Purpose of the Annual Report Form:
Section 50 of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act as it applies in each state and territory (National Law) requires the Australian and New Zealand Podiatry Accreditation Council (ANZPAC) to monitor programs of study and education providers that provide the program, to ensure that it continues to meet accreditation standards.
As part of meeting this monitoring obligation, ANZPAC requires all education providers that offer a podiatry program of study to submit this report annually to the Accreditation Committee.
How to submit the Annual Report Form:
Completed Annual Report Forms are to be emailed to the ANZPAC Executive Officer at
When to submit the Annual Report Form:
The ANZPAC Executive Officer will notify the education provider when the Annual Report Form is due. Forms are due one month after the anniversary of the accreditation date (for example if a program was granted accreditation in May, the Annual Report Form will be due on 30 June). A separate Annual Report Form is to be completed for each program of study offered by the education provider.
Failure to submit the Annual Report Form by the due date:
Submission of the completed Annual Report Form is a condition of continued accreditation. Failure to submit the completed Annual Report Form before the due date may jeopardise the ongoing accreditation and approval of the program. Programs that have difficulty in meeting the due date should contact the ANZPAC Executive Officer in the first instance.
Section 1:Current details
Item / Description of Item / Current Details for Item1 / Education provider / Insert name of education provider
2 / Name of accredited program / Insert name of program e.g. Bachelor of Podiatry
3 / Course code of accredited program / Insert the code the education provider uses for the program
4 / Abbreviation of accredited program / Insert the abbreviation the education provider uses for the program e.g. B Pod
5 / Program type / Insert the level of qualification gained by graduates of the program e.g. Bachelor degree
6 / Sites where accredited program is currently offered / Insert location of all campuses where the program is currently provided – suburb/town and state/territory
7 / Maximum number of students currently enrolled per cohort / Insert maximum number of students currently enrolled in each cohort
8 / Program length / Insert current length of the program in terms of a full time enrolment
9 / Modes of delivery / Insert current mode/s in which the program is delivered e.g. face-to-face, online, mixed mode
10 / Program coordinator or equivalent position / Insert name and contact details of the current program coordinator or equivalent position
Section 2:Questions
Please answer yes or no to the following questions. Please attach a detailed description and explanation of any changes for which a YES answer has been given.
A: Governance Context
Q1:Have there been any changes, or are there any proposals to change the governance of the podiatry program of study (e.g. governance, strategic directions and autonomy, academic leadership, policies and procedures and financial management)?
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Q2:Have there been any changes to the educational goals and graduate outcomes of the program?
B: Students
Q3:Have there been any changes to student admission requirements (e.g. prerequisites for entry into the program)?
Q4:Are there any planned changes in student numbers?
C: Curriculum and Assessment
Q5:Has the sequence in which subjects are delivered been altered, or have the contact hours of any subject increased or decreased significantly?
Q6:Have there been, or are there any proposals to make significant changes to teaching and assessment methods in the program?
Q7:Has the delivery of clinical training changed in any way that may reduce student clinical experience (e.g. reduced number of patients, loss of a clinical setting, reduction in ratio of clinical instructors to students)?
D: Education Resources
Q8:Have there been or are there any proposals to change the number of academic or support staff available for the program?
Q9:Has there been or is there any planned change in the accommodation provided to the program that in any way decreases the adequacy of the physical facilities?
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Section 3:Key statistical information
Please attach the following information:
- List of staff positions and fraction (in terms of employed full time [EFT]) of each position
- Number of students in each year of the program
- Details of student progression, attrition and completion for the past 12 months for each year of the program
Section 4:Quality action plan
Education providers are required to provide comment on how they are meeting those recommendations and/or considerations presented in the most recent accreditation report. This should be reported as follows:
Recommendation / Action taken since accreditation / Action/s to be undertaken over the next 12 months1