Senior English

Lord of the Flies: Vocabulary Chapters 4-6

1. impending (adj.): about to happen; imminent; imminently threatening or menacing

2. myriad (n. or adj.): a large or indefinitely great number of persons or things (n.); innumerable

3. impalpable (adj.): not palpable; not able to be touched; intangible; difficult for the mind to grasp

4. incursion (n.): a sudden, hostile entrance into or invasion of a place or territory; a raid; an attack

5. capered (v.): to leap or skip about in a sprightly manner; prance; gambol; frolic

6. errant (adj.): deviating from the regular or proper course; straying; erring; moving in an aimless manner

7. lament (v.): to cry out loud, wail and weep with sorrow

8. reverence (n.): respect or honor shown

9. derisive (adj.): ridiculing, making fun of in a nasty way

10. testy (adj.): easily annoyed, irritable

11. inarticulate (adj.): unable to speak; unable to put thoughts clearly into words

12. gibbering (v.): babbling; to speak rapidly, inarticulately, and foolishly

13. effigy (n.): an image or representation (usually of a person)

14. flailing (v.): thrashing or swinging something around violently or uncontrollably

15. interminable (adj.): seemingly without an end

16. constrainedly (adv.): with restraint, to hold back

17. chasm (n.): a deep cleft in the earth; a marked division or separation

18. diffidently (adv.): with hesitation and respect

19. tremulously (adv.): timidly, nervously

20. jeeringly (adv.): mockingly, tauntingly

Directions: Write a sentence for each of the 20 vocabulary words. Remember:

1. Use the first four lines of paper for your 4-line header.

2. Title your sentences with enough information to specifically identify the assignment.

3. Write your last name and the page number in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

4. Number your sentences and identify the vocabulary word at the beginning of each sentence.

5. Underline or highlight the vocabulary word within the actual sentence.

6. You may only use the word “The” to start three of your sentences; four or more occurrences

equals -1 point.