How to Configure the JBoss Server in Aleph
Versions18, 20, and 21
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Document released: August 31, 2014
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Table of Contents
2Starting and Stopping the JBoss Server
3JBoss General Configuration
4Advanced JBoss Server Configuration
Configuring the JBoss Server to Use Local IP Addresses
Configuring JBoss to Accept Requests Only From Specific IP Addresses
JBoss Log Level Configuration
Configuring JBoss to Compress All Sent Data
Aleph offers features that are activated through the JBoss server.
For example, Aleph’s RESTful API is activated through the JBoss sever. More details can be found in EL commons:
In addition, the SMS proxy is activated through the JBoss sever. More details can be found in theSMS Proxy User Guide.
Starting and Stopping the JBoss Server
Use util/w/3/7/9 to run the JBoss server and util/w/2/7/1 to stop the JBoss server.
To start the JBoss server automatically with Aleph, add the following toalephe/aleph_startup:
cd $aleph_dev/ng/aleph/home/system/bin
echo " "
echo "All done "
JBoss General Configuration
The /alephe/jboss_conf/ file includes required configurations for the JBoss server. This file is automatically created during installation.If necessary, JBoss can be configured after upgrading from the old Aleph version.
To configure JBoss:
1Stop JBoss using util/w/2/7/1.
2Configure thefollowing files according to customer’s definitions:
3Run $aleph_dev/ng/aleph/home/system/bin/
4Start JBoss using util/w/3/7/9.
Note:The script changes and overrides the JBoss server.xml configurations based on the server.xml.tmpl template and according to the properties configured in the file.
Advanced JBoss Server Configuration
The following instructions are relevant for Aleph 20 andlater with JBoss 5.1.0.GA.
Configuring the JBoss Server to Use Local IP Addresses
You may want to configure the JBoss server to use the actual local IP addressrather than localhost.
To configure the JBoss server to use local IP address:
1Add the following to $alephe_root/www_server.conf:
setenv local_ip_address a.b.c.d(the IP address in digits)
2In $alephe_root/jboss_conf/
aAdd the following line:
bMake sure that the variable has the value of the local IP address.
Configuring JBoss to Accept Requests Only From Specific IPAddresses
You may want to configure the JBoss server to accept requests only from specific IP addresses, for example – only from the Primo server.
To configure the JBoss server to accept requests only from specific IP addresses:
- Go to the jdeploy directory: ($aleph_dev/ng/aleph/home/system/thirdparty/openserver/server/default/deploy)
- In the file jbossweb.sar/server.xml , before the line:
<Valve className="org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.jca.CachedConnectionValve"
Add the IP addresses:
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" allow=","/>
JBoss Log LevelConfiguration
JBoss cancreate access log files and detailed debug message information in the server log file, which is located in the in the jlog directory.
To createa JBoss access log file:
- Go to the jdeploy directory ($aleph_dev/ng/aleph/home/system/thirdparty/openserver/server/default/deploy)
- In the file jbossweb.sar/server.xml, uncomment the following line:
A log file named localhost_access_log.<date>.log is created in thejlog directory.
To enabledebug level messages in the serverlog file:
1Go to the jdeploy directory:
($aleph_dev/ng/aleph/home/system/thirdparty/openserver/server/default/deploy ).
2In the ./conf/jboss-log4j.xmlfile, below the following line:
<!-- Limit categories -->
add the following:
<category name="com.exlibris">
<priority value="DEBUG"/>
Configuring JBoss to Compress All Sent Data
You cancompress the text data sent (for example to Primo) in order to save server bandwidth.
To configure the JBoss server to compress all sent data:
1Go to the jdeploy directory: ($aleph_dev/ng/aleph/home/system/thirdparty/openserver/server/default/deploy)
2In the file jbossweb.sar/server.xml , below the line:
<Connector protocol="HTTP/1.1" port="1891" address="${jboss.bind.address}"
add the following:
compression="on" compressionMinSize="2048" compressableMimeType="text/html,application/xml"
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