Joint Heads / AD meeting Minutes

Saturday, 14th March, 2009


Heads: Rose Puffer, Allan Bredy, Walter Plotkin, Barry Clough, Peter Pelosi and Dennis Tangeman

AD's: Shane van Staden, Luke Davis, Mike Galligan, Marty Tromburg, Mike Hancock, Brij Anand, Catherine Wood, Louise Lodge, Elizabeth Davenport and Scott Johnson

Brent Hamilton and Louise Keetman

Apologies: Laurie McLellan, Bob Hetzel, Kathryn Cochrane, Paul Fochtman and Grahame Jones.

1. Rose Puffer gave an overview of the minutes from the Heads meeting held the previous day

(see attached minutes).

Date change for the SAISA Planning Meeting - March 19 and 20, 2010.

2. Consent Agenda

I Calendar Changes:

  • Girl's and boy's volleyball at AES on 25th and 26th September, 2009
  • Boy's basketball at LS (still in November)
  • SAISA West swim at KAS
  • Cricket at LAS - to be moved to second semester

Motion AIS/C - To accept the 2009 - 2010 calendar

Second LS

Carried unanimously

II Art:

Discussion - SAISA Art teachers should attend a planning meeting prior to next year's art festival.

  • A one time only meeting in the fall would be helpful to lay the foundations and guidelines for future art festivals
  • Need to use technology more in facilitating meetings rather than meeting face to face. AIS/D would like SAISASchool's to look at this as a proposal for the future.
  • Provide art teachers with various models to help them come up with a workable structure

Proposal - AIS/D will allow a half day in November during the 3 day festival to plan the guidelines for future festivals. Dennis Tangeman should also attend to assist the art teachers in the planning of the structure and guidelines for the future art festivals.

III Music:

Discussion - Music teachers to attend a planning meeting prior to the music festival

Music teachers are sufficiently organized and can plan the festival via email - they do not need a special planning meeting.

IV: Athletics:

Motion from AD Meeting - SAISA West athletes are invited to attend on a limited basis for the 2009-2010 SAISA East swim and track meets, and will be reviewed at the 2010 SAISA planning meeting. If the host school cannot house and transport SAISA West team's schools will incur all costs involved.

  • ISOI not in favour as it will dilute SAISA West as a meet
  • KAS wishes to send it's teams to participate in the East meet due to the uncertainty in Pakistan
  • There is uncertainty in all SAISA cities - not just Pakistan
  • SAISA East and West were separated initially due to MS involvement as well as the length of time needed to hold the meet.
  • AIS/D can logistically house and conduct the meet in three days. They would be prepared to trial combining East and West for the 2009 - 2010 year.

Motion LS - SAISA West are invited to attend (on a limited basis) for 2009 - 2010 SAISA East Track and Swim meets. If the host school cannot house and transport SAISA West teams, the SAISA West schools will incur all costs.

Second AIS/D

Carried unanimously

V: New SAISA Sport and Academic Events:

What is the process for adding events?

No real process. The event would start as an invitational for the first couple of years

Forensics - see Heads meeting minutes. In summary, the Heads decided more information was required before going ahead with the proposal

VI: Code of Conduct Consequences:

Proposal - A sub-committee will review the Code of Conduct document by the end of April. The new wording will be communicated to all SAISA schools by a date to be determined. Marty Tromburg (AES) and Elizabeth Davenport (AIS/C) will co-chair the committee. Dennis Tangeman (LAS) and ??? will assist.

VII: Disciplinary Actions

Motion from the AD meeting - The AD from OSC will develop a standard evaluation form/draft for approval by AD’s. The tournament director will evaluate each school’s participation from a hosting perspective, and forward the school’s evaluation to the AD, Principal and Head of each school.

  • What action would be expected from the Head of School? What actions are the AD's looking for?
  • Sanction should be given to the Tournament Director and Administration at the hosting school
  • AD's need to emphasize the Code of Conduct with their players and coaches prior to the tournament
  • Action must be taken at the time of the infraction
  • The evaluation form would be helpful in giving feedback to each school's AD and Administrators with regard to behaviour, attitude, sportsmanship etc.

Motion AIS/C: The Athletic / Tournament Director and hosting Head of School will be fully supported by all SAISA School Heads to make disciplinary decisions at the relevant SAISA event

Second AIS/D

Carried unanimously

The AD of OSC will develop a standard evaluation form for approval by AD's which will then become the standard form for use in all SAISA events.

Motion LS - The Tournament Director will evaluate each school's participation from a hosting perspective and forward the school's evaluation to the AD, Principal and Head of School.

Second AIS/C

Carried unanimously

VIII: Collection of Up-dated SAISA Directories

IX: Presentation of Certificates for services to SAISA (as they are leaving):

Louise Lodge AD at LAS

Mike Hancock AD at OSC

Laurie McLellan Head at OSC

Marty Tromburg AD at AES - to be forwarded to him as soon as possible

Meeting closed at 11:40am.