6 Crews must be aware that yacht racing can be a dangerous sport. Competitors participate in this regatta entirely at their own risk and your attention is drawn to Racing Rule 4 Part 1 “Decision to Race”. All regatta races will be subject to the following wind restrictions. Races will be cancelled where, having considered the forecast, the race committee considers that unacceptable wind speeds are likely during the expected duration of the race.

11.7 Working VHF radios must be carried by all boats.

12 Prizes

Official prizes will be given as follows:-

·  1st Place in each Division of each of the three individual races of the Regatta

·  1st, 2nd and 3rd places in each Division of the combined races of the Regatta

·  Overall line honours (Fastest boat)

·  Overall Regatta Champion

These will be presented when results are announced after the BBQ on Sunday. The names of Regatta winners in each Division, line honours and Regatta Champion will also be added to the perpetual trophies permanently on display at the club.

13 Insurance

Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of $5 million. Policy must be presented at time of entry