A Journey of Faith

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

Hebrews 11:1

In a group of 3-4 students, read and discuss the texts and questions below to see how God led Abraham and his family on a journey of faith.

The Big Move

Read Genesis 12:1-9.

  1. What did God initially ask of Abram?
  1. God promised several things if Abram took this first step of faith. List all seven of those promises God made to Abram.

The Heir

Read Genesis 15:1-6.

  1. Some time later, God spoke to Abram again and made another promise. What was this promise?
  1. God used a visual example from nature to help Abram understand what the future held for him. What was this visual example from nature?
  1. In verse six it says, “Abram believed the Lord and he credited it to him as righteousness. What do you think that means?

Read Genesis 16:1-16.

  1. After some time had passed without God following through on his latest promise, Sarai takes matters into her own hands. What does she do to try to help God fulfill His promise?
  1. By agreeing to Sarai’s plan, does that mean Abram lost faith that God would follow through

with His promise of an heir? (See 15:4)What do you think?Why/why not?

Read Genesis 17:1, 15-22.

  1. God makes his promise of an heir even more specific in these verses. Three

times He clarifies where the child would come from. Name the person who would be the mother of this child.

  1. How many years had passed since Ishmael’s birth? (See 16:16)
  1. How do you think Abraham and Sarah felt after having been promised by God that they would have a son and then having to wait so long for it to actually happen?

Read Genesis 21:1-6.

  1. Their son was given the name Isaac, meaning “He laughs.” How does that play into the story? (See 17:17; 18:10-15; 21:6)
  1. Who is the one who had the “last laugh” in this story by making it all possible?

The Sacrifice

Read Genesis 22:1-19.

  1. As perhaps the greatest step of faith in Abraham’s journey, what did God ask of him?
  1. Did God approve of child sacrifices? (See Lev. 18:21; 20:2; Jeremiah 32:35)
  1. Considering what God thought of child sacrifices, did He intend for Isaac to die? Explain your answer.
  1. Considering what Scripture says about child sacrifices and how long Abraham and Sarah had to wait to have Isaac, what might be the reason God asked Abraham to sacrifice His son? What might God have wanted to know about Abraham?
  1. As Abraham made his way up Mount Moriah, what did he think God would probably do? (See Hebrews 11:19)
  1. How did God honor Abraham’s faithfulness to Him?
  1. What do you think was the reason for Abraham’s journey of faith?
  1. Think about your own life. What might God be trying to tell you through your own journey of faith?

A Journey of Faith

(By Jessica Williams)

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

Hebrews 11:1

In a group of 3-4 students, read and discuss the texts and questions below to see how God led Abraham and his family on a journey of faith.

The Move

Read Genesis 12:1-9.

  1. What did God initially ask of Abram?

Leave his country and go where God would show him.

  1. God promised several things if Abram took this first step of faith. List all seven of those promises God made to Abram.

1) Make him into a great nation, 2) Bless him, 3) Make his name great, 4) He would be a blessing, 5) Bless those who bless him, 6) Curse those who curse him, & 7) Give his offspring the land

The Heir

Read Genesis 15:1-6.

  1. Some time later, God spoke to Abram again and made another promise. What was this promise?

That Abram would have a son

  1. God used a visual example from nature to help Abram understand what the future held for him. What was this visual example from nature?

Stars (his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky)

  1. In verse six it says, “Abram believed the Lord and he credited it to him as righteousness. What do you think that means?

Answers will vary.

Read Genesis 16:1-16.

  1. After some time had passed without God following through on his latest promise, Sarai takes matters into her own hands. What does she do to try to help God fulfill His promise?

Gives Abram her maidservant so she could have a child through her.

  1. By agreeing to Sarai’s plan, does that mean Abram lost faith that God would follow through

with His promise of an heir? (See 15:4) What do you think? Why/why not?

Answers will vary. (Should be “No because God promised an heir through his own body. He didn’t say anything about Sarai.)

Read Genesis 17:1, 15-22.

  1. God makes his promise of an heir even more specific in these verses. Three

times he clarifies where the child would come from. Name the person who would be the mother of this child.

Sarah (or Sarai)

  1. How many years had passed since Ishmael’s birth? (See 16:16)


  1. How do you think Abraham and Sarah felt after having been promised by God that they would have a son and then having to wait so long for it to actually happen?

Answers will vary.

Read Genesis 21:1-6.

  1. Their son was given the name Isaac, meaning “He laughs.” How does that play into the story? (See 17:17; 18:10-15; 21:6)

Laughter surrounds this story. Abraham and Sarah both laugh when they find out Sarah will bear a son.

  1. Who is the one who had the “last laugh” in this story by making it all possible?


The Sacrifice

Read Genesis 22:1-19.

  1. As perhaps the greatest step of faith in Abraham’s journey, what did God ask of him?

To sacrifice his son, Isaac.

  1. Did God approve of child sacrifices? (See Lev. 18:21; 20:2; Jeremiah 32:35)


  1. Considering what God thought of child sacrifices, did He intend for Isaac to die?


  1. Considering what Scripture says about child sacrifices and how long Abraham and Sarah had to wait to have Isaac, what might be the reason God asked Abraham to sacrifice His son? What might God have wanted to know about Abraham?

Answers will vary. (God wanted to know if Abraham loved Him more than the thing he valued most. Was God the most important thing in Abraham’s life or was his son?)

  1. As Abraham made his way up Mount Moriah, what did he think God would probably do? (See Hebrews 11:19)

Raise Isaac from the dead.

  1. How did God honor Abraham’s faithfulness to Him?

Provided a ram for Abraham to sacrifice instead of Isaac and reassured Abraham that he would have numerous descendants.

  1. What do you think was the reason for Abraham’s journey of faith?

Answers will vary.

  1. Think about your own life. What might God be trying to tell you through your own journey of faith?

Answers will vary.