Pupil Premium Grant Summary Report 2015 / 16

Centre: Millside School

Number of pupils on role and PPG received
Total number of pupils on roll / 49
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG / 37
33 * £900
4 * £450 (late starters)
Total amount of PPG received for current pupils. / £900 per pupil ( £450 for late starters and extra 700 for LAC)
Total amount of PPG / £35,000
Record of PPG spending by item / project
Item / project / Total Cost / Objective / Outcome.
Academic Tutoring via Mentor Mania / £2,950 / To enhance rates of progress for pupils failing to engage successfully with the mainstream curriculum offer
To provide additional academic support for LAC / Feedback very positive from LAC families and rates of progress in line with their peers. Less successful with mentoring of pupils in schools.
1:1 support: literacy and numeracy. / £2,600 / To improve the reading and spelling ages of this cohort of young people / The outcomes were positive for those that engaged well with the programme.
HPTC Safe Self course / £200 / To improve the ability of pupils to keep themselves in safe situations. / The outcomes were not measureable but pupils continues to put himself in unsafe situations.
Increased Vocational Learning curriculum time / £3,400 / To further tailor the curriculum to individual needs and enhance post 16 choices / Outcomes were mixed. Lack of Level 2 qualification gained is an area of concern especially in Kitchen Kraft
Academy 21 / £750 / Online educational trail for one pupil to access education. / Pupil did not engage.
Additional transport costs for personalised timetables and those not entitled to home school transport. / £2,800 / To improve attendance and reduce the number of pupils who are persistently late
To increase motivation for school through personalisation of timetable / No pupils missed any GCSE exams due to additional transport arrangements.
Attainment at KS4 mirrored school expectations. Attendance improved.
Extended use of family support worker / £800 (cont.) / To improve the attendance and engagement of hard to reach pupils. / Successful. One pupil maintained an attendance rate above 80% and another increased from 22% to 61%
Additional therapeutic input (including alternative therapy/counselling support) / £3,820 / To improve the number of young people leaving with 5 A*G GCSEs or equivalent.
To improve the ability of the cohort to cope to challenge/pressurised situation.
To help the cohort make positive choices in and out of school. / Overall, those receiving PP made equivalent progress or better, than their peers in core subjects – English/maths
Halo’s Farm Personal Development courses / £7,655 / To enhance the personal development of KS3 and KS4 pupils in order that they interact more successfully in class and make the expected rates of progress. / The outcome was mixed but there was a clear improvement from those that fully engaged in the programme.
Follyfoot Farm – Healing with Horses Social Development / £2,780 / To enhance the personal development of pupils in order that they interact more successfully in class and make the expected rates of progress. / 100% of those that fully engaged in the programme made at least the expected progress in English and Maths.
Additional Support from SEBDOS Team / £450 (contrib.) / To provide continuity of support from primary school for targeted pupil in order to facilitate a smooth and successful transition to Millside / Positive – the targeted pupils performed better in terms of progress in Eng/maths than her peers not in receipt of PP
50:50 SYNC Alternative Provision placements / £2,100 (contrib.) / To provide continuity of support for new students who had previously worked at the 50:50 centre in Langley to help them be successful learners at Millside. / Although pupil displayed good progress in Maths they were unable to transfer the skills to the whole school.
Extended Work Experience Placement / £400 / To provide further personalisation of KS4 curriculum offer in order to support positive destinations at post 16 / Successful overall due to greater interaction in the curriculum.
Team Building Events with the creative curriculum / £3,000 / To help develop greater interpersonal and teamwork skills for the targeted group of pupils in year 9 / Overall progress of targeted pupils in English and maths was not at the expected levels. However pupils did gain qualifications in skiing.
Path Hill Outdoors / £15,500 / To enhance the personal development of pupils in a one to one setting order that they interact more successfully in the school environment and make the expected rates of progress. / Mixed – 2 students refused to engage in theprogramme, one attended regularly but then refused to complete the course and the other failed to transfer any of the course objectives in to practice in school.
Keep Out! Prison visit scheme. / £450 (cont.) / To highlight the dangers of criminality to those engaging in or on the edge of ASB / Mixed – Some engaged well and have shown a reduction in ASB others have continued or increased their ASB
Gangline Workshop. / £400 / To prevent those on the fringes of gang/ street life from progression any further on that route. / Positive impact on most pupils but difficult to measure impact overall.
Performance of pupils eligible for FSM or LAC for at least 6 months
% of pupils receiving PPG who achieved greater level of progress than those not eligible / 57%
% of pupils receiving PPG who achieved their target / 62%
Total PPG received / £35,000
Total PPG expenditure / £49,650
PPG remaining. / £-14,650