Putting the pieces together:
Individual Education Plan
Clarity, Collaboration, Consistency, Connections, Commitment to your success, Contribute to your knowledge
Topics to be covered today:
Service Page
Accommodations, Modifications and Supports
You DO NOT need to accountfor Summer Break!
IEPs are based on a school calendar, hence servicesstop at the end of the year and start at thebeginning of the new school year without needing to note it.
If student is getting ESY, the services are listed under that section!
"Joint Visits" are for Early Childhood Special Education only.
Specifically for B3, going into homes with another service provider.
Indirect Minutes and Direct Minutes
Direct Minutes are time that the student is receiving services from you.
* If they are in your classroom and you have them working on a 'study island' type program, that is still direct time because you are the teacher in charge of them at that moment.
* Typically, also implies they are out of the regular education classroom.
Indirect Minutes are when you are working on that students behalf, but the student is not present.
* Any time spent emailing teachers, progress reporting, creating the IEP and ER, talking to parents and hunting down homework for that student would be considered Indirect Minutes!
* Don't sell yourself short on this time!
MDE has made it clear that the services have to be understandable to anyone looking at it. MDE point of Clarification:
When you are receiving two services for the same disability, you need to show or explain how they differ. Explain about this in the LRE statement.
Our current service grid drop down will be getting a facelift soon.
If you have any ideas on how to make it more user friendly, email me!
Assistive Tech and Special Transportation:
If your student is receiving either of these two services, fill out the appropriate section, explaining in detail what will be provided. Check Yes or No.
Assistive Technology
If the AT your student is using is essential to accessing their education, or if it is something that they will use year after year or its something they are dependent on for independence than use the Assistive Technology box on the "Services" Page
IF the AT devise is something they 'will have access to for longer assignments' or when they want to use it, than it should go into the Modifications and Accommodations section.
Child Specific Paraprofessional:
This particular section is for a "child specific paraprofessional". River Bend is taking that to mean a ONE ON ONE or a ONE ON TWO para.
Any other type of para (ie, program para or 'paraprofessional' should go into the accommodations section.
How to appropriately fill this section out?!
Need to have in this section for MA billing purposes:
1) Condition or diagnosis that creates the need
2) Covered task to be provided
3) Average total time per day... direct minutes
4) Method of delivery
5) Staff to supervise task
6) Staff to direct task (case manager)
Example on our website, under Special Education, MA Billing: RBED
* If the service does not qualify for MA Billing, you still need to list the following:
1) Condition that creates the need and
2) description of what the para will be doing.
Least Restrictive Environment
LRE is really looking at several components of the IEP and determining if they all align.
Goals, Service time and the LRE statement.
Goals - if there are goals related to Math and no services for Math, that would be a citation.
Services - If a student has 8 goals and only 30 minutes of services a day, that would be a citation.
LRE statement - if it does not state the need for pull out services and doesn't state what the child is missing while receiving pull out, that is a citation.
Accommodations, Modifications, and Supports:
Add information that will assist the student in accessing the general curriculum. LAW BINDING!
DO not add "as needed", "may use", "at teacher discretion" language. Be Clear, Be concise.
Add program para and 'para' in this section.
This will drive the accommodations that will be offered on the MCAs and district assessments.
Nonacademic and Extra Curricular activities - DO NOT LEAVE BLANK!!!
Drop downs here are really nice!Use them!
Assessments (State):
DO Not forget to address this sectionif the student is in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th or 11th grade.
All accommodations must match what the student is receiving in the accommodation section.
Fill in as student starts passing these MCA tests. Use the bottom area when you are using an individual score. Include the Date and the Score the student got.
Team decides if the assessment is appropriate for the student.
If the assessment is not appropriate, you need to state why it is not appropriate and what the student will be doing instead.
* Explain the difference in services in the LRE statement.