TheatreI Syllabus

Teacher: Ms. Holly Thomsen

Location: Room 124

Phone Number: (620) 364-8672 Ext. 4250


Twitter: Follow me @MsThomsenBHS

-This will be used to make class announcements and other useful school related things, but I will not follow students back. Sorry!

Course Description

In Theatre I, you will be going over the basics of all things theatre. This does not just mean acting, but all sides of production, technical, and yes of course, acting! We will explore the history of theatre and different components that lead to putting on an entire production.

It will be crucial for you to come to class every day ready to participate and be flexible! One of the really fun parts about theatre is that you get to be somebody else for a while. When I ask you to take a certain part or fill a certain role, I expect you to accept wholeheartedly. Whining is a good way to show me that you are not mature or ready for more challenging roles. Play the card you are dealt and do it well! That will show me you are ready for more and, trust me, I will deliver more!


  • Paper and a writing utensil will be needed every day! You can use pencil or pen, but please avoid any bright colors that are hard to read.
  • Bring your laptop with a full charge! This is a school policy that I will be enforcing.
  • A notebook or something that you can keep your papers in that I hand back. This is a good idea for any class. It will be your insurance in case I make a mistake with the grade.
  • Set of poor clothes and shoes to build/paint in. I will remind students periodically when we need these clothes.
  • A positive outlook and independent work ethic. It is never my desire to have you sit in class all day and do nothing. There will be days of lecture, but the only way to learn theatre is to EXPERIENCE theatre!
  • This list will increase as needed throughout the year.

Late Work and Absences

I believe it is important for you as students to get into the habit of meeting deadlines. But I understand that things happenand if you do turn a paper in late, you will one week to turn it in for 50%. Therefore, if your assignment is over one week late, you will receive a zero.

If you do have to be absent from my class, you are responsible for getting your work. When you are absent, I will put a copy of any handouts, notes, or assignments that you missed with your name on them in the black crate on the table beside my desk. I will give you one extra day to get your work done. If you are absent on a deadline day for a project or paper, it will be due the day you return.

If you know ahead of time that you are going to be absent, I expect you to get your assignment before you leave. It will be due at the same time as everybody else!


When the bell rings, you should be in the room and ready to go. The quicker we can get started, the more time you will have in class to work. As soon as the bell rings, I will begin taking role, so be on time!

Classroom Behavior

In order to build an effective classroom environment, respect must be a key factor. You must respect your peers, your teachers, and yourself. This is especially important during performances.

Some behaviors to avoid in my class:

  1. Falling asleep – I promise I’m entertaining!
  2. Rudeness to me or another student
  3. Horseplay
  4. Inappropriate use of equipment (also a school technology violation)
  5. Using your cellphone if I haven’t given you permission
  6. Having any food or drink other than water without permission *school policy*

(Student) I, ______, understand these rules and Ms. Thomsen’s expectations, and I will do my best to abide by them.

(Parent/Guardian) I, ______, have read and understand the rules and expectations for my child in this class. I also understand that I can contact Ms. Thomsen by email or phone if I have any questions/concerns.


Student signature Parent signature

(Students will receive 10 points for having this read and signed by a parent/guardian.)