Absorption Lab

Purpose- How does color affect heat absorption?

Background information: Answer the following questions (you may need to look the answers up)

  1. Definition of reflection:
  2. Definition of absorption:


Place the following colors in order of heat absorption from most to least

Black, White, Yellow, Blue, Green, and Red


  1. Set up materials as shown in the image.
  2. Using the beaker, measure out 100ml of water and put it in the white can
  3. Repeat step #2 with the black can
  4. Insert a thermometer into each can through the cardboard, remember you want to test the temperature of the water not of the can, make sure it is NOT touching the sides or bottom of the can
  5. Take the starting temperature of each can, record in your data chart
  6. Place all 3 can a distance of 15 cm from the lamp
  7. Turn the lamp on (make sure the light is shining on the sides cans as directly as possible, not only on the tops) and start the stopwatch
  8. Every minute (for 10 minutes) record the temperature in your data table

Data Table:

Start Temp / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / Change

Create graph:

  1. Using the data create a graph for each color
  2. Make sure to include:
  • X Axis title
  • X Axis intervals
  • Y Axis title
  • Y Axis intervals
  1. You will make a LINE graph plotting your data

Analyzing the Data:

  1. What was the manipulated and responding variable in this lab?
  2. Looking at your data
  3. Which color ABSORBS the most heat? Explain (be sure to use the data in your explanation)
  4. Which color REFLECTS the most heat? Explain (be sure to use the data in your explanation)
  1. Use the data table below to answer the following questions

Table A
House Color / White / Red / Yellow / Black / Green
Day of Week / M / T / W / A / M / T / W / A / M / T / W / A / M / T / W / A / M / T / W / A
Starting Temp / 22 / 27 / 20 / 22 / 27 / 20 / 22 / 27 / 20 / 22 / 27 / 20 / 22 / 27 / 20
Ending Temp / 55 / 57 / 53 / 60 / 59 / 61 / 57 / 60 / 54 / 65 / 63 / 67 / 62 / 68 / 56
House Color / Orange / Blue / Pink / Brown / Violet
Day of Week / M / T / W / A / M / T / W / A / M / T / W / A / M / T / W / A / M / T / W / A
Starting Temp / 22 / 27 / 20 / 22 / 27 / 20 / 22 / 27 / 20 / 22 / 27 / 20 / 22 / 27 / 20
Ending Temp / 61 / 58 / 64 / 59 / 58 / 60 / 58 / 55 / 61 / 64 / 62 / 66 / 63 / 61 / 65
  1. Find the average for the starting temperature and ending temperature for your colored houses.
  2. Which color home had the greatest difference between starting and ending temperatures? (out of both tables)
  3. Which color home had the least temperature difference? (out of both temperature)
  4. Which table represented summer?
  5. What is your evidence (data) for your answer to question 4?
  6. Which table represented winter?
  7. What is your evidence (data) for your answer to question 6?
  8. Place the house colors in order to represent the best color for summer.
  9. Explain your answer to why you placed the colors in the order for summer
  10. Use the words reflection and absorption
  11. Include evidence (data) in your answer
  12. Place the house colors in order to represent the best color for winter.
  13. Explain your answer to why you place the colors in that order for winter,
  14. Use the words reflection and absorption
  15. Include evidence (data) in your answer
  16. Convincing Conclusion: Write an answer to convince your parents as to which color of home, in Illinois, they should rent or own and explain why. Remember in Illinois we have BOTH summer and winter but you don’t paint your house each season! Then write about which color home they should not rent or own and explain why (what is your reasoning). In your argument, remember to site-specific evidence to back up your reasoning.