Patti Doyle
Purchasing Office
005 Old Main
Slippery Rock, PA 16057-1326
724-738-2252 - Phone
724-738-2256 - Fax
February 10, 2011
Dear Prospective Contractor:
Slippery Rock University is seeking bids for a contractor to provide and erect a scaffold platform in Miller Auditorium.
Bids will be opened on February 23, at 2:00 PM local time in the Purchasing Office, Room 005, Old Main Building, Slippery Rock University.
If you choose to bid on this project, you must return the enclosed Service/Bid Contract to SRU. Please send it to Slippery Rock University, Attention: Patti Doyle, Purchasing, Room 005 Old Main Building, Slippery Rock, PA 16057. Bid #4000024100 must be marked on the outside of the envelope. This form was designed to be a combination bid form and contract thereby eliminating the need to go back to a contractor with a contract once a bid is accepted. The General Conditions and Instructions to Bidders for Services attached to the Service/Bid Contract provides instructions for completing the enclosed Service/Bid Contract. However, the following supplemental information may assist you in completing the bid.
1. The "Bidder's/Contractor's Name and Address" must be properly noted. If the contractor is a corporation or partnership, then fill in the legal name of the corporation or partnership. Note the contact person in space provided. Do not use post office boxes in this section. The contractor's full name is to be used. It must be the same throughout the contract and same as on any license or Commonwealth corporate registration. In this section, if the contractor is not a corporation or partnership, but is an individual "doing business" under a fictitious name, then the name of the person with whom the university is doing business must be stated, i.e. "John Jones d/b/a Acme Cleaning Company, 1122 7th Avenue, Wexford, PA 15090". Also fully complete the box to include the contractor's contact person, telephone number and fax number.
2. In the "License No." section, include Public Utilities Commission numbers for transportation services, Department of Environmental Protection and Environmental Protection Agency numbers for pesticide and refuse contracts, asbestos removal an other numbers for licensed services. The contractor's social security number or federal identification number must be shown for all contractors, including those that are non-profit organizations, except that federal ID numbers may be omitted for grant agreements. Always fully complete the "Federal ID No. or Social Security No." section with the proper information.
February 10, 2011
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3. In the “Total Price" sections, entries must clearly state the total price and the Grand Total. DO NOT fill in the "Effective Date" and the "Contract Not to Exceed" block. They will be inserted by the University upon acceptance of the winning bid. Your signature is the implied consent that this is permissible.
4. One signature is all that is required. The title of the person who signs the contract on behalf of the contractor should always be included next to the signature.
Please feel free to telephone questions to the following: Contractual Information, Patti Doyle, Purchasing, 724-738-2252; Technical Information, Tod Horner, Facilities & Planning, 724-738-2534.
Patti Doyle
Patti Doyle
Purchasing Agent
c. File with p.c. enclosure