Annual Information Package 2017
Dear Friends in Christ,
As the end of 2016 approaches and you begin to prepare for 2017, we encourage you to consider the following items outlined in our Annual Information Package.
The information referencedin the Annual Information Package is also found under Resources on the ABC District website at for congregations continue to be available and are found under Resources on the ABC District website at
You may contact the Alberta-British Columbia (ABC) District Office by phone at 1-888-474-0063 (Edmonton local 780-474-0063),or by email at Candace Rivet or if you require additional information.
Please share this EMAIL with the leadership in your congregation.
The information provided below has been compiled to help church leaders, pastors, and church workers find the resources to assist you with the ministry and administration of your church.
ABC Connect e-Newsletter-The ABC District publishes a weekly newsletter that provides important resources and ideas about mission, ministry, upcoming events, resources and prayer needs. This weekly e-newsletter is geared to both lay members and church workers. Encourage your congregation members and church council to sign up now Forward any feedback or submissions for possible publication
Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) -The CCCC provides affordable resources to Canadian charities and is a comprehensive tool for treasurers (including a charities handbook), boards, and staff to help navigate through legal and accounting issues. For more information on CCCC and what they offer, please visit To see free examples of the resources that they offer visit
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)– CRA offers videos and recorded webinars to charities. Visit the full listing. In addition the ‘Charities and Giving’ section of the CRA website offers many topics related to the filing requirements, record retention, policies, etc. Visit
Canadian Lutheran- If your congregation is having an event, the ABC District Office would like to know about it! We look forward to sharing with our readers many snapshots of our Lord’s faithfulness through the articles our readers provide. Please consider assigning a roving reporter to events before they take place to ensure highlights are noted and action photos are taken. We especially would like to hear about how your events (from Sunday School to street ministry) impact the community and the workers involved! Submit a short write up (400 words or less) and a picture! You can email your submission to Laura Goerz, Editor of the ABC District section, .
Compensation Guidelines -The 2017 Compensation Guidelines are available on the ABC District website at2017-salary-compensation-guidelines.Congregations are encouraged to consider the Compensation Guidelines when setting the remuneration for their Church Worker(s). For more information on the mileage rate, honoraria and supply pastors, please see the Compensation guidelines (pages 6 & 7).
Insurance Coverage
- Property and Liability Insurance: ABC District congregations are encouraged to review their property and liability insurance annually to ensure adequate coverage. Your insurance broker can guide you with this process.
- Religious Counseling Liability Insurance:Check your congregation’s insurance policy or ask your insurance broker if your Pastor and Rostered church worker(s) have Religious Counseling Liability coverage in your policy. If you don’t, please consider participating in the ABC District’s blanket policy with Cherry Insurance. Cost for this coverage for 2017 is $100.00 per rostered worker. If you are interested in participating, want a copy of the policy or have questions about the program, contact Janice Ruf by email phone.If you have participated this year, your coverage will expire on December 31, 2016 and will not continue until Cherry Insurance receives your payment for 2017.A reminder notice will be emailed to 2016 participants later this fall.
Legal Issues for Congregations and Reporting Checklist –A checklist for the elders, council, and treasurers to review is found on the ABC District website atreporting-checklist-and-legal-issues-check-list-reporting-checklist-and-legal-issues-check-list-2016. This checklist helps the congregation to ensure proper reporting practices to maintain charitable status, registration and adequate insurance coverage. If you have questions, please contact Janice Ruf by email phone 780-474-0063 ext 107.
Lutheran Church –Canada Synod Convention 2017 -The LCC Synod Convention is planned for October 13 – 16, 2017 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Kitchener Ontario. The Synod office will be invoicing your congregation directly this Fall and collecting the assessment for this convention. Questions and concerns regarding this can be sent phone 1-800-588-4226.
Mission and Ministry 2017 Work Program–An explanation of the 2017 proposed ABC District Mission and Ministry Work Program can be found at2017-abc-district-work-program-prelimary-draft-budget. It identifies sources of income and how the congregational mission remittances may be spent in support of the mission and ministry of the Alberta and BC District, congregations, schools and church workers. The Board of Directors and the District President welcome your comments and feedback (email Roland Kubke, board chairman,nd / or President Glenn ). The Board of Directors will be finalizing the 2017 budget at their November board meeting.
Mission Commitment to ABC District and Synod – 2017 -The “Mission Commitment to the ABC District and Synod” form for2017 can be found atcommitment-form-2017Please complete the form and return it to the ABC District Office by December 9, 2016. The form can be emailed (), faxed (780-479-3067)or mailed.
Policies –it is good practice for congregations to review their approved policies on a regular basis and ensure that they are up-to-date, are being followed and are sufficient. The Canadian Council of Christian Charities has a freearticle on developing effective policies for churches and charities for members and non-members: their list of “must have policies” with your congregations policy binder. Many sample policies are available on the internet or contact the District Office for "ready to use" policieson Abuse Prevention, Gift Acceptance, Privacy, etc.
Program funding (subsidy requests):Your congregation may need financial assistance to initiate an outreach initiative. If this is the case you are invited to complete the Program Funding Request form found on the District Website at:program-funding-application-2017. Applications for 2016 assistance are due on or before November1, 2016.
Remittance Forms –Please accompany all cheques sent to the District with a Remittance Form found on our website atremittance-form-2017to ensure that your funds are allocated correctly. Remittances to other organizations, such as Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Canadian Lutheran World Relief, etc. may be sent with your mission remittances (only one cheque is required). We will forward these funds to the organization on your behalf.
Supporting Pooled Fund (SPF) & the Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) -The continuation of the Supporting Pooled Fund is being reviewed by the Board of Directors at their October board meeting. Sustainability of the pool may not be possible because of a low level of participation. Please review the summary of the current plan atsupporting-pooled-fund-viability. Comments and feedback regarding the Supporting Pooled Fund are welcomed before October 20, 2016 .
Treasurer’s Manual-ATreasurer’s Manual available for download on the ABC District website We would like to draw your attention to the section on Budgeting as you look ahead into 2017. Should you have any questions or feedback on this document, please contact Amy Thera .
Stewardship Resources– On-line and printed stewardship information and resources, includingFree and Joyous Response, continue to be available on the ABC District website: Materials, including Bible Studies, resources, bulletin and newsletter announcements are included. Stewardship Advisors is offering a 20% discount for the next couple of months on theirfour-three-week-emphases-steward-builders.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for or have questions regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact Candace Rivet at , Janice Ruf at or Amy Thera at or call 1-888-474-0063 (local Edmonton call 780-474-0063). Please note that Amy Thera, our accountant, is on a part time contract therefore questions for her need to be presented in a timely manner as she may not be able to get back to you for a couple of weeks.
May God guide your considerations and bless your decisions.
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