Checklist On TemporoMandibular Joints (TMJ) Disorder
This is one of three survey instruments on this website. Please plan to fill out all three and send it to us at: JJAMD, The Forsyth Institute, 140 Fenway, Boston MA 02115.
TemporoMandibular Joints (TMJ) Disorder can spread pain and dysfunction throughout the entire body and lead to loss of productivity at home, work, and play. TMJ Disorder has also been referred to as "The Great Imposter" because of the wide diversity of symptoms and disorders it mimics.
This checklist is intended to help you think or re-think all the symptoms you are experiencing throughout your entire neuromusculo-skeletal system, including dysfunction and pain. It also can serve as a history for your care and add data for future research.
Please add any other information clearly and briefly in chronological order at the end of this leaflet. Include information on the causes; symptoms; all diagnoses; all treatments, including all drugs, dosage, and frequency of use, and good and bad results. Please state what has helped you, what has not helped you, and what you believe has hurt you and in what way.
Please send a copy of this survey to: The Jaw Joints & Allied Musculo-Skeletal Disorders Foundation, Inc. (JJAMD), Forsyth Research Institute, 140 Fenway, Boston, MA. 02115-3799. (Note: DO NOT sent this information to Healthtouch®.) Please include your name, address, age, and sex. (Your confidentiality will be absolutely respected.)
Which Of These Symptoms Do You Have?
Before each pertinent item, check symptoms that apply, then mark as appropriate:
1= Mild
2= Severe
S= Sometimes
A= Always
P= Pain
D= Dysfunction
L= Left side only
R= Right side only
B= Both sides
Head & Face:
______Migraine Type
______Sinus Type
______Back of Head
______Shooting Pain
______Throbbing Pain
______Glasses Don't Help
______Itch & Burn
______Light Sensitive
______Pain Behind
______Ear Ache
______Pain, No Infection
______Reduced Hearing
______Ringing (Tinnitus)
______Can't Find Bite
______Jerky Opening
______Limited Opening
______Locks Open
______Locks Shut
______Chewing Problems
______Ground Down by Dentist
______Pain (Chronic)
______Feeling of Foreign Object
______Frequent Coughing
______Swallowing Difficulties
______Voice Irregularities
Jaw Joints:
______Muscle Pain
______Uncontrolled Movement
______Dull Pain
______Lack of Mobility
______Sore Muscles
______Throbbing Pain
______Tired Muscles
Back & Appendages:
______Arm or Finger Numbness
______Back Ache
______Cramps in Legs
______Numbness & Tingling
______Shoulder Ache
______Tired or Achy
Seemingly Diverse Disorders:
______Sleep Disturbed
______Stomach Upset
______Chronic Fatique Syndrome
______Myofascial Pain Disorder
______Sjogren's Syndrome
______Ectodermal Dysplagias
______Anorexia Bulimia
______Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
______Heart Problems
______Osteoarthritis in other joints
______Rheumatoid arthritis in other joints
The Jaw Joints & Allied Musculo-Skeletal Disorders Foundation (JJAMD), an independent 501(c)(3), nonprofit, educational, advocacy organization, was founded in 1982 in response to the void in dealing with The TMJ Dilemma. "TMJ," the acronym for TemporoMandibular Joints and the disorders affecting these Jaw Joints, is one of the most pervasive, least understood, and controversial health disorders in existence today.
A patient friendly "Plain Talk Guide to TMJ: With Self Help Tips How To Keep Your Jaw Joints Health," is available for a $5 donation. Patient membership in JJAMD for Healthtouch users is available for $10 for new members only. Please send a large self-addressed stamped envelope to JJAMD, Forsyth Dental Research Center, 140 Fenway, Boston, MA 02115-3799. JJAMD's fax number is 617-267-9020.
Please note: While JJAMD disseminates helpful, important, and useful patient and professional educational materials, the foundation cannot provide doctor referrals or specific medical/dental advice, in the absence of any universally accepted scientifically-proven treatments, which was concluded by the 1996 NIH TMD (TMJ) Technology Assessment Conference Panel.
Copyright 1993-2000, Jaw Joints & Allied Musculo-Skeletal Disorders Foundation, Inc.
Licensed to Medical Strategies, Inc. (MSI)/Healthtouch (R).