Name: ______

Personality Masks

DIRECTIONS: Personality is derived from the Latin word “persona” – the term used to describe masks worn in Greek theater. You will be creating a visual representation of your personality characteristics. You will be creating a visual representation of your personality characteristics. You may decorate with paint, markers, crayons, stickers, pencils, feathers, pictures, etc. The mask should include representations of your past experiences, fears, aspirations, talents, weaknesses, hobbies, interests, family, friends, pets, dreams, and feelings. You must include at least 10 personality characteristics for full credit.

Purpose: This activity will encourage each student to...

1.  Recognize the masks you might wear (your persona)

2.  Identify aspects of your true personality and reveal them on a mask

3.  Explain how your personality correlates with the personality theories/perspectives. psychoanalytic, social cognitive and humanistic

Step 1: Create a word cloud of how others may view or label youthis is your persona and your persona may be different from your real self; ask people their opinions. Include the following in your description:

●  The image/front you try to portray (tough, funny guy, cool, trendy, girly, mean, stupid, strong)

●  How you have been labeled by your…

o  Classmates (Examples: nerd, jock, prep, stuck-up, goth, smart, blonde, goody two-shoes, class clown, etc.)

o  Friends (Examples: quiet one, leader, jokester, etc.)

o  Teachers/Adults (Examples: Examples: trouble-maker, perfect one, etc.)

o  Parents

o  Siblings (if applicable)

●  What people typically know about what you do - sports you play, activities you do, strengths or weaknesses (Examples: soccer, piano, reading, dancing, video games, etc.)

●  What people think they know about your life (Examples: perfect family, strong in faith, happy all the time, etc.)

Step 2: Take the following personality inventory/tests and print out your results. Write a reflection on whether you think the test describes you well. Be specific about why or why not. (Disclaimer: These tests are samples and will not be, therefore, as accurate as the full test battery. These are just indications).








o  The Big Five:

Step 3: Plan your mask!

●  Identify at least 10 facets of your personality and think of the ways you could represent them on your mask

●  Remember your personality refers to the characteristic behavior patterns, emotions, motives, thoughts, attitudes with which you react to your environment

●  You will need to decide how you will represent your personality before you write the description for Step 4.

Step 3: Make your mask!

Materials: Your mask must resemble a face with holes cut out for the mouth and eyes. You may construct a mask out of whatever you choose--paper, play dough, clay, etc…or buy a mask that you decorate (craft stores – Jo-Ann, Michael’s, etc.)

●  You may use images or symbols. They may be 3D and stick out from the mask

●  Consider texture and color

●  Decorate and color creatively. Include more decorations than just the 8 facets of your personality

●  Make it aesthetically pleasing (however YOU define that)

Step 4: Write a description of who you really are. Include the following:

●  An explanation of your true personality

●  An explanation of why people may misunderstand you (your persona)

●  References to the facets you put on your mask – make sure to include the reason why you depicted each facet in the manner that you did

●  A description of what you really love to do that not everyone knows

●  A description of what your life is really like


Step 5: Write an analysis of how your personality does or does not correlate with the following personality theories/perspectives: psychoanalytic, social-cognitive and humanistic

●  Be sure to address all three theories/perspectives

●  What parts apply or do not apply to your personality?

●  What is your opinion of the theory/perspective?

●  Resources:

o  PBS Kids - Birth Order

o  Freud's Theory of Personality

o  Carl Jung's Personality Theory

o  Adler's Personality Theory

o  Bandura's Personality Theory

o  Maslow's Personality Theory

o  Roger's Personality Theory


CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Creativity & Attractiveness / The mask shows that a clear plan was in place for the layout and design and/or the mask is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. It includes images that are secured safely and are not hanging off the mask as well as a unique color design. / The mask shows that at least a partial plan was in place for the layout and design and/or the mask is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. Most images are secured safely and are not hanging off the mask. It includes some color. / The mask shows some creativity but is not very unique. There was little or no plan in place for layout and design and/or The mask is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. Some images may be loosely attached or hanging off. Color is messy or not included. / The mask is not unique and/or there was clearly no plan in place for layout and design and/or The mask is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive.
Personality Explanation / At least 10 characteristics represented and explained in detail so that a true understanding of the individual’s characteristics can be achieved. / At least 9 characteristics represented and explained in detail so that a true understanding of the individual’s characteristics can be achieved. / At least 8 characteristics are represented and explained in detail so that a true understanding of the individual’s characteristics can be achieved. / Less than 8 characteristics are represented and explained in detail so that a true understanding of the individual’s characteristics can be achieved.
Personality Representation / The mask clearly reflects the individual’s unique personality. It includes at least 10 characteristics related to past experiences, fears, aspirations, talents, weaknesses, hobbies, interests, family, friends, pets, dreams, and feelings / The mask reflects the individual’s unique personality. It includes at least 9 characteristics related to past experiences, fears, aspirations, talents, weaknesses, hobbies, interests, family, friends, pets, dreams, and feelings / The mask somewhat reflects the individual's unique personality. It includes at least 8 characteristics related to past experiences, fears, aspirations, talents, weaknesses, hobbies, interests, family, friends, pets, dreams, and feelings / The mask does not clearly represent the individual’s unique personality. It includes less than 8 characteristics related to past experiences, fears, aspirations, talents, weaknesses, hobbies, interests, family, friends, pets, dreams, and feelings


●  Number the picture on the mask and on the paper where you write/type your explanations so that it is easier to grade

●  Provide thorough explanations. Evaluate the pros and cons of each of your personality traits.


This picture represents my competitive nature. I enjoy competing and I do not like to lose. When I was young, if I would get beat at anything, I would go home and practice for hours so that it would not happen again. My competitive nature has been a negative for me at times too. If I know I can’t win or succeed at something, sometimes I choose not to do it.

A major part of my personality involves organization. I plan my calendar well in advance and like to stick to routines. I like things done a certain way and I know what works well for me. A drawback is that I sometimes get angry when I have to make changes without much notice. Usually, I adjust easily but it still bothers me.

This picture is obviously Pinocchio being punished for not being honest. This represents the fact that I am very straightforward and value honesty. I tell the truth and expect the same in return. Sometimes I can be very blunt which can rub people the wrong way.