Chiltern Way Federation

Pupil Premium Action Plan 2015/16

CWF Pupil Premium & Other Funding
Allocation: £73,350 for students on roll at January 15 PLASC (Ever 6: £935 x 70 = £65,450; Service: 1 x £300; Adopted from care: 4 x £1,900=£7,600)
Spend £
21 leavers (incl. 1 service) spend from 1.04.15-31.08.15 / 7,916.50
50 current eligible students / 46,750.00
4 current eligible students adopted from care / 7,600.00
New students
Extra available to spend on all PP students or arrivals / 11,083.50
Total / 73,350.00

Staff Costs (See below) 73,350

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG received)
Total number of pupils on roll (yrs 7-11) / 112
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG / 85
(10 more since PLASC day)

Rationale: Our Pupil Premium funding is invested in three specific areas` within the organisation which positively impact directly on the pupils. This is very similar to how Pupil Premium Funding was invested in 2014/15 where at both schools OFSTED felt the PPG was invested wisely, directly impacting on pupil outcomes. As 76% of pupils receive PPG, the funding is used to support all pupils.

Pupil Premium Action Plan 2015/16

Staff Costs (See below)

Family Worker £20,730

SWAM £14,340

Therapy and Intervention Co-ordinator £19,540

Inclusion Co-ordinator £18,740


Total £73,350


Issue / Action / By Whom / Success Criteria / Monitoring & Evaluation – July 2016
Attendance / Work with students and families who have attendance issues to support reintegration back into school/improved attendance.
Carry out regular monitoring of attendance, home visits, multi-agency work and parenting contract meetings. Support for both parents and children. Attendance initiatives and rewards for pupils. / Wendover
Safeguarding, Welfare and Attendance Manager. LL
Children & Family Worker. CC / Wendover
Reduced numbers of students with below 85% attendance.
Increase whole school attendance to 85%.
Reduced number of students who are refusing to engage with education
Increase the attendance of previously disaffected / disengaged pupils through in place interventions specific to the child. / Wendover
33% pupils have below 85 % Attendance. This is an improvement on 42% in 2013/14 and 45% in 2013/14.
Whole school attendance is still rising, 83% including all pupils, which is positive for non-boarding schools of our type.
16% of pupils (5) refusing to attend school. Specific interventions to raise attendance have been put in place. One pupil awaiting out of county specialist placement.
Overall whole school attendance is improving for pupils who previously did not engage / attend.
Specific Interventions
Wendover / Identify the needs of individual children or groups of children.
Train/Organising training for TA’s to deliver the specific interventions required.
Monitor the progress of pupils within specific interventions.
Evaluate the outcomes.
Repeat the cycle of intervention above.
Skills learnt in specific interventions and disseminated and re-enforced across the school. / Inclusion Co-ordinator
TR / To monitor the impact of the interventions in place – ensure good progress within specific interventions.
Progress of students receiving specific interventions is in line with expected progress (NC Levels/GCSE Grades).
Qualitative data from staff/parents, particularly with pupils accessing emotional and social interventions.
Learning Walk to identify dissemination, including discussions with students and staff. / Statement needs being re-assessed as many were out of date. Needs identified now and interventions in place.
Annual Reviews have run smoothly for the past two years. Statements have been updated and EHCPlan conversions have begun.
County have commended the school on their Person Centred Reviews and conversion paperwork.
Wendover Provision Map is updated frequently and used as a measure of tracking, monitoring and general feedback to staff of pupil needs.
SALT and OT now fully involved and embedded in the primary model curriculum.
Wendover had been without a SaLT for most of the last year due to there not being sufficient cover for the maternity leave.
We know have Cathy Burfield in place who is working closely with staff to embed strategies and good practise throughout the school/curriculum.
OT handwriting was effective for a short period of time. The next step is to look at whole class provision and sensory circuits.
Training TA’s for specific interventions to start shortly.
We have one TA trained as a dyslexia specialist. She is devising and implementing whole school approaches to dyslexia provision. This includes a new electronic dyslexia friendly font for use on computers etc.
SaLT and TAs have a set PPA each week for training and reflection on current strategies/pupil progress.
Literacy and Numeracy Coordinator/TA have attended and had online/over the phone follow up training for Accelerated Reader/STAR assessment.
Training is being disseminated by TAs to each other and other staff as they become more specialist.
Pastoral interventions and literacy interventions show good progress.
Literacy Intervention: Accelerated Reader/STAR Assessment are producing reports clearly demonstrating impact and effectiveness of the School wide intervention. Pastoral Interventions are using TMIs to track progress. We are looking into how to more effectively track this through the use of Behaviour Watch reporting/data.
Reduction in incidents in the school for those students receiving social and emotional interventions, including anger management.
This data can be monitored through Behaviour Watch Entries.
Dissemination of skills to be provided in summer term training schedule.
TA’s have asked for time in Friday CPD sessions to run carousel training for all staff. In addition, for the wider whole school interventions, TAs are in classrooms giving instant support, advice, targets and training to staff.
Specific Interventions
Prestwood / Identify the needs of individual children or groups of children getting support for these pupils through in house staffing or multi agency support intervention.
Train/Organising training for TA’s to deliver the specific interventions required.
Monitor the progress of pupils within specific interventions.
Evaluate the outcomes.
Repeat the cycle of intervention above.
Skills learnt in specific interventions and disseminated and re-enforced across the school. / Therapy and Intervention Co-ordinator
KD / To monitor the impact of the interventions in place – ensure good progress within specific interventions.
Progress of students receiving specific interventions is in line with expected progress (NC Levels/GCSE Grades).
Qualitative data from staff/parents, particularly with pupils accessing emotional and social interventions.
Learning Walk to identify dissemination, including discussions with students and staff. / Statement needs being re-assessed as many were out of date. Needs identified now and interventions in place, supported by the Multi Agency Team (MAT).
Annual Reviews have run smoothly for the past two years. Statements have been updated and EHCPlan conversions have begun.
County have commended the school on their Person Centred Reviews and conversion paperwork.
Prestwood Provision Map is updated frequently and used as a measure of tracking, monitoring and general feedback to staff of pupil needs.
Each pupil has a summary, stating their needs for support, area of strength and strategies to support each pupil within the classroom and around school. These are being updated from MAT input and staff feedback.
MAT Team (SALT, OT, EP) have embedded themselves throughout the school providing core groups for students and providing consultations with staff with the aim to better support our students both academically and with their social and emotional needs.
SALT is also working both at an individual level (assessments and interventions) and at a class room level to support language development and social skills. Supporting staff with strategies to engage learners and support their language needs within the classroom.
TA’s trained to deliver specific interventions. Specific keyworker who runs intervention- informed by MAT and annual reviews. Students are engaging with the key worker and are developing strategies to support themselves both as learners within the class room and with their social and emotional needs.
Students are becoming more confident in identifying ways to support their own social and emotional development and to manage their anger within school. These are supported by staff and monitored closely.
Pastoral interventions and literacy interventions show good progress. Students are being assessed using the WIAT II, which provides a comprehensive assessment of comprehension, spelling and word reading. This allows us to deliver highly targeted literacy interventions for our students. Reviewed termly and edited as appropriate.
SDQ data has shown a decrease in overall stress levels, emotional distress (17% decrease) and behavioural difficulties (11% decrease). The SDQ also shows a 35% increase in scores for kind and helpful behaviour. SDQ are taken from every student and their form tutor to monitor their wellbeing.
Reduction in incidents in the school for those students receiving social and emotional interventions, including anger management. This data can be monitored through Behaviour Watch Entries.
Behaviour profiles completed by staff show an improvement in learning behaviour. Conduct and emotional behaviour during the last academic year.
Social and emotional targets have been set and monitored using TME. The monitoring and recording of this is now being trialled on Behaviour watch.
Behaviour profile data showed an overall improvement of 49% in scorings related to learning behaviour, emotional behaviour and conduct.
Parental feedback shows highly positive feedback. Parents rate consistently high on questions such as “Do you feel your child's individual educational and care needs are being taken into account” and “Do you receive adequate support, and understand the purpose of the support you receive form Chiltern Way Academy”
Questions are rated on a 1-7 scale. The average scoring for questions was 6.8
Dissemination of skills to be provided in summer term training schedule. MAT are also providing ongoing training and support through drop in sessions and small group teaching to ensure staff skills and knowledge is updated.