Publications of North Eastern Social Research Centre, Guwahati
Books on Livelihood Issues
01. Walter Fernandes and Nafisa Goga D’Souza (eds). 2001 (reprint 2006) Climate Change and Tribal Sustainable Living: Responses from the Northeast. 150 pages, Price Rs 100, USD 10. Euro 8.00(only paperback).
02. Walter Fernandes and Melville Pereira. 2005.Land Relations and Ethnic Conflicts: The Case of North Eastern India. 248 pages, Rs 200, USD 18, Euro 16 (paperback), Rs 350, USD 30, Euro 28 (hard cover).
03. Pranami Garg and Madhumita Puryakastha. 2008. The Share of Children in Assam Budget: An Analysis of Allocataions 2004-05 to 2007-08. 40 pages, price Rs 25, USD 3, Euro 2.
04. Pranami Garg. 2008. Axom Budgetot Xixur Angxo: 2004-05 or pora 2007-08 loi Abontonor ek Bislexon. 40 pages, Rs 25.
05. Paromita Shastri, Madhumita Puryakastha, Indralin Dkhar and Daisy Nath. 2010. Budget for Children in Assam 2004-05 to 2008-09. New Delhi: HAQ Centre for Child Rights and Guwahati: North Eastern Social Research Centre. Pp. 8+71 Rs 60.00
Books on Gender Issues
06. Walter Fernandes and Sanjay Barbora. 2002. Modernisation and Women’s Status in North Eastern India: A Comparative Study of Six Tribes. 236 pages, Price Rs 200, USD 20, paperback, Rs 350, USD 30. hard cover (out of print).
07. Walter Fernandes and Sanjay Barbora. (eds). 2001. Changing Women’s Status in India: Focus on the Northeast. 219 pages, Price Rs 180, US$ 18 paperback, Rs 300, USD 25 hard cover (out of print).
08. Walter Fernandes, Melville Pereira and Vizalenu Khatso. 2007. Customary Laws of the Northeast: Impact on Women. Published by National Commission for Women, New Delhi, No price given
09. Walter Fernandes, Melville Pereira and Vizalenu Khatso. 2008. Tribal Customary Laws in Northeast India: Gender and Class Implications. Summary of the above, published as Legal Awareness Series No. 4. Price Rs 25, USD 2.50, Euro 2.00 (only paperback).
Books on Tribal Issues
10. Alphonsus D’Souza. 2001 (reprint 2005) Traditional Systems of Forest Conservationin North East India: The Angami Tribe of Nagaland, 68 pages,Rs 40, USD 4, Euro3 (Only paperback).
11. U. A. Shimray. 2006 TribalLand Alienation in the Northeast. 40 pages, Rs 25.00USD 2.50, Euro 2 (only paperback).
12. Walter Fernandes, Gita Bharali and Vemedo Kezo. The UN Indigenous Decade in Northeast India. 156 pages, Rs 120.00, USD 12, Euro 10 (only paperback).
13. Walter Fernandes and Sanjay Barbora (eds). 2008.Land, People and Politics: Contest over TribalLand in Northeast India.172 pages. Published jointly by NESRC and IWGIA. Price Rs 150.00; USD 22.50; Euro 16. (only paperback).
14. Z. K. Pahru. 2010. Viable Education for Tribals: A Poumai Naga Perspective. Pp. xvi + 174 Rs 120.00
Books on Peace Initiatives
15. Lazar Jeyaseelan (ed). 2008. Conflict Mapping and peace Processes in Northeast India. 2008. pp. 275, Rs 200, USD 20, Euro 18 (only paperback).
16. Walter Fernandes (ed). 2008. Search for Peace with Justice: Issues around Conflicts in Northeast India. 176 pages, Rs 120.00; USD 12.00; Euro 10.00 (only paperback)
17. Tom Mangattuthazhe. 2008. Violence and Search for Peace in Karbi Anglong, Assam. Pages 66. Rs 60.00; USD 6.00; Euro 5.00 (only paperback).
18. Alphonsus D’Souza (ed). 2011. Traditional Methods of Conflict Resolution in Three Tribal Societies of North Eastern India. Pp. 95, Rs 75.00.
19. Leban Serto. 2011. Teaching for Peace and Peace Curriculum in Manipur. Pp. 95. Rs 75.00.
Displacement Studies Series
20. Gita Bharali and Walter Fernandes. 2007. Unnayan Bonam Sthanantor. (Assamese version of Development-Induced Displacement in Assam 1947-2000. 250 pages, Rs 150.
21. Walter Fernandes and Gita Bharali. 2011.Uprooted for Whose Benefit? Development-Induced Displacement in Assam 1947-2000. (pp. x + 734. Paperback Rs 350, USD30 Euro 35. Hard cover Rs 800, USD 70 Euro 60,
22. Walter Fernandes and others. 2011. Development-Induced Displacement in West Bengal 1947-2000. (about pp. 800, about Rs 400 paperback, Rs 850 hard cover – in June 2011)
23. Walter Fernandes and Niraj Naik. 2011. Development-Induced Displacement in Goa 1965-2001 (forthcoming – October 2011)
Legal Awareness Series.
01 Ravi Sagar. 2001 (reprint 2005) Plantation Labourers, Know Your Rights. Pp. 14, price Rs 10.
1a. Ravi Sagar. 2001 (sixth reprint 2008). Chah Shramik aru Teonlokor Adhikar ki Jane Ne …. Rs 10.
1b. Ravi Sagar. 2001 (reprint 2006). Chai Bhaganon me Karyarat Mazdoor Apne Adhkaron ko Janiye ….. Rs 10.
02. Walter Fernandes, Sanjay Barbora and Gita Bharali. 2003. Children of Plantation Labourers and Their Right to Education. 38 pages, Rs 20 (out of print).
2a. Sanjay Barbora and Gita Bharali. 2003. Chah Sramikar Sisu aru Sikhyar Adhikar. 40 pages, Rs 20
03. Ravi Sagar. 2005.Forest Rights of the Scheduled Tribes and Forest Dwellers: The Gauhati High Court Judgement and the CentralForest Bill. 25 pages. Rs 15, USD 1.50, Euro 1.00.
04. Walter Fernandes, Melville Pereira and Vizalenu Khatso. 2008. Tribal Customary Laws in Northeast India: Gender and Class Implications. 35 pages, Rs 25.USD 2.00 Euro 1.50.
05. Gita Bharali. 2009. Jalabayu Paribartanar Bishaye (About Climate Change). Pages 40, Price Rs 20.