Puddletown Surgery Patient Participation Group

Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 26th September 2012

Present:George Armstrong (Chairman)Dr Anne Boyle

David CroftJenny Gaitskell

Marian GreenmanAnn Norman

Shirley ParkerDiane Richardson

John SollyCarol Taylor

Michael ThreshPeter Yarbrough


Glad Antell, Felicity Atkinson, Brian Baggott and Heather Bull, Liz Reed, Pat Sparks

2Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 11th July 2012

These were agreed

3Items Arising (not on Agenda)

There were no matters arising that are not on this agenda

4Patient Participation Direct Enhanced Service

The subcommittee met, reviewed the patient surveyform and admired the neat layout and consistency of format that are the result of Peter’s skill and expertise. The members of the PPG would like to thank Peter for all the work he has put into this. A draft copy was given to the PPG members and discussed at length; the outcome was a couple of further revisions to be made. The completed survey form is to be distributedto patients attending in the surgery and at the dispensary hatch on dates to be agreed. The sub-committeewill meet again to discuss when to distribute this.

Our target is to achieve 200 completed questionnaires that reflect the demographics of the surgery patient list.

5Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Dorset-Consultation

A detailed discussion took place on the Consultation. Overall the PPG felt that this was not a public health strategy but rather a framework for evaluating a strategy. As such, it was far too generic a document that did not address the specific demographic and geographical profile of the county. The PPG saw the document as the start of the process of developing a strategy and look forward to the next more specific iteration. The Chair undertook to collate the comments and send it to the consultation.


Distribution of Newsletter

The surgery currently has a good number of committed distributors with only a couple of villages that are not covered. The practice will advertise for deliverers to these villages in the next newsletter. The PPG requested that the practice should include in future newsletters items about:

  • Clinical Commissioning
  • Whooping Cough
  • St Johns Ambulance Dementia Support

7Book Sales

This is proving very popular, with some returning the books for resale once read. £626 has been raised for the British Heart Foundation to date.


Reports were received from:

Shirley Parker, Carers

Carol Taylor, Practice Manager

Discussions arising from the reports were:


The population of the Practice has risen from 3865 in September 2011 to 3951 in September 2012.


Dr Kathryn Armitage is extremely well liked and proving very popular with patients.

Peter continues to be very helpful and supportive in the development of the practice’s new website, which is being developed following his suggestions. We are hoping that our new improved website will be up and running before the survey questionnaires are ready for uploading and distribution. An email link for this will be sent to PPG members on Friday.


There have been no new donations or purchases since the last meeting in December

8Date of Next Meeting

There will be a short meeting on Wednesday 12th December 2012 at 6pmfollowed by a Christmas buffet.

26th September 2012 Page 1