Christmas Concert Rehearsals Rehearsals for the Christmas Concert will take on place on Monday as follows – Periods 3 and 4 – Pipers, soloists and senior singers

Periods 5 and 6 – string group, jazz group and orchestra.

Please register with your teacher and then meet in the hall with everything you need. The concert starts at 7pm – please be there no later than 6.45. Uniform is school uniform with black shoes – NO TRAINERS!

Brass Players who are coming to play on Wednesday afternoon please meet Miss Macphail at the music department at the start of lunchtime with instruments. If you have not handed back your consent form please do it ASAP!

“Ah! Then yours wasn't a really good school. Now at OURS, they had at the end of the bill, French, music, and washing – extra” said The Mock Turtle.

Our school, in particular, the library, is to become Wonderland next week for three days, when you are likely to meet all sorts of curious characters, participate in unlikely activities and sample lots of nonsense. This will be our Happy Un-Birthday Alice!, athree-day celebration of 150 years in Alice in Wonderland, which will end with a wonderful Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. Tickets will be limited for this event, will be sold by S6 pupils and how can you buy one? More information later this week.

Speaker’s Corner last Friday Thank you, Sean Allan in S6, for a fabulous talk on Friday at Speaker’s Corner. And, good questions from the audience!

Christmas ConcertTickets for the Christmas Concert on Monday 7th December are available from the music department and the school office. The price is £5 and the evening’s entertainment starts at 7o’clock.Donations for the raffle will be gratefully received and should be handed in to the music department

Eco-week We would like any interested pupils from S1-6 to join us in G16(Mrs Shaw) at lunchtime Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 1.05pm to design the schools eco-code and make some posters to raise awareness of the importance of being eco-friendly. We also need to raise awareness of the schools bottle drive, we are trying to collect 2000 2L bottles to build a greenhouse. Come along and help us make posters etc. (TS)

Hockey Club: If you are available to play a match on Saturday12thDecember(morning) please come and give your name to Miss Scholes or Miss Macphail before Friday breaktime please. Arrangements will be finalised this week. Any S1-S6 hockey club member can sign up. Teams will be selected and announced at start of next week. Hockey Club on as normal this week (weather dependent). Thanks SS

S1-6 Orienteering If you are interested in taking part in an Orienteering competition on Saturday 12th December, 1030 start, in Forres, please contact Mr McAvinue for more details.

FREE Body Combat sessions at Moray Leisure Centre on Wednesday 9th and 16th December 4-5pm. The sessions are funded by Elgin Youth Café in a bid to help youngsters take on a healthier lifestyle. Great sessions to keep yourself active, improve fitness and be with friends. If you wish to attend you must collect a parental consent form from the PE department and take it along to the 1st session at MLC. For more info contact Laura @ Active Schools”

Scotland Rugby Internationals at Murrayfield.The school is planning to go to Murray field to watch Scotlandplay England ( Feb 6th ) and France ( March 13th ). Any student who wishes to go should get an information letter from Mr Kelly in Physics G 13.


S3 Personalisation and Choice – Additional Physical Education The following students have not yet returned the completed tear off slip from the letter regarding additional PE in S3. All slips should be returned no later than Wednesday 9th December 2015 via your registration teacher. Many thanks for those already in. (KJG)

Daniel Campbell, Louise Curtis, Tymoteusz Feledyn, Dani Fikloczy, Joe Gentleman, Owen Jeffrey, Szabolcs Kovacs, Rhys McInnes, Fionn O’Driscoll, Damian Ofat, Eloise Pender, Morven Ross, Mackenzie Smith, Ciaran Stone.

S1/S2Cookery Club Cookery Club will run on Thursday this week. Please sign up in the HE department by Wednesday. It will cost £1.00 please bring a tub.


SDS Interviews – Monday7 December 2015

P3 Sean McHughP4 Jack FraserP5 David Stewart P6 Chevall Arendse

S4 Biologists – Missing National 5 Biology textbooks Thanks to the pupils who have returned books however Biology department are still missing a large number of National 5 textbooks please get on Santa’s good list and return these before the end of term.

Chemistry Nat 5 Supported study – 3:30-4:30pm Thursday G27

Higher Supported Study 3:30-4:10pm Wednesday G27

National 5 Drama. Mrs May will continue to run study sessions after school on a Monday, 3:30-4:30. On the 7th December we will be continuing with Section B. On the 14th December we will be looking at Voice and Movement terminology. Please let me know if you would like to attend. Thanks!

Senior Singers rehearsals will take place in YO6 every lunch time until the Christmas concert on Monday 7th December. This is your chance to sing some Christmas songs and be part of a fab group. Be there as often as you can!

Christmas Party the price for the S5/6 Christmas Party tickets is £5, and they are now on sale form anyone in the social events committee. They are also available on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunchtime from 1pm in Mrs May’s room. The closing date for buying tickets is Friday 11th December and cannot be bought on the night. The party is on Tuesday 15 December from 7pm – 10pm. Smart dress is required.

PRODUCTION TEAM MEMBERS/TEXTILE APPRENTICESHIPS 36 permanent posts at Johnsons of Elgin - please see the poster on the guidance notice board – various start dates through December and January, excellent hourly rate plus overtime available.

Energise Your Future at Subsea Expo 2016 ‘The world’s largest subsea exhibition and conference’

Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre - Friday 5th February 2016 09.45 – 13.15 (registration starting at 09.15) OPITO and Subsea UK invite students and teachers to Energise Your Future at Subsea Expo 2016. Can any s4 pupil who wishes to attend this event please give their name to Mrs Bowley no later than Friday 11th December

Stonemason Apprenticeship – Harper & Allan Masonry Ltd has 2 apprenticeship opportunities. For more information contact Andrew Allan, Director, Harper & Allan Masonry Ltd on 07912 607549. Website is

Painter & Decorator Apprenticeships – Bell Decorating has apprenticeship opportunities. If interested email your CV to