2016/1-DOC14 (info)

Maintenance and Implementation Group (MIG)

Information Document on on-going activities and developments of relevance for the MIG-P

Type / Information document
Creator / DG ENV, JRC
Date / status / 14/06/2015
Addressee / INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Policy Group (MIG-P)
Identifier / MIG-P of 28-29 June 2016, document no. 14
Description / Information on activities and developments of relevance for the MIG-P.
MIG-P members are invited to take note of this information and to share it with relevant colleagues and communities, as appropriate.


1.INSPIRE Conference 2016

2.INSPIRE Geoportal update: status

3.2016 CEF Telecom call – Public Open Data (CEF-TC-2016-2)

1.INSPIRE Conference 2016

The INSPIRE Conference 2016 will take place in Barcelona, 26-30 September 2016.

The conference will focus on application of INSPIRE within the environmental domain and beyond, and the use of INSPIRE as an enabling interoperability framework. As such, the INSPIRE Conference 2016 also aims to show how the implementation of INSPIRE contributes to the European Interoperability Framework and the EU's digital economy in general.

The Thematic plenary sessions

Thematic Plenary I: INSPIRE for Environment – closing the implementation gap
27th September 2016 13:30 – 15:00 Auditorium I
The first thematic plenary session, "INSPIRE for environment – closing the implementation gap", will focus on the effectiveness of the implementation of the INSPIRE value proposition in satisfying the needs of its customer segments in the environmental domain.
Thematic Plenary II: INSPIRE for the Digital Economy
28th September 2016 11:00 – 12:30 Auditorium I
The second thematic plenary session, "INSPIRE for the Digital Economy" will look at the INSPIRE value proposition in the context of a Digital Single Market, cross-cutting eGovernment and the EU's strategy for space
Thematic Plenary III: INSPIRE by thematic networks
29th September 2016 11:00 – 12:30 Auditorium I
The third thematic plenary session, "INSPIRE by thematic networks" will address alignment of the business models of a number of thematic networks with INSPIRE.

Parallel sessions:

The call for abstracts closes today June 10th. At the time of writing we have 230 submissions, of which 184 are submissions for presentations, 25 workshop proposals and 21 poster proposals.

Authors will be informed of their acceptance and the draft programme for the parallel sessions will be published week beginning 4th July.

MIG-P members are invited to promote participation in the INSPIRE conference 2016 of environmental and e-government policy makers in their Member State.

2.INSPIRE Geoportal update: status

The development of the updated version of the INSPIRE Geoportal was launched through two procurement contracts with a consortium consisting of Planetek Italia and lat/lon (Germany). A first contract, launched in 2011 and accepted at the end of 2013, implemented the base architecture of the portal including access to the Member States’ INSPIRE view services. An extension contract launched in 2014 updates this version to include access to Member States’ INSPIRE download services and to increase performance of the portal. This version was accepted in May 2016.

Before going operational with this update (tentative date Q4 2016), a number of steps still need to be taken. These include:

-the adaptation to the Geoportal architecture to the new ICT security measures that were put in place at the JRC in mid-May 2016 (and that were not part of the Planetek contract),

-the completion of the JRC maintenance and operational team that will take ownership of both the system operations and the source code of the implementation,

-The completion of functionality that was outside of the scope of the contract (e.g. additional countries that joined after the launch of the extension contract, workarounds to handle imperfect INSPIRE metadata etc.)

-Pre-operational test runs of the Geoportal in realistic circumstances, both to familiarize the operational and maintenance team with the system, to iron out bugs that might still be discovered and to identify and implement workarounds needed to guarantee an optimal user experience.

-Deployment of the system in an operational environment

3.2016 CEF Telecom call – Public Open Data (CEF-TC-2016-2)

The2016 CEF Telecom Public Open Data callmakes an indicative€3.5 millionof funding available for proposals in this area. Proposals must concern harmonisation of meta/data about cross-border areas, in the priority domains defined in the PSI guidelines (i.e., geospatial data, earth observation and environment, transport, statistics, company and business registers). Consortia need to include at least 2 public administrations from 2 different countries.

For any specific questions concerning the call, pleasecheck thecallFAQor contact thecall Helpdesk.

Virtual Info Day on the second 2016 CEF Telecom Calls - 3 June

AnInfo Day on the 2016 CEF Telecom Public Open Datacall took place on 9 June. The agenda can be foundhereand the presentations at the bottom of this page.

Indicative Call Timeline
Call opening / 12 May 2016
Deadline for submission / 15 September 2016
Evaluation of proposals / September-December 2016
Consultation of the CEF Committee / January 2017
Information to the European Parliament / January 2017
Adoption of the Selection Decisions / February 2017
Adoption of individual grant agreements / As of February 2017

MIG-P members are invited to

-promote the CEF call on Public Open Data among INSPIRE stakeholders (public administrations, solution providers) in their Member State;

-support the creation of consortia involving interested stakeholders in neighbouring countries.

4.2016 work programme of ELISE ISA2 action

On 19 April, the College of Commissioners of the European Commission adopted the first work programme under the new ISA² programme. The EUR 131 million programme, which runs from 2016 to 2020, supports the development of interoperability solutions for the modernisation of public administrations across Europe.

Member States and Commission services have submitted 52 proposals for funding, of which 39 have been taken up in the 2016 work programme, with a total budget of roughly EUR 24 million. The actions are partly a continuation of those started under the predecessor programme ISA, and partly new ones.
One of the actions is the European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government (ELISE) Action. A package of legal/policy, organisational, semantic and technical interoperability solutions to facilitate efficient and effective electronic cross-border or cross-sector interaction between European public administrations and between them and citizens and businesses, in the domain of location information and services, supporting Digital Single Market (DSM), Better Regulation (BR) and Public Sector Modernisation (PSM) goals. It is aligned with the proposed focus of ISA2on European public administrations, businesses and citizens, and the need to ensure that best practice interoperable solutions are deployed across the European Union (EU).

It is planned to set up a working group on “Geospatial Solutions”[1] under the ISA2 Committee, which will play an advisory role, helping to identify requirements and priorities of ISA2 actions addressing geospatial solutions. It will assist the Commission in implementing the ELISE ISA2 action and establishing links with the INSPIRE community.The Group will provide policy and technical advice on the role of spatial information, in particular in what concerns the DSM and INSPIRE. In particular, the group will:

-Identify common challenges and relevant user requirements for the efficient and effective electronic cross-border or cross-sector interaction between European public administrations and between them and citizens and businesses, in the domain of location information and services;

-Propose good practices in the application and use of location information and technologies supporting DSM, BR and PSM;

-Identify policy areas, public digital services, or links with the business community where a more integrated, efficient or innovative approach to location information is required;

-Identify opportunities for INSPIRE assets to be reused in other thematic sectors beyond the environment, in line with Member States’ e-government developments;

-Identify geospatial initiatives at national level that could be coordinated and aligned with relevant EU actions and propose how ISA2 work programme activities could be followed-up at national level in support of those initiatives;

-Promote the pertinent ISA2 actions at the Member State level;

-Seek for the advice of the ISA2 Coordination Group in order to maximise synergies with the ISA2 work programme;

-Report to the ISA2 Committee, at least once per year, or as needed, on the undertaken work and results achieved.

Ideally, the Member States’ representatives to the Group should have a good knowledge of the e-government strategy and related activities in their country, including the cross-sector and cross-border interoperability aspects, together with a good awareness of INSPIRE and other geospatial activities in their country.

Further information on the ISA2 and ELISE work programme:

-Detailed information on the newISA²work programme

-Financial overview

MIG-P members are invited to

-share information on the ISA2work programme (including the ELISE action) with relevant INSPIRE and e-government stakeholders in their Member State;

-liaise with the ISA2 Committee member in their country for the nomination of a representative for the working group of “Geospatial Solutions”.


[1]This working group will continue the work of the ISA WG on spatial information and services (ISA SIS WG).