Whole Trust? Yes / Statutory? Yes / Website? Yes
Reviewed: September 2015 / Next review: September 2019


At Prior Park Schools, we believe in actively promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. As a community of schools, we do not discriminate against pupils on the basis of protected characteristics, which include: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, sexual orientation. We are keen to provide a comfortable environment for students from a variety of different backgrounds creating a lively and tolerant mix of cultures.

The College and the Prep-School are in the Catholic tradition andin each, the Chapel is a place where all students are welcome. All students at the College and Prep-Schoolattend whole school Mass about once a term and they are encouraged to participate in the service through reading, welcoming, music and serving and to learn about the Catholic tradition of the school. At weekends, boarding students attend Mass in chapel and may also attend religious services of their own choosing if they so wish. Students of all faith backgrounds, and none, are welcome to participate in wider chaplaincy life: at the College for example, this might involve participating in retreats or joining the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes.At the Paragon School, religious assemblies also promote the Christian ethos of the school.

We are keen to support students in terms of language provision through our EAL department. (Please see the separate EAL policy for further details of how this is achieved.)

We ensure that any staff (if applicable) and students’ dietary concerns are taken into account and that they are provided with food that is appropriate for them. For the boarders, this is monitored through regular contact between the boarders, the boarding staff, the medical centre and the catering department.

We seek to celebrate the different cultures which enrich our school community, using events such as Women’s Day and Chinese New Year to share traditions from around the world.

All the schools are keen to promote the acknowledgement of, and respect for, difference. This is reflected in other policies, such as our Anti-Bullying Policy, and supported through our tutoring and PSHCE programmes. Theology lessons also provide students with opportunities to learn about religious dietary requirements, discuss differences, tackle prejudice and encourage respect of others. Jesus’ words, “Treat others as you would wish to be treated,” lie at the heart of the Catholic/Christian ethos of The Schools.

All reasonable provision will be made for pupilsand staff with particular religious, dietary, language or cultural needs by the appropriate departments. The housemaster and tutor will coordinate such provision with all relevant departments, academic and non-academic.

September 2015

PriorPark Educational Trust, Charity No: 281242, Co. No: 01521832, Registered Office: PriorParkCollege, Ralph Allen Drive, Combe Down, Bath BA2 5AH