WarringtonRoadNursery School
Naylor Road, Widnes, WA8 0BS.
Headteacher – Amanda Brown Tele : 0151 424 4686
Fax : 0151 495 9290
Pupil Application FormEmail :
Child’s Details
Surname / Legal Surname / First Name / Date of birth / Male/FemaleChild’s Address
Postcode / Number/Name / Street / TownContact Details
Home / MobileEmail Contact
Family/Carer/Emergency Contact (Mother, Father, Grandparent, Auntie, Uncle)
Contacts / Relationship / Surname / First Name / Home Contact / Mobile Contact1st
From the above please circle who has parental responsibility
1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5thMedical
Name / Address / Contact NumberDoctor
Health Visitor
Social Worker
Family Support
Does your child have any Medical Conditions / Allergies that the school should be aware of?
In the case of a medical emergency where the parent/carer cannot be contacted. I give permission for my child to receive emergency medical treatment. (Please Circle)
YES / NOSignature / Print Name / Relationship / Date
Childs Ethnic Origin / Language / ReligionBirth Details
Birth Certificate Number / Country of Birth / NationalityEarly Years Pupil Premium
Early Years Providers are able to claim additional funding for your child. This funding depends on the parental income and other orders. If your income is less than £16,190.00 or your child is Adopted from Care, subject to a Special Residence Order or Child Arrangements Order your child may qualify for the nursery school to claim to provide an extra £300.00.
Income less than £16,900.00 / YES / NOAdopted from Care / YES / NO
Special Residence Order / YES / NO
Child Arrangements Order / YES / NO
Parent/Carer Surname / Parent / Carer National Insurance Number / Parent / Carer Date of Birth / Parent Carer National Asylum Support Reference Number (if applicable)
The information I have given on this form is complete and accurate. I understand that my personal information is held securely and will only be used for Local Authority purpose. I agree to the Local Authority using this information to enable my child’s nursery to claim the Early Years Pupil Premium for my child.
Parent / Carer Signature / DateDisclaimer
During your child’s time at Warrington Road Nursery School he/she may have photographs taken and a DVD recorded. At the end of the school year a DVD is made of all the children, showing many events held in nursery and is available to purchase.
From time to time activities that the children take part in may go into the local newspaper and be displayed on our website giving their name and a photograph.
Children’s records are passed to their new school/setting on transition.
If you agree to the above please sign the disclaimer below. If you have any concerns regarding this please do not hesitate to contact us.
Signature / Print Name / Relationship / DateWhere did you hear about us?