Volume No. 2016Issue No.18Date: May 29, 2016

Publication of the BIBLE BAPTIST MINISTRY, 48 Alexie Rd, Hanover Township, PA 18706


Can you remember in America,

(1)When riots were unthinkable? (2) When you left front doors open?

(3) When socialism was a dirty word? (4) When ghettos were neighborhoods?

(5) When the flag was a sacred symbol? (6) When criminals actually went to jail?

(7) When you weren't afraid to go out at night? (8) When taxes were only a necessary nuisance?

(9) When a boy was a boy and dressed like one? (10) When a girl was a girl and dressed like one?

(11) When the poor were too proud to take charity?

(12) When the minister actually preached the Gospel?

(13) When clerks and repairmen tried to please you?

(14) When college kids swallowed goldfish, not acid?

(15) When songs had a tune and the words made sense?

(16) When people knew what the Fourth of July stood for?

(17) When you never dreamed our country could ever lose?

(18) When a Sunday drive was a pleasant trip, not an ordeal?

(19) When you bragged about your hometown and home state?

(20) When everybody didn't feel entitled to a college education?

(21) When people expected less and valued what they had more?

(22) When politicians proclaimed their patriotism and meant it?

(23) When everybody knew the difference between right and wrong?

(24) When our government stood up for Americans anywhere in the world?

(25) When you knew that the law would be enforced and your safety protected?

(26) When you considered yourself fortunate to have a good job and proud to have it?

(27) When the law meant justice and you felt a shiver of awe at the sight of a policeman?

(28) When you weren't embarrassed to say that this is the best country in the world?

(29) When America was a land filled with brave, proud, confident, hardworking people?

Nowhere is the absence of God's presence more conspicuous and tragic than in the church. The world is unimpressed, and even repulsed, by "Christianity" that is lifeless and powerless. Someone said, "We have no right to be believed, so long as we can be explained!"

I believe what we need more than anything else in the families and ministry of our churches is the cry of the Psalmist in Psalms 63:2, "To see THY POWER AND THY GLORY, as I have seen thee in the sanctuary." This will only come when there is an outpouring of GENUINE REVIVAL. If we are going to have REVIVAL, it will require divine intervention. Leonard Ravenhill said, "We may build the altar and prepare the sacrifice, but God alone can send the fire."

REVIVAL is the Great Need of the Hour! When men in the streets are afraid to open their mouths and utter godless words lest the judgments of God should fall; when sinners, overawed by the presence of God, tremble in the streets and cry for mercy; when, without special meetings and sensational advertising, the Holy Ghost sweeps across cities and towns in supernatural power and holds men in the grip of terrifying conviction; when every shop becomes a pulpit; every heart an altar; every home a sanctuary and people walk softly before God-THIS IS REVIVAL!

May God's blessing be upon you this week as you read and meditate on the message from Psalm 120:2 "Truth has Fallen on Hard Times."To easily access the Weekly SERMON message, go to and click on the link at the bottom of this page.

In His Amazing Grace

Pastor David Miklas