Delegate Meeting
Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Conference Call
9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
X / Doug Wade (Bakersfield) / X / Nancy Hayes (San Francisco) CABO LiaisonX / Missy Jarnagin (Channel Islands) / X / Agnes Wong Nickerson (San Francisco) Chair
X / Stacie Corona (Chico) / X / Marna Genes for Josee Larochelle (San Jose)
X / Karen Wall (Dominguez Hills) / X / Rick Ramirez (San Luis Obispo)
X / Debbie Brothwell (East Bay) / X / Mary Hinchman (San Marcos)
X / Clinton Moffitt (Fresno) / X / Letitia Coate (Sonoma)
X / Steven Yim for Brian Jenkins (Fullerton) / X / Julie Benevedes (Stanislaus)
X / Carol Lorentzen (Humboldt) / X / George Ashkar (Chancellor’s Office)
X / Sharon Taylor (Long Beach) / X / Rodney Rideau (Chancellor’s Office)
X / Jose Gomez (Los Angeles) / Jean Gill (Chancellor’s Office)
X / Steve Mastro (California Maritime Academy) / X / Mike Redmond (Chancellor’s Office)
X / John Fitzgibbon (Monterey Bay) / X / Tom Roberts (Chancellor’s Office)
X / Deborah Wallace (Northridge) / X / Michelle Schlack (Chancellor’s Office)
X / Darwin Labordo (Pomona) / Nancy Freelander-Paice (Chancellor’s Office)
X / Justine Heartt (Sacramento) / X / Lily Wang (Chancellor’s Office)
X / Deletta Anderson for Bob Wilson (San Bernardino) / Sedong John (Chancellor’s Office)
X / Lorretta Leavitt for Scott Burns (San Diego) / Jessie Lum (Chancellor’s Office)
X / Michelle Norton for Mick McBride (Chancellor’s Office)
1) Welcome
2) Agenda Approval
3) Treasurer’s Report – Mary Hinchman
New fund balance because of prior delegate meetings at Crowne Plaza – Fund Balance = $110,881
4) CABO Update – Nancy Hayes
Two actions items for discussion – (1) PeopleSoft (PS) Cashiering, (2) Financial Aid establishing processes for tuition refund – will discuss later in the meeting since these items are on the agenda. CABO had a conference call in September. Dr. Ben Quillian is writing a white paper on the Continuing Education balances.
5) CMS Update – Larry Schlereth (time certain at 9:30am)
Four areas to focus the discussion - (1) CMS Executive Committee, (2) CHRS Steering Committee, (3) CFS Steering Committee, (4) Imaging Committee.
· CMS Executive Committee - October 28-29 Annual Retreat for CMS executive. The key areas shaping up for a strategic review include: (1) system wide data warehouse (2) Student System Steering Committee – enhancing feature packs (3) E-Procurement part of core functionality and workflow. CMS Exec sets overall priorities for all systems. In early December Larry will share results of the retreat. CMS Exec Committee now publishing a document every month (2-pages) that updates the various constituencies on what’s going on in the CMS world.
· CHRS – Henry McCoy (SFSU) doing a great job in leading the design team. The design team is working on finishing up the modules based on the Fresno model. Design may go into December or even January 2013, because there was a delay in getting the technical consultants on board. This may result in a 30-45 day delay in design. The steering committee meets Friday, 10-12-12. Open forum calls are available for all to listen. FOA delegates should pay close attention to the CHRS design process.
· CFS – The steering committee is on track to deliver a report to CMS Executive sponsors (Morishita and Armiñana) on shared services for the procure-to-pay project. The report focuses on 4 key areas: shared services, standardize, automate, and move to shared services. Phase II of the report is forthcoming the end of October, early November. CFS Steering Committee is reviewing governance, i.e. where the shared services would be offered geographically. Consensus from the committee is that there is significant opportunity to save some serious money. Strategic sourcing is an important piece of how shared services work and procure-to-pay. CABO will review the strategic sourcing – ex. OfficeMax auto-substitution program implemented the beginning of October.
· Imaging – The imaging project is on track and very important to the business intelligence and shared services components. Imaging is the first entree’ into the 3rd party process into CFS. The goal is to put forth an RFP later this year for an imaging system.
6) Follow up Items from 9/12 Meeting:
i) CASHNet Committee Report – Marna Genes on behalf of Josee Larochelle
(Handout – Attachment A) – From the last FOA meeting there was a task force established to compile a list of concerns regarding CASHNet. The attachment sent to FOA sums up the last meeting of the CASHNet Committee. 2 items on the action plan, (1) improve service, communications, and response for CASHNet services, (2) review options for CSU cashiering services and possibly developing an RFI. Committee is suggesting an in-person meeting with CASHNet management to discuss issues and concerns. FOA can send issues and concerns to Josee.
ii) PeopleSoft Cashiering – Agnes Wong Nickerson
FOA discussed whether or not an RFI should be put forth for CashNet. It was suggested that the issues with CashNet be defined and presented in a unified system wide approach. The next steps will include Tom Roberts meeting with the existing CashNet review committee and define the issues. Afterwards, a meeting will be scheduled with CashNet. Action: Agnes will talk to Jessie Lum to set up a demo of PS Cashiering. A note will be sent to the delegates on who should attend.
iii) Commodity Code Implementation Update – Tom Roberts
The committee was tasked with looking at adding a set of commodity codes upon reviewing the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing/Services (NIGP) codes, which are currently 3 digits and expanding to the 5th digit. Commodity codes are being used for a variety of purposes, not necessarily to identify what commodities are being used for. In an E-Procurement system, commodity codes can be used to identify vendors and expenditures. Inquiries have been made to vendors who use the E-Catalogs…finding that commodity codes are not common in higher education. The vendors are using a common commodity code set. There may be a common set of commodity codes that vendors are using that are helpful for the CSU. E-Procurement catalogs across the country generally use the United Nations Standards Products and Services Code (UNSPSC). November 7, 2012 is the target date of the recommendation.
iv) Tuition Refund Process if Prop. 30 Passes – George Ashkar/Lily Wang/Kelly Cox
The consensus from the last meeting was that a committee would review the refund process to help determine an approach. There was also a discussion at FSAC on 10-8-12 which considered the complexities and the return of tuition. The CO is currently putting together two types of communications for campuses to send to students and constituents. Two drafts are in-hand and being reviewed by executive management. OGC is also reviewing the communications document. FOA will get a copy of the communications when the process is outlined. Campuses should issues refunds or credits by Dec. 20. Action: Campuses need to formalize processes in writing and send George a copy…not for approval, just for review. Additional information will be sent from the CO to assist campuses with the process.
7) Reporting for Vehicle Purchases – George Ashkar
This relates to the DGS controlling our fleet and wanting the FAMS reporting sent to them with additional information. The system had a reprieve for a couple of years, but this would reinstate their control over our vehicles purchasing. Trustee S. Glazer interceded with the Governor and the CSU was able to push forth AB633 – to implement monitor and control our own fleet. Two reports are still required in January 2014 and 2015. The CO is currently working toward a system to accumulate all the data to be placed on a matrix, such as maintenance, purchases and requirements. There is a draft policy 5303.0 which speaks to requirements of the reporting and items to be reported as it relates to inventory, purchases to be made, etc. and all the things DGS wants tracked over the next few years. Next step: conference call with all the facilities teams to ensure all areas are covered that need to be accumulated for the reporting.
8) ICSUAM – frequency of P-card payments – George Ashkar/Lily Wang
There are no concerns, issues, moving to a weekly payment of P-card charges. This move to a weekly payment generates approximately $200K to $250K in rebates. Revision states requirement of the payment and an ongoing review from an economic standpoint. Revised policy will be posted after FOA meeting.
9) CSURMA – Long Range Planning Student Placement Agreement Review Report - TBD
Table for next meeting since Josee’ was unavailable to discuss. Action: Agnes will copy FOA on report.
10) EO 847 Cost Recovery - Missy Jarnagin
A survey sent for Facilities – how literal are campuses when it comes to cost recovery? FOA delegates please send email responses to Missy’s attention.
11) Transfer of CERF balance – Stacie Corona
Concerns were addressed on the FSAC call…no additional.
12) Chancellor’s Office Update
· CFS & CHRS Update – Michelle Norton/Karen Wall
CFS – No report
CHRS – Consultants have just come aboard. The faculty process survey – again, seeks information on how campuses are coding or tracking faculty processes, such as department chair release time and doesn’t include grants and contracts. All campuses have not responded. Survey went to AVP’s of Faculty Affairs on the campuses.
· Financial Services – George Ashkar
1. System wide financial audits – all reports indicate things are going well in the audit. Versions are in and locked down. There is a meeting on 10-11-12 with KPMG to look at the consolidation report. No concerns noted. Reminder: if you have indication that there is overtime involved from the KPMG standpoint, please contact George. Currently no overtime reported that is significant.
2. Procurement – Relating to audit – There is an RFP out for the system wide audit. It will move forward to the November board meeting to award, based on approval.
3. There are 2 financing projects going to the November Board meeting (San Jose and San Marcos Student Health and Counseling Centers). The annual investment report will also be presented.
· Budget – Rodney Rideau
2 things – (1) Review of alternative budget scenarios was discussed with FSAC, (2) Some of the activities with Finance and Treasury, i.e. cash management, will be moving to the Budget Office. The campuses will not see an impact in services because of the move.
· Procurement – Tom Roberts
No report.
· ICSUAM – Mike Redmond
ICSUAM information is moving to CSYou – The plan is to simplify the public site and the ancillary information will go on the CSYou website. The auxiliary processes and programs are being finalized.
· Audit – Michelle Schlack
Subject Audits for 2012 - Currently auditing the CSURMA – should be completed in a month or so. International programs audit - 3 completed, with 3 underway. Police services – finished the pilot and auditing at Dominguez Hills right now. Identity management audit – completed the pilot, audits currently underway.
13) Liaison Reports
· Accounts Payable (AP) – Brian Jenkins
No report.
· Student Accounts Receivable (SAR) – Karen Wall
No report. (1 or 2 minor emails from the campuses)
· Purchasing (PSSOA) – Darwin Labordo
Highlights of PSSOA conference call - Coordinating with CPDC on the public works contract. OfficeMax auto- substitution program survey on the implementation – there were no major concerns noted with the campuses.
Budget – Missy Jarnagin
No report.
· Sponsored Programs – Letitia Coate
No report.
· CFS Advisory Committee – Josee Larochelle
No report.
14) Proposed 2013 Meeting Dates
Agnes will forward revised final schedule. The July 2013 will be determined in May/June.
15) Other
Next Meetings –
November 7, 2012 / Crowne PlazaDecember 5, 2012 / Teleconference
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