Boys BasketballDecember 12, 2017
PVMS Mandatory Parent Meeting
Athletic Director: James Hinton 720-685-5476
Athletic Para: Doreen Davis 720-685-5408
Registration and payment must be submitted by January 12, 2018
Registration will now be completed online through Family ID.
**Registration and all fees must be submitted by January 12, 2018**
- Current doctor’s sports physical. Can be uploaded to Family ID or hard copy submitted in the main office.
- $100 registration fee – This fee is non-refundable after the first game.
- Deduct $75 if your student is on Free/Reduced Nutrition. The amount will be deducted automatically only when you share the information through Nutrition Services. All athletes are responsible for $25.
●No students will be able to join the team after Friday January 12, 2018.
●All outstanding student fees must be paid prior to participation. All fees must be paid by January 12!
➢First day of practice:
o Tuesday, January 16, 2018.
➢Practices and games are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
oPractice start and end times are decided by coaches.
oOnly exception may be a Saturday tournament
oCoaches must be contacted if the student is absent or will miss practice
▪Excessive unexcused absences may result in removal from the team
oPE Students, No PE participation, No Sport participation
➢All athletes must be picked up within 30 minutes of a game or practice ending
oPlease, for your child’s safety, do not leave them waiting at school
oCoaches will not be expected to wait after 30 minutes
oStudents may not have access to a phone if not picked up 30
minutes after practice/game
➢All school rules apply for student athletes at practices and games
oFollow the coach’s directions at all times
oSpectators for Practice must sign in with the main office, have a Government Recognized ID, Processed through the Raptor Background Check system, wear a visible “Visitor” badge at all times. Spectators may watch and observe at practice but should not interact with players or coaches in anyway.
➢All athletes must be eligible to play in games and tournaments
oTo be eligible, athletes must be passing every class with a D or above
oIneligibility is for the entire week, Monday through Saturday, even if the grade changes to passing within that week. The Athletic Director and/or Coaches may deem an athlete ineligible for detrimental behaviors in the classroom and on the field.
oAthletes must be present at least 50% of the school day on Game days in order to participate.