Pupil Premium Action Plan

October 2016

Impact Statements
  1. The % of PP children achieving age related expectations combined at KS2 is the same or greater than national all.

  1. The % of PP children achieving age related expectations in Reading at KS2 is the same or greater than national all.

  1. The % of PP children achieving age related expectations in Writing at KS2 is the same or greater than national all.

  1. The % of PP children achieving age related expectations in Maths at KS2 is the same or greater than national all.

  1. The % of PP children achieving age related expectations in SPaG at KS2 is the same or greater than national all.

  1. The % of PP children achieving greater depth combined at KS2 is the same or greater than national all.

  1. The % of PP children achieving greater depth in Reading at KS2 is the same or greater than national all.

  1. The % of PP children achieving greater depth in Writing at KS2 is the same or greater than national all.

  1. The % of PP children achieving greater depth in Maths at KS2 is the same or greater than national all.

  1. The % of PP children achieving age related expectations in Reading at KS1 is the same or greater than the national average.

  1. The % of PP children achieving age related expectations in Writing at KS1 is the same or greater than the national average.

  1. The % of PP children achieving age related expectations in Maths at KS1 is the same or greater than the national average

  1. The progress of PP pupils in Reading from KS1-KS2 in Reading is in the top 5% of progress for all schools nationally

  1. The progress of PP pupils in Reading from KS1-KS2 in Writing is in the top 5% of progress for all schools nationally

  1. The progress of PP pupils in Reading from KS1-KS2 in Maths is in the top 5% of progress for all schools nationally

  1. The % of PP children achieving ELG’s in EYFS is the same or greater than the national average.

  1. Progress of PP pupils from EYFS to KS1 in Reading is in line with the top 5% of progress for all schools nationally compared to KS2 progress expectations

  1. Progress of PP pupils from EYFS to KS1 in Writing is in line with the top 5% of progress for all schools nationally compared to KS2 progress expectations

  1. Progress of PP pupils from EYFS to KS1 in Maths is in line with the top 5% of progress for all schools nationally compared to KS2 progress expectations

Action / Lead / Resources / Spend / Progress
Implement progress target setting tool to track PP progress against new government progress measures for all pupils in KS2. Identify scaled score targeted outcomes to meet top 5% for progress. Band all students in the 5% achievement groups and robustly track monthly / VL / Target tracking tool (excel) PDM time to share target tracking tool / £0 / This to be continued into following academic year. Pupils and parents to be informed of scaled scores after each assessment period.
All teachers are aware of individual attainment and achievement targets for all PP pupils as well as percentage targets; meet with teachers half termly to scrutinise. (Principal Deputy Principal) (LGB) / VL / Target setting tool. PDM time to share targets / £0 / All teachers aware of who PP pupils are and what their targets are. Teachers able to plan for the needs of their pupils.
Third Space online tutoring to be used for high ability Year 5/6 / VL/SK / Third Space Learning / £8,000 / No impact from online tutoring. Not used effectively.
KS2 pupil progress meetings include PP tracking against scaled score targets including robust challenge, action and vulnerable groups identified / VL/AH/
SK / PPM time, target tracking tool / £0 / Robust targets put into place, Y6 staff and pupils aware of scaled scores
Identify support for PP pupils with SEND / BM / Director of Inclusion time
External agency support / £0 / Provision map created for additional support pupils receive
Pupil Premium Individual class action plans completed, and tracked for progress half termly / RR / Allocation of funding to individual teachers for class bids (£1,428 per year for each year group) / £10,000 / Teachers created action plans, they identified pupils needs, needs to develop further
Heavy Tracking and monitoring of Pupil Premium students, (Attainment/achievement) creating robust progress action plans per student. / VL/AH/
SK/RS / Phase leader accountability for PP (Y4,5,6)
Phase leader accountability for PP (Y1,2,3),
target tracking tool (excel), action plans / £2,195
£2,195 / All teachers attended pupil progress meetings after data capture.
PP link governor to scrutinise PP data and progress action plans half termly / Transition board / Link governor
Meeting time / £0
Half termly Phase Leader with VL/CAB to look over the current achievement of PP pupils / VL/SK/
RS / Phase leader accountability for PP (Y4,5,6)
Phase leader accountability for PP (Y1,2,3) / £2,195
Two weekly monitoring of assessment of R/W/M against year group expectations – evidence seen in books/planning / VL / £0
Develop effective intervention for SEND pupils to bring outcomes in line with national expectations / BM / Support staff CPD / CPD budget £30,000
Engage SLE time to support teaching of reading and writing in KS1 and KS2 / FS / Twilight time / CPD budget £30,000
All of KS2 to produce a piece of written work every two weeks; phase moderation. / AH/AK / Moderation time / £0
External Validation of reading levels for Years 2, 4 and 6 / AH/VL / Links with good and outstanding settings / £0
External Validation of Writing Years 2,4 and 6 / AH/VL / Links with good and outstanding settings / £0
Year 6 to have 2 weekly SAT’s style tests to pre pupils for testing behaviours / AH / SATS style testing / £0
High ability parent workshops per year group, how parents can support at home / DP / Parent forum project / £2,000
Year 6 standardisation with local Good or Outstanding English departments (Secondary) / AH / Links with Secondary colleagues / £0
All Kindle’s are with Year 6 pupils with age related text, to support reading SATS, chronological reading ages are improving / AH/DW / Kindles and age related texts / £0
Homework is extended the high ability students particularly in Year 6; this is demonstrating independence and mastery of the subjects. / AH / Homework books / £curriculum budget / No consistency across school – mastery sent out in yrs 2 and 6 only.
Book Looks to be conducted to check for PP progress against KPI’s / FS / AHT T+L time and CPD to support teachers / CPD budget £30,000
Planning scrutinise to look at the planning for PP pupils to ensure stretch and challenge / FS / AHT T+L time and CPD to support teachers / CPD budget £30,000
SIP Fiona McNally to evaluate PP provision and Outcomes, and offer advice around Ofsted framework. / SIP / SIP time / CPD budget £30,000
Design progress target setting tool to track PP progress from EYFS to KS1 in line with national KS2 progress. Identify scaled score targeted outcomes to meet top 5% for progress. Band all students in the 5% achievement groups and robustly track monthly / VL / Target tracking tool (excel) PDM time to share target tracking tool / £0
KS1 pupil progress meetings include PP tracking against scaled score targets including robust challenge, action and vulnerable groups identified / VL/RS / PPM time, target tracking tool / £0
Y2 sample testing to secure confidence in test strategies and conditions / RS / Sample testing / £0
LEA Early Years SEND project leaders pilot to be led by VL to support early SEND identification at nursey / VL / Nursery project / £0
Early identification of PP in EYFS – provide targeted support to ensure pupils achieve in line with age related expectations / TR / Phase leader accountability for PP (EYFS) / £1,000
Develop EYFS outdoor provision to provide effective challenge for PP students. / TR / Phase leader accountability for PP (EYFS) / £1,000
Reading Mentors from Reading Matters
(2x per year group Y1-6) / £7,740 / No impact, children did not make good progress.
Impact Statements
  1. The quality of teaching and learning received by PP children is consistently good or better

Action / Lead / Resources / Spend / Progress
Holistic lesson observations and drop ins related to individualised tiered support plans and teaching standards ensuring all development points are addressed swiftly. Specific focus on how PP students are catered for in planning and teaching / FS/RR / CPD time to address areas identified in observations
Tiered support plans / CPD budget £30,000
External training/support from SLEs in writing, maths and reading to support teaching and learning excelling and the progress of children being in the top 5% / FS / SLE time / CPD budget £30,000
Moderation of PP Writing across school, to ensure that assessment and planning is stretching pupils in lessons. Misconceptions are corrected and teaching plans corrected. / LG/VL / CPD time
Tiered support plans / CPD budget £30,000
Bi-weekly monitoring of planning for PP in Writing and Maths/Reading to monitor effective use of AFL. Feedback given and coaching to teachers who are not good or better / FS/RR / CPD time
Tiered support plans / CPD budget £30,000
Bi-weekly monitoring of marking and feedback for PP in Writing and Maths/Reading/EBAC to monitor volume of work/curriculum coverage / FS/RR / Tiered support plans / CPD budget £30,000
Targeted in class teacher interventions to ensure PP pupils with SEND are making rapid progress in line with national peers. CPD for staff around SEND needs, and teaching strategies. / BM / CPD time / CPD budget £30,000
Bespoke CPD plans for all staff, internal and external to ensure Good Teaching and Learning / FS / CPD time / CPD budget £30,000
Continued visits to Outstanding and Good settings for staff / FS / Links with other settings / CPD budget £30,000
All RQT’S/NQTS/UQTS to attend Reach4 training sessions / FS / Reach training / CPD budget £30,000
Teacher professional reading library is set up and is activity used and tracked by AHT T&L / FS / Professional literature / CPD budget £30,000
Impact Statements
  1. The number of PP children arriving to school on time is the same or greater than for all pupils.

  1. The % of PP children achieving 96%+ attendance is the same or greater than all pupils.

  1. The average % attendance for PP children will be the same or greater than national all.

Action / Lead / Resources / Spend / Progress
Follow up absences from 1st day to ensure rigorous monitoring and communication with families. / LB / EWO position – accountability for PP TARA Attendance policy and absence monitoring procedures / £1,500
Meet with families of children whose attendance falls below 90% / LB / EWO position – accountability for PP TARA
Attendance policy and absence monitoring procedures / £1,500
Half Termly attendance newsletter to parents to inform about key attendance figures, provide strategies and reminders and celebrate success / LB / EWO position – accountability for PP TARA
Newsletter / £1,500
Half termly attendance letter to advise of pupil’s individual attendance and targets / LB / EWO position – accountability for PP TARA
Attendance policy and absence monitoring procedures / £1,500
Weekly Tweets on the schools page Good attendance ideas / LB / EWO position – accountability for PP TARA
Twitter access / £1,500
Hold attendance review meetings for targeted families to check progress, offer support and share attendance data. / LB / EWO position – accountability for PP TARA
Attendance policy and absence monitoring procedures / £1,500
Weekly impact reports to analyse attendance of PP emailed to Phase Leaders and SLT links weekly / LB / EWO position – accountability for PP TARA / £1,500
GAP education programme to develop confidence and wellbeing in relation to school to improve PP attendance / DP / GAP programme and support package / £500
Impact Statements
  1. The percentage of PP children receiving C2 behaviour incidents will be less than for all children.

  1. The percentage of PP children receiving C3 behaviour incidents will be less than for all children.

  1. The percentage of PP children receiving exclusions will be less than for all children.

Action / Lead / Resources / Spend / Progress
Schools rewards system is visible and pupils and parents are able to articulate the systems for gaining rewards. / BM / Rewards system and policy / £0
Manners cards are starting to be used and are visible on pupil’s uniforms. The cards are an active part of school life, Phase Leaders are monitoring staffs use of the cards to ensure consistency and application – track percentage of PP students receiving stamps on manners cards / BM/RS
/SK / Manners cards / £rewards budget
Use Marvellous Me Reward system to develop parental engagement and celebrate attendance improvements.
Track PP percentages receiving Marvellous Me rewards / TK / Marvellous Me / £rewards budget
Deliver targeted interventions to address behaviour for PP pupils with SEND needs / BM / Support staff interventions
CPD for support staff / CPD budget £30,000
CPD for staff around Attachment Disorder and strategies for behaviour management / BM/FS / CPD budget £30,000
CPD for staff to develop behaviour management strategies, further reduction in behaviour incidents (ESBD) (descalation) / BM/FS / CPD budget £30,000
Weekly monitoring of behaviour watch to identify patterns of behaviour and identify children for interventions / BM / Behaviour watch / £0
Impact Statements
  1. The percentage of PP children who take part in extra-curricular activities in KS1 will be greater than for all children.

  1. The percentage of PP children who take part in extra-curricular activities in KS2 will be greater than for all children.

Action / Lead / Resources / Spend / Progress
Survey PP students to identify interests – sport and other aspects e.g. Mandarin/maths challenge clubs, etc. / DF/SK / Survey / £0
Range of sports clubs available for KS1 and KS2 / DF/SK / P.E. leader delivery of sports clubs / £sport budget
Develop parental links to encourage parents to access extra-curricular options available / TK/DP / Parent forum project / £2,000
Impact Statements
  1. The percentage of PP children who complete homework weekly will be greater than the percentage for all children.

  1. The percentage of PP children who are in correct uniform will be greater than the percentage for all children.

Action / Lead / Resources / Spend / Progress
Ensure homework is set weekly at an appropriate level for the age of the child / AH / Homework books / £curriculum budget
Monitor returns of homework weekly and identify regular non-returners / AH / £0
Homework club for children who are not able to complete homework at home or who require additional support / AH / £0
Develop parental links to encourage parents to access support for homework and ways to help their child at home / TK/DP / Parent forum project / £2,000
Daily uniform monitoring identify pupils with incorrect uniform and contact parents / MG / £0
Provide uniform for parents in financial crisis; including shoes, coats, school jumpers, tops and trousers/skirts / RR / PP clothing fund / £1,000
Impact Statements
  1. The percentage of PP parents who attend parents’ day will be greater than the percentage for all children.

  1. The percentage of PP parents in EYFS and KS1 who attend parent forums will be greater than the percentage for all children.

  1. The percentage of PP parents in KS2 who attend parent forums will be greater than the percentage for all children.

  1. 100% of pupils engaged in the GAP programme demonstrate an increase of one colour band in all area of SDQ and wellbeing.

Action / Lead / Resources / Spend / Progress
Parent forums encourage parental engagement in school / TK/DP / Parent forum project / £2,000
GAP programme develops parental understanding of how to support child in school / DP / GAP programme / £500
Regular communication with parents about meetings, parents’ day, forums, etc. Using twitter, website, text messaging service and letters home / DP/TK / Twitter access
Website access / £0