Date ______Name ______
Apologia Zoology 2: Lesson 3 Test
1. The word Pinnipedia means ______.
2. How are pinnipeds like cetaceans?
3. What do pinnipeds usually eat?
4. What are two things pinnipeds have in common with dogs?
5. The pinniped’s teeth are typically used to:
a)chew food
b)tear up food
c)hold prey
d)kill prey
______6. rookerya. an animal no longer needs to get milk from its mother
______7. weanedb. place where seals and walruses go to mate
______8. haul outc. when pinnipeds get onto land
For the following statements, put the letter T if it refers to True Seals, SL if it refers to Sea Lions, or FS if it refers to Fur Seals .
_____9. Are excellent divers
_____ 10. Have rough, short fur
_____ 11. Have a rounded snout
_____ 12. Only have ear holes, no outside ear flaps
_____ 13. The males can have thicker fur around their face and neck
_____ 14. Can only flop along on land
_____ 15. Were hunted and made into coats, especially in the 1700s and 1800s
16. How big can walruses get?
- More than 1,000 lbs
- More than 2,000 lbs
- More than 3,000 lbs
- More than 5,000 lbs
17. Walruses have a feature that they share with what other creature?
- sperm whale
- sea lion
- manatee
- narwhal
18. Which of these is not a way walruses use their tusks?
- dig in the sand to find food
- use them to haul out
- to fend off polar bears
- to tear apart their food
19. Unlike other animals, walruses have ______that allow them
to float. These are located in their ______.
For the following statements, put the letter D if it refers to Dugongs or M if it refers to Manatees.
_____ 20. Have rounded tails
_____ 21. Prefer salt water
_____ 22. Have sanctuaries set up for them
_____ 23. Probably seen by Columbus
_____ 24. Found near Asia, Africa, and Australia
_____ 25. Males can have tusks
26. ______are the biggest threat to manatees.
True or False – Write T for true and F for false for the following statements
______27. Walruses have long whiskers.
______28. Pinnipeds need to eat their prey head-first.
______29.Male pinnipeds are called cows.
______30. A male doesn’t leave a rookery the whole time during breeding season.
______31.When a walrus is very cold it turns pink.
______32.Female pinnipeds are almost always pregnant.
______33.Manatees chew so many fish their teeth fall out and they grow new ones.
______34. Fur seals and sea lions have flippers that are more than 1/3 their body length.
______35.Polar bears, sharks, and blue whales like to eat pinnipeds.
______36.Dugongs give kisses when they see other dugongs.