Application for Participation inAmerican English Webinar Series 4

Application Due: August 21,2016

The Officeof English Language Programs is pleased to offer our American English Webinar Series 4.The 6 online seminars of the course cover a variety of topics and are intended for teachers of English or future teachers of English around the world. Participants who attend 4 out of the 6 webinars will receive e-certificates. Participants are encouraged to join the associated Ning ( to participate in discussions, view or download video and other materials from the sessions, and access recordings of the webinars.

The series will take place from September 7 – November 16, 2016. Each 60-minute webinar will be held every other Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. inWashington, D.C. [6:00 PM Bangladesh time]. (Check the time in your region).

Please Note!Registration is a must to participate in the webinars, please send your application form to by Sunday, August 21, 2016.

A few days beforeeach webinar, you will receive a reminder email with the link to the webinar. Please select “Enter as a guest” and login with your FIRST NAME ONLY and country (example: Raihana Dhaka).


  • Download this application form and save it in the computer’s hard disk.
  • While saving, give your name in the beginning of the file name (example: Raihana AEW3)
  • Complete this form.
  • On the subject line of email write “Application for AE Webinar4” and attach the completed form and email itto .
  1. Type of application [Tick (√ ) one]

( ) Individual

( ) *Group/ viewing host(two or more participants)

*Group applications are required to list the names and emails of the group members in the application form and send attendance record after the completion of the webinar series (template is given below.)

2. Mr. ( ) / Ms. ( )

3. First name: ______4. Last name: ______

4. Current residence address: ______

5. Contact (a) Cell phone: ______(b)Home/work phone: ______

6. Email address: ______(b) rewrite Email address: ______

7. (a) Nationality: ______(b) Current country of residence : ______

8. Educational institution where you completed your(under) graduate degree: ______

9. Subject/focus of your (under) graduate degree: ______

10. Number of years/months that you have taught English: ______

11. Current job title: ______

12. Current employer institution: ______

13. Below, mark (√ )each of the webinar sessions that you plan to attend.

Participants who attend 4 out of the 6 webinars will receive e-certificates.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016 / The Role of Humor and Language Play in the English Language Classroom
Presenters: Dave Chisea & Stephen Skalicky
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 / Strategies for Engaging Young Learners
Presenter: Lauren Whitaker
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 / From Idea to Essay: Effective Strategies for Teaching Academic Writing
Presenter: John Kotnarowski
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 / Building your Toolkit: Steps and Strategies for Teaching Academic Writing
Presenter: Dawn Bikowski
Wednesday, November 2, 2016 / Multi-modal Writing: Promoting Digital Literacy in the English Language Classroom
Presenter: Maggie Sokolik
Wednesday,November 16, 2016 / Classroom 2.0: Tools for Digital Learning
Presenter: Jeff Kuhn

*Template for group application (viewing session) and record of webinar attendance

Group leader / host (name and email):

Participant’s complete
Name (first and last) / Participant’s email address / AE Webinar Sessions / Total sessions attended
4.1 / 4.2 / 4.3 / 4.4 / 4.5 / 4.6