Physics Syllabus, 2017-2018 Room 267 Mr. Smith
E-mail: Voicemail Ext.: 25267
Course Description
Physics is the study of how matter and energy interact.It is designed to develop the student’s ability to observe, analyze, and predict events in nature.Topics studied will be motion, forces, heat, electricity, and waves.A scientific calculator and a spiral notebook are required. A flash drive is recommended.
Tentative Course Outline
Semester / 1 / 2Units / 1. Introduction to Physics
2. 1-Dimensional Motion
3. 2-Dimensional Motion
4. Newton’s Laws & Forces
5. Work, Power, Energy & Momentum / 6. Torque
7. Circular Motion
8. Statics & DC Circuits
9. Thermal Energy
10. Waves & Sound
11. Light & Mirrors (Lenses if time)
12. Great America (Cumulative)
13. Rube Goldberg Project
Student Requirements
· Provide written answers to questions on worksheets, chapter reviews, quizzes, and chapter or unit tests.
· Write detailed laboratory reports on experiments performed.
· Pass a semester exam at the end of each semester.
· Calculators are required.
· A typed paper may be required.
Grading Criteria
93 - 100% = A
85 - 92% = B
76 - 84% = C
70 - 75% = D
Below 70% = F
Quarter Criteria
Tests 50%
Labs & Quizzes 35%
Homework 15%
Semester Criteria
First Quarter 40%
Second Quarter 40%
Final 20%
Absence Policy
1. Excused Absences: Students with excused absences will be allowed to make up the work. It is your responsibility to get the work.
2. Assessments (Tests & Labs): If you have an excused absence the day of the test or lab, it is your responsibility to schedule a time to come in and make up the assessment as soon as you get back or before you leave. Unexcused absences will result in an automatic zero.
3. Review Days: If a student is absent the day of a scheduled review, they will be expected to take the test. If new material is taught the same day, the student will have two days to make up the test.
Physics, Walker, J.S., Pearson Education, Inc. ©2014
The online student edition can be found at the website Instructions for the registration will be given in class. Instructions will not be posted online. Sharing registration information is a copyright infringement.
Additional materials and resources will be used throughout this year. The textbook is a great resource for class, however is not the entire curriculum.
1. The Mukwonago Way:
- Be Responsible
- Be Respectful
- Be Safe
- Be on Time
2. Academic Integrity: Cheating, Fraud, and Plagiarism are spelled out clearly in your Student Handbook and will not be tolerated. If a student is caught, the following actions will be made, as stated in the Student Handbook (page 39)
- 1st Offense: A score of zero, a disciplinary referral, and a meeting with the AP.
- 2nd Offense: A score of zero, parent contact, and conference with the principal.
- 3rd Offense: An “F” in the course, and ineligibility for multiple student opportunities, including: honors pass, valedictorian, salutatorian, honor student, any scholarship controlled or sponsored by the school district.
3. Participation: Studies have shown that students who are active in their learning tend to perform better than students who are passive in the classroom. Participate in group work and take ownership of your own learning.
4. Attitude: If A=1, B=2, C=3, etc., there is only one word when all the letters in it, when added up, equals 100. Attitude will affect your day and everyone else’s around you 100%. It will make or break your day. Attitudes are very contagious. Is yours?
Disciplinary Actions
1. Tardiness: refer to student handbook
2. Misbehaving and endangering others in the lab and classroom is very serious. Such behavior will not be tolerated and the following consequences will be implemented.
§ Strike One: Verbal Warning. You will be asked to stay after class for a brief discussion with Mr. Smith.
§ Strike Two: A call home to parents.
§ Strike Three: Referral to the administration, parents contacted, and possibly missing out on some labs and activities.