Wednesday, September 19, 2007

7 p.m. Walter Johnson High School, Bethesda, MD


Dr. Bill Price – Officials Chair Mr. Warren House

Mr. Ronald Clarke – Vice Officials Chair Mr. Vonzell Barker

Mr. Victor Daniels Ms. Sharon Good

Mr. Michael McCoy Mrs. Alma Jan Price

Mr. Raymond Henson Mr. George Davis

Mr. Lloyd McMillan Mr. Kyle R. Brown

Ms. Kakisha Harper Mrs. Talea Woodard

Mr. Gil Woodard Mr. Paul Podgurski

Mr. Steve Smith Mr. Roland Penn

Mr. Robert Norwood Mr. Kyle Brown

Ms. Renise Freeman Ms. Norvetta Warren

Mr. Ronald Wilkins Mr. Melvin Fields

Ms. Toni Henderson Mr. Michael Croll

Mr. E. Alex Jupiter Mr. Jerry Bookin-Weiner

Mr. Mike Rose Mr. Willie Myrick

Mr. Bruce Hunter Mrs. Olivia Hunter

Dr. Bill Price, Officials Chair called the meeting to order and presented the agenda.

Dr. Price presented USATF Outstanding Track and Field Officials Committee ‘Outstanding Service Awards’ to Kyle Brown, Melvin Fields, Robert Norwood and Norvetta Warren. Those receiving awards, but not present were Phil Barrett, Monica Caldwell, Artina Campbell and Larry Harcum. PVA was able to make 6 new awards this year based on the number of National and Masters Officials in the association which is about 125. Phil Barrett and Robert Norwood are receiving their awards that came last year. We have about 85 women and 274 men as officials making the total 380 (Note: a previous report indicated 359, but the update total is 380).

Dr. Price circulated a sign up sheet for the Association youth XC meet on Nov. 4 at Smithsburg, Md. Dr. Price brought to the groups attention a officials application for meets that he is getting officials for, and these are paid meets which include the Montgomery County HS meet, the U. Md. Invitational (indoor and outdoor), the MEAC (indoor and outdoor), Howard County Community College (Inv., Div. III Reg, and Masters). The application is on the PVA web site. Mr. Clarke, Vice Chair, Officials talked about the list of meets he has made available to officials. He specifically talked about the NEC indoor meet and the NIKE indoor. Mr. Warren House indicated that he will be responsible for getting officials for the Navy meets, including the Patriot League outdoor meet. It was also mentioned that officials are needed for the Masters Regional Indoor meet on Feb 23 at the complex. Mr. Clark will issue a complete listing of meets needing officials, and the list will be placed on the PVA web site.

The subject of Officials Committee expenses and budget came up. After discussion, Dr. Price appointed a budget committee composed of Lloyd McMillan, Mike McCoy, Ron Clarke and himself. To start, Dr. Price said he would research how much the expenses were for this year and provide those figures to the Budget Committee. The goal is to have a budget proposal for discussion at the next meeting.

Dr. Price said there has been an interest in having clinics for current officials to get up-to-date training. We will start with an umpire’s clinic to be held at one of the all comers meets at the PG complex in early January, probably January 6. A sign up sheet was distributed to have people help put the clinic on. Dr. Price said he is on the National USATF Officials Initial Training Sub-committee and an umpire’s training module is being developed. He will help present the module at the National USATF convention, and will use the module for the PVA Umpire’s training.

Committees will be appointed to carry out other training. The interest shown for training is for starters, clerking, throws, horizontal and vertical jumps. More will come on this.

Sharon Good mentioned about race walk clinics she has held.

Melvin Fields said PG County is thinking of setting up its own crew to officiate it championship high school meets. A discussion followed and it was pointed out that Steve Smith is the person for the county to work with in getting officials certified for high school meets. Steve said that his HS clinics in PG County have not been well attended. Melvin and Steve may try to work with PG County

Dr. Price said there would be an official’s certification clinic on Sept 30, at the PG complex...

The next PVA Officials Committee meeting was set for Wed. Nov. 14, 2007 at Walter Johnson H.S. in Bethesda. The announcement will be posted on the PVA Web Site

Respectively Submitted

Dr. Bill Price, PVA Officials Chair.