August 3, 2016
A regular meeting of the Purgatory Metropolitan District and the Purgatory Metropolitan La Plata-San Juan Subdistrict was held Wednesday, August 3, 2016, at the PMD community center. Directors John Ogier, Jeff Watson, Bob Oswald and Bill Rhoades were present. DeeDee Carlsonwas excused. Also in attendance were District Manager, Eric Hassel, Frankie White, District Finance Officer, and Gary Derck representing Purgatory Resort.
The minutes from the June 2016 meeting were reviewed and, after correction Jeff Watson made a motion to approve, Bill Rhoades seconded the motion. Bob Oswald abstained from voting. Motion passed.
Outside Presentations
Gary Derck updated the board on the summer operations, including rentals, visitors and improvements for the next ski season.
Tyler Lawrence attended the meeting to update the board on his summer business. Tyler feels that he has had a great summer and is hoping to be back next summer.
Manager’s Report
Eric Hassel reported that the manhole rehabilitation project is continuing, and he feels this will have great results. Eric and Rick continue work on the new waste water treatment plant. Eric wants to have the planning and engineering process done this winter, and would like to start the road and site work next summer.
Eric is waiting on a cost from Leeder for the road repairs planned for this summer. In addition, Eric has a quote for next summer road work, with two options, $72,000 and $153,000. Eric will bring more information as a part of the budget process for 2017.
Eric reported on other projects he is working on this summer, including backflow prevention, SCADA equipment installation, well 6 connection and the bar-b-que that will be this weekend. All projects are coming along smoothly.
Frankie White presented the bills that are being paid today, and the cash balances.
The board discussed officer positions and decided to wait for a meeting with a full board to vote on the positions. Bob Oswald asked Eric about the process for dealing with the white daisies, a noxious weed. Eric explained that spraying will take place next week.
Bob Oswald made a motion to enter into an executive session pursuant to C.R.S. 26-6-402 (4)(f) to discuss personnel matters. Bill Rhoades seconded the motion. Motion passed. John Ogier stated that no decisions were made during the executive session.
Bob Oswald explained that the board is happy with Eric’s service and accomplishments. Any salary consideration will be addressed in the 2017 budget cycle. Additionally, the timing of staff annual reviews was discussed. It was determined that the best course of action would be to complete both Eric and Mikes annual reviews in January to coincide with the budget cycle
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
Next Meeting: September 14, 2016 (Dalton Ranch)