ANP 213: Human Anatomy and Physiology I


Winter 2006

Joel Dahms, Instructor

Meets: MW 10:00-11:50 in AS1615 (lab)

TTh 10:00-11:50 in ED2841A (lecture)


Office:IB 2423C #2

Office hours: Wed 12:30-2:20 or by appointment

Office Phone:526.7701 Mailbox 4 (Voice mail only)

Course Website:

Required texts

  • Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, Seventh Ed., Frederic H. Martini, Benjamin Cummings, 2006.
  • Applications Manual, Seventh Ed., Frederick H. Martini and Kathleen Welch, Benjamin Cummings, 2006.
  • Laboratory Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology, Third Ed., Michael G. Wood, Benjamin Cummings, 2006.
  • Martini’s Atlas of the Human Body, Seventh Ed., Frederic H. Martini et al., Benjamin Cummings, 2006.

Optional Texts

  • Study Guide to Accompany Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Seventh Ed., Charles M. Seiger, Benjamin Cummings, 2006.
  • The Anatomy Coloring Book, Wynn Kapit and Lawrence M. Elson, Benjamin Cummings, 2002.
  • The Physiology Coloring Book, Wynn Kapit, Robert I. Macey, and Lawrence M. Benjamin Cummings, 2000.


Exams (5)50%

Laboratory Quizzes (10)25%

Laboratory Exercises 20%


Grades will be assigned as follows:

PercentGradeDecimal GradePercent GradeDecimal Grade

95 - 100%A3.9 - 4.065 - 69C1.9-2.1

90 – 95A-3.5 - 3.860 - 64C-1.5-1.8

85 - 89B+3.2 - 3.457 - 59D+1.2-1.4

80 - 84B2.9 - 3.153- 56D0.9 - 1.1

75 - 79B-2.5 - 2.850 - 52D- 0.7 - 0.8

70 - 74C+2.2 - 2.4< 50%E0.0


Anatomy and Physiology is a course that requires a strong commitment to excellence. To successfully complete this intensive course you must commit to attend all lectures and laboratory sessions as well as at least 20 hours per week of studying time. In addition to reading and studying the text you should plan to spend several hours per week studying laboratory materials (microscope slides, bones, muscles, etc.). Additional resources such as computerized review programs, audiovisual materials and student tutors are available during the open laboratory sessions.


Students should attend every class session. If a student misses a class session, it is the student's responsibility to obtain the lecture notes, to reschedule laboratory experiments and to obtain handouts, assignments or other materials distributed in class. Studentsmay not reschedule or make-up exams. If a student must miss class due to prolonged illness or other unexpected circumstances, the student should notify the instructor as soon as possible to make special arrangements


Participation scores will be assigned by the instructor at the end of the quarter. Points will be allotted based on a student’s participation in classroom discussions, lab exercises, and overall effort put forth in the course.


Due to the amount of information to be covered in the course, lectures cannot cover all the relevant material. Students will be responsible for all the material in the chapters covered. However, in order to help students determine what to focus on, objectives will be handed out at the beginning of each unit.


Course objectives will be handed out in lecture at the beginning of each unit. There are 5 units, one for each exam. The objectives are designed to give students goals for learning outcomes from each unit, and to serve as a study guide for the exams.


Laboratory exercises must be completed in the laboratory. Students who miss a laboratory exercise must schedule a make-up session with the instructor to get credit for that exercise. Students who report data obtained from another student will receive the grade of 0.0 for that exercise.

Lab exercises for the previous week will be collected each Monday (unless Monday is a holiday, in which case they will be collected on Wednesday).


Quizzes may cover material presented in lab or lecture. There will be one quiz each week, for a total of 11 quizzes, but only 10 will be counted (your lowest grade will be dropped). Quizzes will usually be given during the first 10 minutes of labs and may not be rescheduled or made-up due to tardiness or absence.


The exams will be composed of multiple-choice style questions, short answer, and short essay questions. A new, unwrinkled Scantron form and a #2 pencil will be needed for each exam. These are available at the campus bookstore or at the Munch Mart. The exam will contain questions pertaining to all the objectives listed for the unit. It is assumed that each student will do their own work. Cheating is unacceptable and will be referred to the Vice President of Student Affairs for disciplinary action.

Exams will be given during the first hour of lecture on scheduled days, and the time left after the exam will be used to introduce the next unit.

Exams may not be rescheduled or made-up due to tardiness or absence. Students with extraordinary circumstances should discuss them with the instructor as soon as the situation occurs.

Chemical Sensitivities

Due to the increasing numbers of individuals developing chemical sensitivities and the increasing awareness of such conditions, everyone who attends this class is asked to refrain from wearing any fragrance or perfume. The greatest feasible efforts will also be taken to ensure a fresh air environment free of not only the above mentioned fragrances but also potentially harmful substances such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, carpet odor, organic solvents, etc. Individuals who are unsure of the importance of this policy should see the Associate Dean for additional information.

Schedule of Lectures and Readings(Approximate)

*Note: chapters in parentheses will not be covered in lecture but you ARE responsible for the content of these chapters

Date Topic Text

1/03 (T)Introduction1

1/05 (Th)Cell Anatomy2, 3

1/10 (T)Cell Membranes and Physiology3

1/12 (Th)Mitosis/Protein Synthesis3

1/17 (T)EXAM #1-chapters 1, 3

Epithelial Tissue4

1/19 (Th)Epithelial Tissue4

1/24 (T)Connective Tissue4

1/26 (Th)Membranes/Integumentary System5

1/31 (T)Integumentary System5

2/02 (Th)EXAM #2-chapters 4, 5

Bone structure6(7)*

2/07 (T)Bone Growth Repair6(8)*

2/09 (Th)Articulations9

2/14 (T)EXAM #3-chapters 6 - 8

Muscle Structure10

2/16 (Th)Muscle Contraction, Mechanics10(11)*

2/21 (T)Muscle Metabolism10

2/23 (Th)Neural Tissue12

2/28 (T)EXAM #4-chapters 9-11


3/02 (Th)Synapses/Neurotransmitters12

3/07 (T)Brain Anatomy14

3/09 (Th)Spinal Cord13

3/13 (T)Sensory and Motor Pathways15

3/15 (Th)Autonomic Nervous System16

3/21 (T)FINAL(EXAM #5)-chapters 12-16


ANP 213 Laboratory Schedule

Winter 2006



Lab Exercise


Labs Due

Week 1

/ 1/4 W / Introduction
Lab #4-Use of the Microscope

Week 2

/ 1/9 M
1/11 W / Lab #6-Cell Transport Mechanisms, Egg Lab
Lab #5-Anatomy of the Cell / Lab #4

Week 3

/ 1/16 M
1/18 W / Holiday, no class
Lab #7-Epithelial Tissues / Lab #5, 6, Egg Lab

Week 4

/ 1/23 M
1/25 W / Lab #8-Connective Tissues
Lab #11-Integumentary System
Review Histology / Lab #7

Week 5

/ 1/30 M
2/1 W / Histology quiz
Lab #13-Skeletal Overview
Lab #14-Axial Skeleton / Lab #8, 11

Week 6

/ 2/6 M
2/8 W /

Lab #15-Appendicular Skeleton

Lab #16-Articulations / Lab #13, 14

Week 7

/ 2/13 M
2/15 W /

Lab #9-Muscle Tissue

Lab #17-Muscle Overview

Lab #18-Head and Neck Muscles
Lab #19-Muscles of the Chest… / Lab #15, 16

Week 8

/ 2/20 M
2/22 W / Holiday – no class
Lab #20-Muscles of the Shoulder, Arm, and Hand / Lab #9, 17, 18, 19

Week 9

/ 2/27 M
3/1 W / Lab #21-Muscles of the Pelvis and Leg
Lab #10-Nervous Tissue
Lab #23-Nervous System / Lab #20, 21

Week 10

/ 3/6 M
3/8 W / Lab #25-Anatomy of the Brain
Lab #24-Spinal Cord / Lab #10, 23

Week 11

/ 3/13 M
3/15 W / Lab #26-Autonomic Nervous System
Review / Lab #25, 24