1 The regular Waseca City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor John Clemons at 7:00 p.m.

Councilmembers present:

Mayor John Clemons Allan Rose

Fred Salsbury Mark Christiansen

Ann Fitch Daren Arndt

Les Tlougan

Staff present:

Danny Lenz, City Manager

Mark DuChene, City Engineer

Shelly Kolling, Finance Director

Mary Buenzow, Records Secretary


2 A moment of silent meditation was observed. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.


3 It was moved by Arndt, seconded by Fitch, to approve the agenda as presented; the motion carried 7-0.


4 None

Mayor Clemons asked if there was anyone in the audience, not on the agenda, who wished to address the Council at this time. There were no comments.


5a Ordinance No. 1051 – Introduction & set hearing date – Vacating Alleyway in Hartley Heights Addition

The City has received an application for the vacation of an alleyway between Lots 1 and 2 and Lots 7 and 8 of Block 2 of the Hartley Heights Addition to the City of Waseca. The alleyway is thirty (30) feet wide. The west fifteen (15) feet were vacated several years prior. The property owners have maintained the designated alleyway for several years and the City of Waseca has no plans to utilize the alleyway in the future. There are no known utility impacts in platted alleyway. The Planning Commission reviewed this request and recommended approval of the vacation of the alleyway by a vote of 6-0.

Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – November 15, 2016 – page 2

It was moved by Rose, seconded by Arndt, to approve the introduction of Ordinance No. 1051, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WASECA, MINNESOTA VACATING ALLEYWAY IN HARTLEY HEIGHTS ADDITION and set the hearing date for its adoption to December 6, 2016; the motion carried 7-0.

5b Flood Relief Discussion

At the November 1st City Council meeting Councilor Christiansen asked the Council to have a discussion at the next regular City Council meeting on actions being taken to aid residents in flood damage recovery and what is being done to reduce the impact of these events in the future.

There are numerous activities currently going on in the Waseca community to assist residents with being able to financially recover from the flood. First and foremost is the visits from FEMA that occurred last week as part of the State amending its request for Individual Assistance for residents impacted by the flood. Additionally, City, County and School District officials are aiding Lutheran Social Services in setting up a Long Term Recovery Committee to help raise money, establish guidelines for the distribution of funds, keep attention on the ongoing need in the community and aid residents in navigating the myriad hurdles to getting assistance.

The City is also continuing the work that began earlier this year in both developing a sanitary sewer lining program and completing a stormwater management plan. Discussions on components of the stormwater management plan will be received and discussed throughout much of 2017 in order to establish priorities and funding sources.

Staff anticipates bringing a proposal for a sanitary sewer lining project in early January to implement in March or April. The project contemplates addressing sanitary sewers in the neighborhoods with the most repeat issues first and may include lining of manholes, mains and services, installation of backflow prevention devices. The goal is to address areas with repeat issues without creating new problems elsewhere. There will need to be several Council decisions related to the project, beginning with contemplating assessments for the linings or a portion thereof in order to stretch limited funds further, requirements, or strong encouragement that back-up preventer valves be installed, other policies or requirements related to individual property I/I compliance and how quickly the City should pursue these projects based on funding.

Since the voters failed to approve the Sales Tax resources are going to be stretched much further as there are currently no identified funding sources for stormwater pond construction or enhancing existing stormwater structures. The cost of the construction of ponds as well as the lining project and other stormwater improvement needs leaves few resources available to provide immediate relief for residents with long standing issues.

The City Manager explained the City Engineer has been working with SEH Engineering in identifying areas where we think we can apply resources to have the most impact.

Mayor Clemons reiterated the City Manager’s comment that because the half-percent local sales tax did not pass the citizens of Waseca will have to bear all the expense of these projects. Some portion of the local sales tax had been designated for a stormwater pond. Mayor Clemons stated the Council will need to do a better job of promoting the sales tax next time.

Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – November 15, 2016 – page 3

Councilmember Arndt inquired as to how we will implement the lining program. The City Manager stated we will look at areas where there is a natural breaking point, and focus on neighborhoods where we see the most problems.

Councilmember Salsbury asked for confirmation that the Elm Avenue project includes increasing the size of the sanitary sewer line on Elm Avenue. The City Manager stated the project includes increasing the size of the line that takes it out to the WWTP.

Councilmember Fitch asked if the Elm Avenue construction will create any difficulties. The City Engineer responded the contractor will be required to have active pumps in place to alleviate any problems.

Mayor Clemons commented on the importance of working with the County regarding the county ditches inside and outside the city limits. He also reminded the Council about some houses in town that were built in the 60’s and 70’s that should not have been built and he would like to see some type of relief for these residents, i.e. relocating them, providing forgivable loans, etc.

Councilmember Christiansen stated he would rather spend the money on fixing the water problems, which is the goal of this project and would be a better investment overall.

Lengthy discussion continued. Councilmember Fitch inquired whether giving every home in town a sewer shutoff valve would help. The City Engineer stated the water would build up and end up coming out of manholes and would not be a solution.

5c Tink Larson Field Discussion

At the November 1st City Council meeting Councilor Christiansen asked the Council to allow him to work with staff to bring back some potential next steps to get reconstruction of the Tink Larson Field Grandstand in motion.

The Council has spent several months reviewing potential design options for the Grandstand, with a favorite, albeit more expensive option, being identified as well as several options that would be less expensive, and the most recent options that was crafted to eliminate the most contentious features. The designs for these options are included below, and had the following estimates associated with them:

Option 1: Kelly - $1.7 million

Option 2: Hrbek - $2.8 million

Option 3: Mauer - $1.8 - $2.0 million

Councilor Christiansen would like the Council to discuss making several decisions in order to get the project moving:

1.  Identify which design options would be acceptable to the Council

2.  Identify a funding amount for the project, above the $800,000 in insurance funds, based on matching private funds. A suggested amount was $1 in City funds for $5 in private donations

3.  Agree that if funds are raised by a certain date to meet the needs for a design option the Council would move forward with construction plans based on the funds raised.

4.  Establish a date by which funds would need to be raised to begin construction plans

5.  Consider seeking one final design option with a budget limited to $800,000

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6.  Request that individuals supporting expanded options for the reconstruction begin making efforts to raise money for the field.

Discussion ensued regarding the above items. Councilmember Christiansen stated he would like some ability to fundraise without involving much staff time. There are so many individuals who care about different things in town, i.e. trails, parks, etc. and Tink Larson Field is an asset and hard-working individuals have been willing to spend their time to form a committee. Councilmember Christiansen stated he would like to set some guidelines to give to those individuals so they can move forward. He suggested a $1 match from the City for every $5 donation, with a cap of $200,000 from the City.

After discussion it was moved by Christiansen, seconded by Fitch to develop a design for the $800,000 option, using the same design firm; the motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Christiansen, seconded by Fitch, to set the City contribution at $1 for every $5 donation, with a $200,000 cap of City dollars; the motion carried 7-0.

Discussion then centered on design options. It was moved by Fitch, seconded by Arndt, to set a goal to fundraise toward Option 3, the Mauer plan; the motion carried 7-0.

It was the consensus of the Council to set the fundraising deadline for June 1, 2017.


6 The City Engineer provided an update of Street Project #2016-01, stating that, in order to address some issues, the contractor will not be placing the final layer of a portion of the project until Spring.

It was moved by Arndt, seconded by Fitch, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented; the motion carried 7-0 and included the following actions:

a. Minutes – Regular City Council meeting – November 1, 2016 – were accepted and placed on file.

b. Partial Payment #5 – State Aid Street Improvement Project #2016-01 – was authorized for payment.

c. Payroll & Expenditures - were authorized for payment.


7a City Manager’s Report

The City Manager announced the City extended the leaf pickup into this week and next week. Staff has also discussed the possibility of starting the leaf pickup a little later next year.

City offices will be closed next Thursday and Friday, November 24th and 25th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.

The City Manager informed the Council that Michael Anderson will be starting on Monday, November 21st as the new Assistant to the City Manager, and we welcome him to the City.

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7b Commission Reports

The Councilmembers provided reports of the following boards/commissions:

Airport Board – Councilmember Rose updated the Council regarding Airport Board activities.

EDA – Councilmember Fitch had no report.

HPC – Councilmember Tlougan stated the HPC has been having work sessions and doing online training regarding various aspects of historic preservation.

Planning Commission – Councilmember Salsbury stated the Planning Commission reviewed the ordinance vacating an alleyway, which was on the Council agenda this evening.

Discover Waseca Tourism – Councilmember Fitch stated the Board reviewed the Tourism Guides and has decided to cut it down to two separate issues – Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter, which will allow for more flexibility. The DWT is also putting together a marketing campaign for Small Business Saturday and is excited to be providing this campaign, as are the businesses who are participating.


8 The following miscellaneous announcements were made:

Councilmember Christiansen informed the audience that the Boy Scouts are now selling wreaths for $15.00 each.

Councilmember Christiansen reminded everyone of the Art Center play - the radio program It’s a Wonderful Life - on December 10th and 11th at the Central Building. The play includes many local participants.

Councilmember Christiansen stated the Cub Scouts were at city hall last evening and the City Manager did a great job showing explaining the City’s role. This was a good opportunity for the youth to learn about community.

Councilmember Tlougan thanked everyone who voted on Tuesday, in particular those who voted for him to serve another term on the City Council. He congratulated Councilmember Christiansen for being re-elected as well, and also welcomed Roy Srp and Jeremy Conrath as the new mayor and city councilmember.

Councilmember Rose commented there was good discussion this evening. The Council moved things forward and received good reports on the stormwater & sewer issues.

Councilmember Fitch thanked those community members who will be fundraising for Tink Larson Field.

Councilmember Fitch thanked Tyler Wendland, who offered rides to the polls for people who otherwise would not have been able to vote on Election Day.

Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – November 15, 2016 – page 6

Councilmember Arndt commented he has not noticed any leaf burning smell in town, and also likes that the City is picking up leaves for residents.

Councilmember Clemons thanked everyone who ran for public office during the election. This is a huge, and not easy, thing to do and he congratulated those who were elected.


9 There being no further business to be brought before the Council, it was moved by Arndt, seconded by Salsbury, to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m.; the motion carried 7-0.



