Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure:

Report to Parents: 2014/2015

What is the pupil premium?

Pupil Premium Funding is intended to allow additional resources to be applied to improve achievements of pupils who are possibly disadvantaged by low family income or who are or have ever been looked after children within a specified period. Service children also receive an allocation of money to support their learning.

Overview of the school

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received 2014/15
Total number of pupils on roll / 363
No. of pupils / Total Premium
Current FSM @ £1300 14/15 / 20 / £26000
Ever6 FSM @ £1300 14/15
*(Estimated-measured over 6 year period – to be paid Oct 2014) / 11 / £14300
Children Looked After (CLA) – currently in care: to be held centrally / 0 / -
Children previously been in care @ £1900 / 4 / £7600
Service Children @ £300 (13/14 rate) / 1 / £300
Total amount of PPG received April 2014 / £33600
Total amount of PPG estimated to be received Oct 2014 / £15600
Total PPG 2014/2015 / £48200
Financial Commitment 2014/15 (Academic Year)
1 / Small Group Tuition in Maths and English. / £14765
2 / IET Formula Goblin Project additional kit / £3106
3 / Encouraging Free School Meal registration by offering school uniform vouchers and discounted school trips. / £2000
4 / In conclusion from Raineonline Data 2013 targeting the following groups with teacher support and intervention:
Free School Meal Children – Reading, SPAG
Lower/Middle Boys – Maths, Reading Lower/ Middle All – SPAG
SEN children without a Statement - Reading / £9454
5 / Achievement for All (AfA) – ‘Closing the Gap’ Subscription / £3000
6 / Assistant H/T 0.4fte post Sept 2014 to oversee ‘Achievement for All’ & monitor target/vulnerable groups / £1400
7 / Assessment monitoring software upgrade to SP WS version – to accurately record and monitor progress especially in relation to PP pupils / £1200
8 / Supply cover to allow SENCO to meet with Teachers to discuss IEPs, relevant intervention strategies and offer support / £585
9 / Resources and incentives: Stardust group etc. / £500
10 / Forest Schools – additional afternoon session teacher cover + essential resources & supplies / £1463
11 / Pupil/Parental pastoral & emotional support: Children’s Welfare/Inclusion Co-ordinator & Children’s Pastoral Support Co-ordinator / £10727
Total Grant Committed / £48200
Nature of Support 2014/2015
Objective: To raise attainment and achievement of students to at least expected progress through:
·  Additional specialist maths teacher(s) to provide targeted support on either 1:1 or 1:4 ratio, this will be delivered in 10week courses during the autumn, spring & summer terms
·  Additional 0.2fte class teacher & Assistant Headteacher to work with cross Key Stage groups in both Literacy and Numeracy
·  Dedicated SENCO managing SEN register, meeting with Class Teachers termly to discuss IEPs and additional support where required.
·  Forest School increased from 2 to 3 afternoons per week.
·  Assistant Headteacher 0.6fte managing VAP register and arranging courses using the WSCC selection criteria
·  Assistant Headteacher 0.4fte managing Achievement for All initiative and monitoring targeted and vulnerable groups with school
·  To improve upon Literacy/Numeracy learning resources/schemes and encourage parental involvement with ‘at home’ on-line learning though the use of Moodle and dedicated software access programmes ‘My Maths’ etc.
·  To maintain the number of Learning Support Assistants and encourage recognised CPD (Level2/3/HLTA Training) ensuring a high quality of help and support is available both in class and whilst working with smaller groups with specific needs e.g. Stardust Group.
·  To support both pupils and parents in relation to inclusion/emotional issues which may prevent effective learning or be detrimental to school attendance.
Objective: To raise awareness and understanding of cultural differences
·  Continue to encourage and develop links with Sierra Leone, fundraising initiatives, World Garden/Map. French day. Global Partnership Teacher exchange with Sri-Lanka. Yr5 trip to British Museum & Neasden Temple in London
Objective: To develop the whole child, to add to the ‘educational experience’ and provide extracurricular opportunities to all abilities
·  Extra Curricular Opportunities – A vast number of lunchtime, before and after school clubs are available offering a range of opportunities and skill based activities suitable for all age groups and abilities – accessible to all
·  To encourage an understanding of applying academic solutions in practical situations through the IET Formula Goblin Project which aims to inspire young people aged 9-11 into engineering in a fun and innovative way.
Curriculum focus of PPG Spending 2014/2015
Maths, Reading & Writing
SEN/VAP/Vulnerable/Targeted children awareness and accountability
Cultural Awareness
Extra Curricular Clubs
Engineering Project
Measuring the impact of PPG spending
The school evaluates the impact on each pupil at the end of each term. Evaluation focuses on academic gains and how the pupils’ self-confidence has developed as a consequence of the intervention. Academic achievement is measured and monitored through use of Progress Tracker (changing to SP WS version summer 2014), recording Average Point Score Progress and Baseline/progress Tests. Class Teacher/Headteacher termly review meetings are held where all the significant groups (SEN/VAP/Gender/LAC/EAL etc.) are discussed. Individual Educational Plans are drawn up where necessary to help meet targets and the individual needs of the child.
The impact of the targeted support has been and continues to be good as the cohorts are making progress and exceeding the national average in reading, maths and writing. Children’s strengths and weaknesses are clearly identified and individual needs met, ensuring all children reach their full potential academically, emotionally and spiritually.