pWQmWa`>m<o>mQfXak:oa>md\adk:oa>md\iWoad`Mt:mA@:aSiReg>m>n`>m<o>mQfXaQFmdSFaYu>m Woad `\>md(Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists)`\e`WuM mpS h `YFm`;o>mdZ:mWuMm\>mMQmd`Af`Azm[>m;t>mbSngAn
Enrolment form for Myanmar Students to attend the training recognized by Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists
k:oa>md\ad`WFmName of student
NRC Number
Father’s name
E-mail address
Mobile number
Educational Qualifications
Agreements \kVaMiFf;o:mWoad
- \>mMQmdkr:dMt>m`>m<o>mQfXaOfSZegWa!`B>mbpW>mbOfSZegWa\>mMQmdWoad:eg`fZ:mNkYaQAmAa\>mAnQAm! `>mMaQ:m`tQmZeg>md
(\egbW^gMm):tQmSojMa`>mMaQ:m`;:m`;lWYeukAYQm(Portable DVD Players ) Woad\ngdk\a kZbZa\>mr:adkYd
AnQAmpT>mb \>mr:ad;! `fZ:mNkYa QAm AnQAmpT>mbAfAzmNadk\aWuMmAgWoad!`>m<o>mQfXaQFmdSFaTMmAa`gSmWoad!kZb:o>mb
;QmdWoad`>m<o>mQfXaZ:mkMt bAa`gSmWoad`Mt:m\ngdAlt;t>mbpShk>tWoadSá[>m\Fm"
The fee includethe fees for tutoring engineering diploma and advanced diploma subjects by E-Teaching/Learning,
Internet teaching/ learning,DVD based teaching & learning, the values of digitized notes & e-books of Engineering text
books and practical books in digital formats. It also includes entrance & one year subscription of Associate Grade of
Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists.
- \>m;QmdAaYu>mdZ>md;o:mWoad:eg`<¿ZeSm!pWQmWa2Va\apT>mbAfAzmNadpSfdWuMmAgWoad!`>m<o>mQfXaQFmdSFaTMmAa`gSmWoadRu>mb
kZb:o>mb;QmdWoad:eg`<¿ZeSm Va\apT>mbAfAzmNad\Fm"
The explanation of the lessons are designed in both English & Myanmar languages and the notes, engineering textbooks and exercises are designed in English.
- `>m<o>mQfXaZ:mkMt b `>m<o>mQfXaZ:mkMt bAa`gSmWoad:eg`fZ:mNkYa QAmAnQAmpT>mbAfAzmNad\Fm"Zi:egXmMeg>mk:oa>md
Engineering practicals are arranged in e-books. This is non physical attendance mode but all lessons are learnt by E-Learning.
- \>mMQmdWuMmSngM>mk\a`;áA@:aSiReg>m>n`>m<o>mQfXaQFmdSFaYu>mWoad`\>md[>m;t>mbkZuoa:mZwa:egMAm;áMFmdpTFmb\t>md:a
When the student registers and pays the fees, he or she needs to fill Membership Application form of Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists. If the photograph is not ready, the manager can make the licence photo.
- \>mMQmdWQmkQ<oaNnWu`fZ:mNkYa QAm\>m;QmdAaWoad:egUSB Memory StickMt>mYXiYWFm"USB memory stick
The student needs to take all electronics lessons & exercises from training manager in USB memory stick.
The manager can assist the student to buy the USB memory stick.
- E-mail ZeSmAa:egkSdYWFm! E-mail :egSngWuQmAAmkBdYWFm"
The student needs to give the e-mail address. E-mail needs to be regularly checked.
- \>mMQmdBYaNnWuFwQmr:ad;o:mWoad`Meg>mdkZbZapSfdkZb:o>mb;QmdWoad:egSngWuQmM>mYWFm"
The student needs to follow the teacher’s instructions and regularly submit the assignments.
- \>mMQmdpSfdk\a`;áOfSZegWa!Of:YfZ:mWuMmRu>bmA@:aSiReg>m>n`>m<o>mQfXaQFmdSFaYu>mWoad`\>md[>mZ:mWuMmMegb:egkSdSegbWFm
When the course is completed, diploma/degree and Associate of Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists certificate will be issued and the certificates can be obtained from the manager. It may need to take some more time to receive the Certificate from Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists.
- \>mMQmdr:apW>mb;oeQm\Fm!`B>mbpW>mbOfSZegWa`Mt:m`QlBngd(1)RuAmWu`WoadBngd(2)RuAmpTAm\Fm"k:oamZtQmSá:(1)RuAmZuo>m(1)
The duration of the course is minimum one year and maximum two years for advanced diploma. If the course is not completed in prescribed time, the additional fees of ( 1,00,000 Ks) per year is payable to continue the course.
- \>m;QmdAaWoad:egkZbZapSfdkZb:o>mb;QmdWoad:egSngWuQmM>mp;>mdWYeuVlOfSZegWa!Of:YfZ:mWuMmRu>bmA@:aSiReg>m>n`>m<o>mQfXaQFmd SFaYu>mWoad`\>md[>mZ:mWuMmMegb:egkSdWFmW^gMm\Zeg\>mMQmdkr:dpSQm`WmdWFmW^gMm"
Without genuine study and without submission of the assignments, No diploma /degree from IQY Technical College & that from Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists is available and no refund will be made.
- \>m;QmdAaWoadMt>mWYu>mdZ>md\FmMegb:eg \egb `fdkWdkSdSegbkWdpWQmdReg>m\Fm"\egbW^gMm
The student can ask any difficulties in lessons by sending the e-mail to (or) leave the written note with the manager. The teacher will reply what the student asked by e-mail.
- :egXmSeg>m:tQmSojMa! (Portable DVD Players )WYeu\iWoad\Fm\>mMQmdWQmkQ<oa09402679529Ru>mbFeuReuh>mdpSfd`WuMm (33) 3 Zwa([l) !O<gQm\fYeZWmd !k:oa:mkpWa>md!MakWtpWehbQXm!YQm:gQmpWehb Mt>m Portable DVD Players \ngdpSfd\>m;QmdAaWoad:egkZbZa
The students who do not have own computer & Portable DVD player can discuss with the manager(Ph: 09402679529) to study the lessons by Portable DVD Players at No 33(3rd floor Left)Dagonthiri Street,Kyauk-myaung,Tamwe Township, Yangon.
- \>mMQmdpSfd!`ZgSm`kMtb`r:nhYpSfdk\a`;áA@:aSiReg>m>n`>m<o>mQfXaQFmdSFaYu>mWoad`\>md\ad`B>mbMegdpWu>mb;t>mbNSm
W nkZuoa:mNadk\a`;áZeg`Smk\akr:d:egNSmWnkSd\t>mdYQmZegSá\Fm!X;g\>mMQmd;Mt>mWSá[>mSá"
After completion of the course and having had the required duration of engineering work experiences, the graduates can apply for transfer of the membership to higher grades at Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists by paying the additional fees. That fee is not included in the course fee.
- y\>mMQmd\FmA@:aSiReg>m>nMt>m`ZgSm`B>m\>mb\t>md\Fmb:egXmAadZuXmZgSm>QmdW^gMmSá"
This training is not an employment agency task that places the students into the jobs in Singapore.
- y`;o:mWoad:eg\kVaMiZ:mWuMmkYdNegd\Fm"
Both the student and manager agree to the above facts and put their signatures below.
\>mMQmd\adZ:mWuMm \>mMQmdWQmkQ<oaZ:mWuMm
kQbAlt kQbAlt
- y\kVaMiFf;o:m:eg2kAa>mpShZgSm:a\>mMQmd\adRu>mb\>mMQmdWQmkQ<oaMegb 1kAa>mAf\eWmdBFmdYWFm"
- This agreement is made duplicate and the student & manager keep one copy.
(1)\kVaMiFf;o:m:eg2kAa>mpShpSfd ( )
(2)\>mMQmdWQmkQ<oaNnWu`fZ:mNkYaQAm\>m;QmdAaWoad:egUSB Memory Stick Mt>mYXipSfd ( )
(3)A@:aSiReg>m>n`>m<o>mQfXaQFmdSFaYu>mWoad`\>md[>m;t>mbkZuoa:mZwa:egMAm;áMFmdpTFmb\t>md:aPáMmSng:SmpSfd ( )
(4) E-mail ZeSmAakSdpSfd" ( )
Remarks WuMm;o:mWoad