PUPIL NOTICES Friday24thMarch 2017
ALL / Rock ChallengeCan all stage crew (and any dancers who wish to help) meet after school on Friday outside the theatre door to help load the set. The more hands we have, the quicker it gets loaded.
Miss Greig (Science)
ALL / Use of Open Learning Space for Studying
Can pupils who intend using the Open Learning Space for studying from 4pm-6pm on Monday 27thMarch, please go instead to the Lecture Theatre. This is to allow the viewing of the Rock Challenge video to take place.
Mrs Sellers (Head Teacher)
ALL / Youth Alpha
Youth Alpha runs on a Friday lunchtime in Music Room 3. Start at the beginning of lunch. Lunch provided or you can bring your own. Any questions speak to Mrs Woods or Mr Brown.
Mrs Woods (Creative Arts)
ALL / Lost Property in PE
All lost property from PE will be left out in the cage in the department until the end of this term to be collected. Anything not collected by the end of next week will be put to the charity shop.
Miss MacLeod (Health)
S1 / Inter-House Competition
Well done to all S1 pupils who participated in the Inter-House competition on Wednesday. Good enthusiasm showed by all pupils. Here is a list of all the House points put together for the day:
Grange / 200 points
Slains / 180 points
Marischal / 160 points
Buchan / 140 points
Craigewan / 90 points
Arbuthnot / 90 points
A special thanks to the Sports Leaders for organising the event.
Miss MacLeod (Health)
S4 – S6 / Careers
Can I please ask pupils to check their own school e-mails for careers related information from now on as I am now e-mailing out information on a regular basis to relevant year groups.
Sharon Tulloch (Careers Adviser)
S4 – S6 / The Maths Open Learning Area is available for study from 4pm to 6pm every school night until the Easter holidays. If you find it difficult to revise at home, or you would like ICT / Internet access, please use this facility to help you achieve your best in your upcoming exams. There will be a member of staff available to help and advise you.
Mrs Macpherson (Depute Head Teacher)
S4 – S6 / Ready To Vote
The 2017 Scottish council elections are the first Scotland-wide council elections in which 16 and 17 year olds can vote. Young people who are 16 or over on 4 May 2017 will be able to vote but they need to register first.
If you’re not already on the electoral register, you need to register to vote by Monday 17 April to vote in the 2017 Scottish council elections.
Register to vote online at gov.uk/register-to-vote
If you’re 16 or over you’ll need your date of birth and national insurance number to register to vote. If you can’t find your national insurance number visit: gov.uk/lost-national-insurance-number. If you’re not yet 16 you won’t need your national insurance number to register.
Register NOW!
Mrs McHugh (Social Subjects)