
Lieve M. Teugels

PThU Amsterdam


Lieve M. Teugels, Bible and Midrash. The Story of ‘The Wooing of Rebekah’ (Gen. 24) (Biblical Exegesis and Theology, 35), Peeters, Leuven 2004.

―. AggadatBereshit. Translated from the Hebrew with an Introduction and Notes (Jewish and Christian Perspectives, 4), Brill, Leiden 2001.

In process: L.M. Teugels, The Parables in Mekhilta de Rabbi Ishmael and Mekhilta de Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: a Critical Edition with Translation and Commentary. (TSAJ), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen (2018)

Edited Volumes

Lieve M. Teugels and Rivka Ulmer (eds.), Midrash and the Exegetical Mind: Proceedings of the 2008 and 2009 SBL Midrash Sessions, Gorgias Press, Piscataway, 2010.

Lieve M. Teugels and Rivka Ulmer (eds.), Interpretation, Religion and Culture in Midrash and Beyond: Proceedings of the 2006 and 2007 SBL Midrash Sessions, Gorgias Press, Piscataway 2008.

Lieve M. Teugels and Rivka Ulmer (eds.),Midrash and Context. Proceedings of the 2004 and 2005 SBL Consultation on Midrash, Gorgias Press, Piscataway 2007.

Lieve M. Teugels and Rivka Ulmer (eds.), Recent Developments in Midrash Research. Proceedings of the 2002 and 2003 SBL Consultation on Midrash, Gorgias Press, Piscataway 2005.

L.V. Rutgers, H.W. Havelaar, P.W. van der Horst & L. Teugels (eds.), The Use of Sacred Books in the Ancient World, Peeters, Leuven 1998.

In process: “K. Neutel and L. M. Teugels (eds),Private Parts and Public Debate: Male Circumcision as a Contested Practice, Gorgias Press, Piscataway, NJ.

Articles and Contributions to Collections

Lieve M. Teugels,“Between Hermeneutic and Rhetoric: The Parable of the Slave who Buys a Rotten Fish in Exegetical and Homiletical Midrashim” in E. Staalduine en K. Spronk (eds.), Hebrew Texts in Jewish, Christian and Muslim Surroundings, Brill, Leiden, 2018, 50-64.

―.“The Contradictory Philosophical Lessons of the Parable of the Lame and the Blind Guards in Various Rabbinic Midrashim”, in D. Nelson and R. Ulmer (eds.), From Creation to Redemption: Progressive Approaches to Midrash.Proceedings of the Midrash Section, Society of Biblical Literature, Volume 7 (2017), Gorgias Press, Piscataway, NJ,153-171.

Lieve M. Teugels,

& Annette Merz, “Parabels in de oren van Joden uit de eerste eeuw. Een kritische lezing van Amy-Jill Levine’sShort StoriesbyJesus”, in JSTR (NTT) 71/2 (2017) 169-184.

Lieve M. Teugels, “Wijsheid als Tora in de Rabbijnse Traditie – Spreuken 8 in de midrasj”, in J. Dubbink, N.A. Riemersma, K. Spronk, W.C.G. van Wieringen (eds.), Wijsheid. Amsterdamse Cahiers voor Exegese van de Bijbel en zijn Tradities. Cahier 31, 2VM, Bergambacht 2017, 31-39.

―.‘ “Whoever saves a soul saves an entire world” - PikuahNefesh in Rabbinic Literature’, in Annette Weissenrieder (ed.), Religion and Illness, Wipf and Stock. Eugene (Or.), 2016, 235-259.

―.“Het huwelijk als bestemming van de mens? Rabbijnse lezingen van het scheppingsverhaal”, in Schrift48/4 (Sept. 2016)128-132.

―. “De Parabel van de Lamme en de Blinde in de Rabbijnse Overlevering: Externe en Interne Confrontaties”, in Religieuze Confrontaties in de Oudheid.Opstellen bij de Zevenstigste Verjaardag van Pieter W. van der Horst - Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 70/3, 2016, 236-245.

―. “Towards an Annotated Edition of Tannaitic Parables”, in K. Spronk (ed.),The Present State of Old Testament Studies in the Low Countries: A Collection of Old Testament Studies Published on the Occasion of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the OudtestamentischWerkgezelschap, Brill, Leiden 2016, 248-266.

―. “De Brede Hagada: Een oud boek in een eigentijdse jas”, in Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 69/1, 2015, 57–66.

―. “Blendingthe Borders betweenLiteratureandCommentary, InterpretationandSelf-Reflection: Metalepsis in RabbinicMidrash”, in Peter vonMöllendorfandUte E. Eisen (eds.), Über die Grenze: Metalepse in Text- undBildmedien des Altertums(Narratologia, 39), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2013, 405-430.

―. “Rabbinic Literature: Hebrew Bible/Jewish Scriptures”, in Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Bible, Oxford University Press, New York, NY 2011, 239-247.

―. “PirkeAvot, the Sayings of the Fathers”, in David M. Fahey(ed.), Milestone Documents in World Religions, Salem Press, Dallas, TX, 2010, Vol. 1, pp. 454-467. Also available as online publication.

―. “AggadatBereshit”, in Allison, Jr., Dale C. a.o. (eds.), Encyclopaedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR), vol. 1, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin(2009) 571-572. Also available as online publication.

―. “Textual Criticism of a Late Rabbinic Midrash: AggadatBereshit”, in Lieve M. Teugels & Rivka Ulmer (eds.), Recent Developments in Midrash Research. Proceedings of the 2002 and 2003 SBL Consultation on Midrash, Gorgias Press, Piscataway 2005, 137-153.

―. “De Symboliek van het Kwaad in een rabbijnse tekst: ‘Babylon’ als pseudoniem voor ‘Christendom’”, and: “Appendix: Een Methodologische noot over de tragiek van de geschiedenis en de schoonheid van de hermeneutiek in de midrasj”, in B.-J. Lietaert Peerbolte en E. Tigchelaar (eds.), Kennis van het Kwaad. Zeven visies uit Jodendom en Christendom, Meinema, Zoetermeer 2004, 121-145, 147-149.

―. “The Twin-Sisters of Cain and Abel: A Survey of theRabbinic Sources”, in Gerard P. Luttikhuizen (ed.), Eve’s Children. The Biblical Stories Retold and Interpreted in Jewish and Christian Traditions, Brill, Leiden 2003, 47-56.

―. “Textual Criticism of Late Rabbinic Midrashim: The Example of AggadatBereshit” in Wim Weren & Dietrich-Alex Koch (eds.), Recent Developments in Textual Criticism: New Testament, Early-Jewish and Early-Christian Writings (Studies in Theology and Religion), Van Gorcum, Assen 2003, 207-241.

―. “Jewish Studies Classics. An Introduction to the Series”, included the titles appearing in the Jewish Studies Classics Series, Gorgias Press, 2003-2006 (now Kiraz Jewish Studies Archive).

―. “Fragment’s Unusual Features”, in Geniza Fragments. The Newsletter of the Cambridge University’s Taylor-Schechter GenizaReseacrh Unit at Cambridge University Library, 44 (October 2002) 4.

―. “Midrasj”, in Schrift 194 (2001) 35-37.

―. “Gap Filling and Linkage in the Midrash on the Rebekah Cycle”, in A. Wenine.a. (eds), Studies in the Book of Genesis. Literature, Redaction and History (BETL 155), Peeters, Leuven 2000, 585-598.

―. “Unraveling the Rabbis’ Web. A Response to Miriam Peskowitz”, in J. -W. Van Henten & A. Brenner (eds.), Families and Family Relations as Represented in Early Judaisms and Early Christianities: Texts and Fictions (Star, 2), Deo Publishing, Leiden 2000, 135-142.

―. “Two Centuries of Midrash Study: A Survey of Some Standard Works on Rabbinic Midrash and its Methods”, NederlandsTheologischTijdschrift54 (2000) 125-144.

―. “The Creation of the Human in Rabbinic Interpretation”, in G.P. Luttikhuizen (ed.), The Creation of Man and Woman (Themes in Biblical Narrative, 3), Brill, Leiden 2000, 107-127.

―. “AggadatBereshit and the Triennial Lectionary Cycle”, Journal of Jewish Studies 51/1 (2000) 117-132.

―. “New Perspectives on the Origins of AggadatBereshit. The Witness of a Geniza Fragment”, in J. Targarona Borras and A. Saenz-Badillos (eds.), Jewish Studies at the Turn of the 20th Century. Proceedings of the 6th EAJS Congress, Toledo 1998, Brill, Leiden 1999. Vol.I: Biblical, Rabbinical and Medieval Studies, 349-357.

―. “The Background of the Anti-Christian Polemics in AggadatBereshit”, Journal for the Study of Judaism 30 (1999) 178-208.

―. “Concern for the Unity of Tenakh in the Formation of AggadatBereshit”, in L.V. Rutgers, H.W. Havelaar, P.W. van der Horst & L. Teugels (eds.), The Use of Sacred Books in the Ancient World, Peeters, Leuven 1998, 187-202.

―. “Der Aufbau von AggadatBereshit und die Idee der Einheit des Tenakhs”, Frankfurter Judaistische Beiträge 25 (1998) 23-37.

―. “Midrash in the Bible or Midrash on the Bible? An enquiry into the Midrash on Gen 24”, in Ulf Haxen, Hanne Trautner-Kromann, Karen Lisa Goldschmidt Salamon (eds.), Jewish Studies in a New Europe , Copenhagen:C.A. Reitzel, 1998, 830-841.

―. “Holiness and Mysticism at Sinai According to the Mekhilta de Rabbi Ishmael”, in A. Houtman, M.J.H.M. Poorthuis & J. Schwartz (eds.), Sanctity of Time and Space in Tradition and Modernity (Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 1), Brill, Leiden 1998, 113-133.

―. “Midrash in the Bible or Midrash on the Bible? Critical Remarks about the Uncritical Use of a Term”, in G. Bodendorfer & M. Millard (eds.), Bibel und Midrasch(ForschungenzumAlten Testament 22), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 1998, 43-63.

―. “Consolation and Composition in a Rabbinic Homily on Isaiah 40 (Pesiqta de ravKahana 16), in J. van Ruiten and M. Vervenne (eds.), Studies in the Book of Isaiah. Festschrift Willem A. Beuken(BETL 132), Peeters, Leuven 1997, 433-446.

―. “‘A Strong Woman Who Can Find?’ A Study of Characterisation in Genesis 24, With Some Perspectives on the General Presentation of Isaac and Rebekah in the Genesis Narratives’, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 63 (1994) 89-104. Reprinted in J.W. Rogerson (ed.), The Pentateuch. A Sheffield Reader (The Biblical Seminar, 39), Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield 1997, 281-295.

―. “Did Moses see the Chariot? The Link between the Revelation on Mount Sinai (Ex 19-20) and Ezekiel’s Vision of the Chariot (Ez. 1) in Early Jewish Interpretation”, in M. Vervenne (ed.), Studies in the Book of Exodus. Redaction-Reception-Interpretation (BETL, 126), Peeters, Leuven 1996, 594-602.

―. “De maagdelijkheid van Rebekka. Model van fysieke en morele zuiverheid in de rabbijnse literatuur”, Ter Herkenning 24 (1996) 13-28.

―. “The Anonymous Matchmaker. An Enquiry into the Characterisation of the Servant of Abraham in Genesis 24”, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 65 (1995) 13-23.

―. “Midrasj in, en, op de bijbel? Kritische kanttekeningen bij het onkritische gebruik van een term”, Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 49 (1995) 273-290.

―. “A Matriarchal Cycle? The Portrayal of Isaac in Genesis in the Light of the Presentation of Rebekah”, Bijdragen5 (1995) 61-72.

G. Teugels, “De Kuise Jozef”, Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 3/45 (1991) 193-203.

In process:

―. “Talking animals in parables: a contradictio in terminis?”, in E. Ottenheijm (red.), Parables in Changing Contexts. Interreligious and Cultural Approaches to the Study of Parables (JCP), Brill, Leiden, 2018, xxx

―. “The Provenance of AggadatBereshit. A reassessment of the origins of the work as a ‘Tanchuma satellite’”, submitted to R. Nicholsky (ed), ​Tanchuma - the State of the Research, Brill, Leiden, 2017, xxx.


Lieve M. Teugels,

―.“Rechem/Rachamim”, in Barmhartigheid leven. Op weg naar Kerstmis. Lees- en meditatieboekje 2015, Berne media, Heeswijk, 2015.

―. “Openbaring toen en nu”, in Tenachon: Goddelijke Indentiteit, Stem of Beeld (Tora in de Westerse Cultuur, 4), Stichting Pardes, Amsterdam 2011, 38-47.

―. Commentaar op de midrash op Deut. 26 in Joram Rookmaaker (ed.), De Brede Haggada, Stichting Sja’ar , Amsterdam, 2011, 8.

―. “Women of Valor. On the Presentation of Women in Midrash”, in The Light of the Summit Jewish Community Center, Spring 2005, 6-7.

Lieve M. Teugels, “Midrash on the book of Genesis”, in The Light of the Summit Jewish Community Center , Spring 2002, 3-4.

Piet van der Horst & Lieve Teugels, “De Toekomst van de Joodse Studien aan Nederlandse Theologische faculteiten”, Aeropagus 4/2 (2000) 18-20.

M. Dijkstra & Lieve M. Teugels, “Bijbelwetenschappen”, in W. van Asselt, C. Bakker, M. Dijstra, and O. de Vries, Wat is Theologie?, Meinema, Zoetermeer, 23-35.

Lieve M. Teugels, “De Joodse uitleg van de Schrift, in het bijzonder in de Midrasj” (Vierde jaarlijkse Van Unniklezing, 21 maart 2000), in Nieuwsbulletin van de Willem C. van Unnik Stichting, Utrecht 2000, 3-10.


- 21-2-2018: “Parabel van de maand februari: Over een rotte vis en Egyptenaren met pech”. Published online:

- 7-12-2017: “Chanoeka, Chanoekia en Menora” . Published online.!/6233/chanoeka-chanoekia-en-menora

- 27-11-2017: “Parabel van de maand november: Manna – letterlijk of spiritueel voedsel”. Published online:

- 30-10-2017: “Parabel van de maand oktober: Water in de woestijn”. Published online:

- 28-9-2017: “De baarmoeder van God”. Published online.!/29648/de-baarmoeder-van-god

- 4-9-2017 : “Parabel van de maand augustus: De duif in de rotskloof”. Published online:

- 6-7-2017: “Parabel van de maand juli: De wolf, de leeuw en de slang”.Published online:

- 11-5-2017: “De parabels van Jezus en de andere rabbijnen”. Published!/14191.

- 13-3-2017: “Masjal en midrasj: hoe zit dat precies?”. Published online:

- 22-11-2016: “Parabel van de maand november: Rovers en de tempel”. Published online:

-15-8-2016: “Parabel van de maand augustus: Een pauw op tafel”. Published online:

-1-7-2016: “Parabel van de maand juli: De Tora als God’s architectengereedschap’. Published online:

-17-5-2016: “Parabel van de maand mei: Twee slagen met een stok’. Published online:

-3-5-2016: “Strijdende wijsheidsscholen: De parabel van de rijke dwaas.” Published online:

-30-1-2016: “Parabel van de maand januari: ‘Paard en ruiter wierp hij in zee’ (Exodus 15:1): Lichaam en ziel verbeeld door de Lamme en de Blinde.” Published online:

- 28-12-2015: “Parabel van de maand december: Een alternatief kerstverhaal”. Published online:


R. Lenaers, Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, or The End of a Medieval Catholic Church, Gorgias Press, Piscataway, NJ 2007. (Translation from the Dutch by L. Teugels).

Book Reviews

Lieve M. Teugels, review of:

Paul Mandel,The Origins of Midrash: From Teaching to Text. Leiden-Boston, Brill 2017. In JSJ 49 (2018) Published Online:

HavaTirosh-Samuelson, Aaron W. Hughes (eds.), Michael Fishbane: Jewish Hermeneutic Theology (Library of Contemporary Jewish Philosophers, 14), Leiden, Brill, 2015. In NTT 71/3 (2017) 287-302.

Joel Kaminksy & Joel Lohr, The Hebrew Bible for Beginners. A Jewish and Christian Introduction, Abingdon Press, Nashville (TN), 2015. In NTT 70/1 (2016) 78-79.

C. Cordoni, G. Langer (red.), Narratology, Hermeneutics, and Midrash. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Narratives from the Late Antiquity through to Modern Times, Göttingen, Vienna University Press/V&R Unipress, 2014. In: NTT 69/2 (2015) 159-160.

P.W. Van der Horst, Saxajudaicaloquuntur: Lessons from Early Jewish Inscriptions. Radboud Prestige Lectures 2014. (Biblical Interpretation, 134), Leiden, Brill, 2015. In: NTT 69/2 (2015) 157-158.

Willem Smelik, Rabbis, Language and Translation in Late Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2013). In: NTT 69/1 (2015) 77-78.

Willem Smelik, Rabbis, Language and Translation in Late Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2013). In: JSJ 46/3 (2015)442-443.

Amram Tropper, Simeon the Righteous in Rabbinic Literature: A Legend Reinvented (Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity 84). Leiden: Brill, 2013. In: JSJ 46 (2015) 155-156.

Dina Stein, Textual Mirrors: Reflexivity, Midrash, and the Rabbinic Self (Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion). University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 2012. In: JSJ 45 (2014) 142-143.

Gunter Stemberger. Das klassische Judentum: Kultur und Geschichte der rabbinischen Zeit.Revised and Actualised Edition (Beck’scheReihe, 2009). Verlag C.H. Beck, Munich, 2009. In: JSJ 42 (2011) 335.

Rachel A. Anisfeld. Sustain me With Raisin-Cakes. PesiktadeRavKahana and the Popularization of Rabbinic Judaism (Supplement to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, 133), Brill, Leiden-Boston 2009. In: Journal for the Study of Judaism 42,1 (2011) 83-84.

PekkaJ, Sin at Sinai. Early Judaism Encounters Exodus 32 (Studies in Rewritten Bible, 2). Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, IN 2008. In: Journal for the Study of Judaism 41,3 (2010) 409-410.

Tal Ilan, Tamara Or, Dorothea M. Salzer, Christiane Steuer & Irina Wandrey (eds.), A Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud. Introduction and Studies, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2007. In: Journal for the Study of Judaism 40 (2009)408-10.

Steven T. Katz (ed.), The Cambridge History of Judaism. Volume 4: The Late Roman-Rabbinic Period, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2006. In: Journal for the Study of Judaism 40 (2009) 415-18.

David Nelson, Mekhilta de-Rabbi Shimon bar Yoḥai. Translated into English, with Critical Introduction and Annotation (Edward E. Elson Classic), The Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia 2006. In: Journal for the Study of Judaism 39 (2008) 427-428.

Isaac Kalimi and Peter J. Haas (eds.), Biblical Interpretation in Judaism and Christianity (Library of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, 439), T&T Clark, New York and London 2006. In: Journal for the Study of Judaism 39 (2008) 407-408.

Anne Lapidus Lerner, Eternally Eve: Images of Eve in the Hebrew Bible, Midrash, and Modern Jewish Poetry, University Press of New England, Hanover, N.H 2007. In: Review of Biblical Literature, July 2008.

Carol Bakhos (ed.), Current Trends in the Study of Midrash (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, 106),Brill, Leiden 2006. In: Journal for the Study of Judaism 38 (2007) 342-449.

John T. Townsend. Midrash Tanhuma. Volume III. Numbers and Deuteronomy. Translated into English with Introduction, Indices and Brief Notes (S. Buber Recension), Ktav Publishing House, Jersey City, NJ 2003. In: Jewish Quarterly Review 97/2 (2007) 49-51.

Dagmar Börner-Klein, Pirke de-Rabbi Elieser. Nach der Edition Venedig 1544 unter Berücksichtigung der Edition Warschau 1852 (StudiaJudaica 26), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York 2004. In: Journal for the Study of Judaism 37 (2006) 418-420.

AzzanYadin, Scripture as Logos: Rabbi Ishmael and the Origins of Midrash, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 2004. In: Review of Biblical Literature, June 2005.

Alexander Samely, Rabbinic Interpretation of Scripture in the Mishnah, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2002. In: Journal of Semitic Studies 49 (2004) 169-172.

Martin S. Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth. Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism, 200 BCE-400 CE, Oxford University Press, New York, NY 2001. In: Journal for the Study of Judaism 34 (2003) 332-334.

Alan J. Avery-Peck & Jacob Neusner (eds.), Judaism in Late Antiquity Part Three: Where we Stand: Issues and Debates in Ancient Judaism: Volume Three, Brill, Leiden 2000. In: Journal for the Study of Judaism 33/3 (2002) 315-320.

Alon Goshen-Gottstein, The Sinner and the Amnesiac: The Rabbinic Invention of Elisha Ben Abuya and Eleazar Ben Arach, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA 2000. In: Review ofBiblicalLiterature 9 (September 2002). (Online publication)

P. Egger, Verdienste vor Gott?: Der Begriff zekhut im rabbinschen Genesiskommentar Bereshit Rabba (NTOA 43),Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2000. In: Catholic Biblical Quarterly 64 (January 2002) 157-158.

Tal Ilan, Integrating Women into Second Temple Judaism& S. Valler, Women and Womanhood in the Talmud. In: Journal for the Study of Judaism 31 (2000) 322-328.

Doris Lenhard, Die rabbinischeHomilie. Ein formanalytischer Index (Frankfurter Judaistische Studien, 10), Frankfurt-am-Main, Gesellschaft zur Förderung Judaistischer Studien, 1998 & A. Goldberg, Rabbinische Texte als Gegenstand der Auslegung. Gesammelte Studien II., ed. M. Schlüter & P. Schäfer, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 1999. In: Journal for the Study of Judaism 31/1 (2000) 97-105.

The Annual of Rabbinic Judaism. Ancient, Medievaland Modern. Vol. 1. Edited by Alan Avery-Peck, William Scott Green & Jacob Neusner, Brill, Leiden, 1998. In: Journal for the Study of Judaism 31/1 (2000) 65-67.

J. A. Loader, A Tale of Two Cities: Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament, Early Jewish and Early Christian Traditions (CBET, 1), Kok, Kampen, 1990. In: Louvain Studies 17 (1992) 408-424.

Publications Lieve M. Teugels / 1