Key Club

Thursdays 2:40 – 4:25

Room #705, Mrs. Young-Keeffe, advisor

·  Purpose: Working together to serve the school and community

Developing leadership potential

Foster the development of strong moral character

Encourage loyalty to school, community, & nation

·  Dates: October 16 through mid- December and mid- April through June

Field trips in December, January, and May

Sell sno-cones for Track meets in May/June

·  No fees

·  Ideas for projects:

o  Painting garbage cans in the school’s colors

o  Clean up the grounds

o  Create a bulletin board of our happenings

o  Sleeping bags for early November- go to downtown Seattle on a Sat. night and again in May

o  Send Christmas cards to soldiers or Veterans in the hospital and Children’s Hospital

o  Food drive first of December: posters, weighing, and recording food

o  Christmas caroling for businesses in downtown Fall City

o  CKMS– weeding & planting in the spring

o  Sell sno cones at track meet in the spring during lunches

o  Help Haiti with post earthquake needs (Clean Water Project) Sent money for a tube well in Nepal, and sent $700 to Uganda through Planet Changers for clean water (check PC website)

·  Bring an afternoon snack for yourself or more to share

·  Invite others

·  Saturday dates for outside school opportunities will be set later

* school **community *** outside our community **** world


Emergency phone # ______

1st period teacher ______

In the event that a meeting gets cancelled or changed I will let you know during your first period class.

•  Join us any time. You will need to have parent permission to come to the meetings.

•  Drop in when you can. (20 students is the limit)

•  If you can’t join us after school please join us when we feed the homeless in Seattle (stay tuned for times).

•  Or, you can help out by donating food, backpacks, socks, or warm hats.