Pupil Premium- Report for 2016/17
- Pupil premium monies are awarded to schools based on the number of pupils known to have been eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) in any of the previous six years, as well as those first known to be eligible at the January pupil count
- Schools are free to spend the pupil premium as they see fit. However, they will be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families
- Schools are also required to report to parents how much money we are allocated, what we spend the money on and what we expect the impact to be
- The school will evaluate the impact on individual and groups of pupils each term
- Evaluation will focus on academic gains as well as how pupils’ self-confidence has developed as a consequence of the intervention
Valley Road School
Date / Total / What we spend it on/ will spend it on / What impact it had/will have2016/7 / £17,500 /
- Additional teacher working 3 mornings a week with pupils in year 1
- Pupils achieved highest ever school levels in Phonics
- Supports intervention for a year group with a very large cohort of summer born pupils
- Greater personalised support
- Support for all pupils who qualify for PP in terms of clubs/ trips etc.
- All pupils could claim for a free club
- All trips paid for by the money
- Teachers recorded what was offered and their reports show pupils have benefited academically from the support
- Extra teaching assistants to support the infants with phonics and reading
- All pupils able to develop skills in reading and Phonics. Results for 2017 show this has been achieved
- The employment of a second assistant for mornings to further support development across both Infant classes has meant all pupils have benefited from this support
- Extra Nursery Nurse to support youngest pupils in both nursery and Reception
- The extra Nursery Nurse has enabled the pupils who move from Valley Road Nursery to have a familiar face working alongside them.
- It increases the staff/pupil ratio to allow children to have a greater amount of time with an adult
- Extra NN works with both Nursery and Reception. This allows all staff to have a greater understanding of the needs of pupils transferring across to Reception
Date / Total / What we spend it on/ will spend it on / What impact it had/will have
2017/18 / £17,500 /
- Additional teacher working 3 mornings a week with pupils in year 2
- Continuation of support enabling greater individual attention for pupils
- Extra teaching assistants to support the infants with phonics and reading
- Continued development of development of skills in reading and Phonics. Results will inevitably alter between cohorts depending on ability but this enables all pupils to do as well as they can
- Extra Nursery Nurse to support youngest pupils in both nursery and Reception
- This employment enables the smoothest transition possible between both Nursery and Reception and Nursery and KS1
- Also means there is a much better adult-pupil ratio in the EYFS
- Support for all pupils who qualify for PP in terms of clubs/ trips etc.
- Continuation for family support so no child misses out on anything