Note: This letter is to be printed on your Firm’s letterhead

Sample Discovery Agreement Letter


Clients name and address


I/We want to take this opportunity to thank you for the time you gave me/us yesterday. I/we thoroughly enjoyed meeting with you (both) and having the opportunity to explore your thoughts, ideas, wants and needs as it pertains to an overall financial strategy for you (yourselves) and your family.

Given the fact that we discussed a wide range of issues, I/we thought it best to take a moment and highlight what I/we perceive as being the keypoints of our discussion to ensure that I/we have a clear and proper understanding of what is most important to you at this time.

1)Your top priority is the financial well-being of your family in the event of a premature death or joint disaster. Notwithstanding your group coverage at work and your current investment portfolio, you do not feel that this would be sufficient to provide (Cindy, Jason and Melissa) with a standard of living commensurate with what they currently enjoy, nor would it necessarily allow them to take advantage of personal growth and lifestyle opportunities as they mature.

2)You stated that it is of the utmost importance that (Jason, Melissa and Cindy) have sufficient funds to attend the university of their choice. You wanted to ensure that $75,000 was set aside for each of your children, believing that tuition fees will continue to rise at a significant rate.

3)With respect to retirement years, you mentioned that your goal could best be described as “more than adequate comfort zone”. This means having sufficient funds that would allow you to do four very important things.

…retain both your current home and cottage property in Muskoka

…take at least two vacation trips per year

….spoil your grandchildren

…have sufficient funds set aside to cover the costs of nursing home and nursing care for (both you and Karen) if necessary so as not to have to liquidate the cottage or other quality assets.

4)You also mentioned that although you are and have been maximizing your RRSP deposits each, you would like to explore other strategies to enhance your retirement income picture.

5)With respect to your current disability coverage, you feel that

the plan provided by your employer is adequate, however you are not entirely sure it will be adequate in terms of coverage and duration of that coverage.

6)Finally, you have clearly expressed the need to leave a significant charitable donation to the Canadian Parkinson’s Society in the amount of $250,000 and want to look at the most tax effective way in which to make this happen.

(Steve, Nancy, I/w) trust this serves to highlight the key points of our discussion yesterday. If I/we have missed anything, please let me know at your earliest convenience.

Once again, my/our sincere thanks to you (both of you) for giving me/us the opportunity to spend this time with you, and for the trust and confidence you have placed in me/us.

I/we look forward to our scheduled meeting on (date) .



Investment Advisor and / or Insurance Specialist