The Organizing Committee may return for revision the documents which don't meet requirements concerning their design, or don’t meet conference direction.

Publication of conference materials

Conference Proceedings (abstracts) will be posted on the website of the Institute in .PDF (tab‘Conferences inPRIPA NAPA’ at after the event.


The conference registration feeis 50 UAH
(it includes publication of abstractsin electronicversion .PDF, Collection of works delivery to participants per e-mail within a month).

Participation for international actors and the leading scientists – doctors (full dr.) (singly provided abstracts), is free (without registration fee).

The payment (for Ukrainian participants only)should be made by the following account:

DRIPA NAPA under the President of Ukraine

Dnipro city, Gogol str., 29

SSCU in Kyiv city

MFI 820172 USREOU code 25006848

Bank account 31256327118313

Purpose of payment: donation by (Name of participant).

THE Organizing Committee ADDRESS:

Ukraine, 49044, Dniprocity, Gogol str., 29.

Cab. 302, Department of Economics and Regional
Economic policy.

phone num.: +38(056)745-44-92,




Olga Matveieva (mob. tel. num.: +380959296715;


Alexander Kurennoy(mob. tel. num.: +380503425419)

Application form

for participation
the VIIInternationalScientific Conference

First name, last name______
Scientific degree ______
Academic status______
Organisation ______
Position ______
Thesis title______
Number and name of the section______
Name, scientific degree, academic status of the supervisor (if available_)______
Mobile phone num.______
Another phonenum.______

Sample of the Abstract

Ivan Ivanov

Associate Professor of Public Administration department of Dnepropetrovsk National University, Ph.D. in public administration, Associate Professor


Changing the economic realities objectifies a need ... (text of the report) [1, p. 22].


1. Public administration in Ukraine: the scientific, human and organizational principles....

Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute
of Public Administration

National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

Information letter

‘Science – education – state government:

integration for sustainable development!’

VIII International
Scientific Conference


October 20, 2017

The purpose of the conference is current issues of territorial sustainable development discussion, mechanisms and instruments of its ensuring defining, the international experience summarizing and recommendations for actual problems solving making.

Dnipro, Ukraine

Dear colleagues!

We’d like to invite you forparticipating in the
VII International scientific conference "Sustainable development of territories: problems and solutions", which will be held on October 20, 2017
in Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration for the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.

The annual conference invites scientists, experts, academics, academic degree applicants, civil servants, officials of state and local government, political parties, civil society organizations, the media and other interested persons who are working on these issues.

Conference form: in absentia.

Sustainable development is defined by the United Nations as a mainstream of humans’ evolution in the twenty-first century. Ukraine started the process of systemic changes for postcrisis state reviving, providing welfare and safety for people, supporting their desire to live in harmony with nature. Focusing on sustainable development is based on ideas and principles which are set out in the Declaration on Environment and Development and also in Agenda for the Twenty-First Century. Those were adopted at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro (Rio – 1992), confirmed and clarified later (Johannesburg –2002, Rio – 2012).

The conference will enable us to generate research areas in the context of territorial sustainable development. Discussion on current problems and their solutions will allow conference participants to draw conclusions and make proposals (recommendations) for consideration in future research and the work of public administration and local self-government bodies.

We are looking for your fresh thoughts!

Perhaps your achievements and proposals will become a starting point for finding a way of sustainable (balanced) development in the implementation of public policy


1. Theoretical and methodological principles
of sustainable (balanced) development providing: economic, legal, social and philosophical aspects.

2. Mechanisms and models of sustainable (balanced) socio-economic development of territories.

3. Institutional framework for sustainable (balanced) development in terms of decentralization.

4. Formation, using and capacity building of territories’ development: national and international experience.

5. Scientific and educational dimensions of sustainable (balanced) development.

6. Sustainable (balanced) development of local communities.


To participate in the conference we kindly ask you to send by e-mail before October 13, 2017 to the Organizing Committee with a note ‘for the conference’ or bring personally to the Organizing Committee the following documents:

-application form (the example is attached);

-abstracts (requirements are attached);

-a copy of the payment order for payment of the registration fee (for Ukrainian participants only).

Note: In case the document sending by e-mail the fact of its receiving should be confirmed by our message. In case of non-receipt of such confirmation request, contact the Organizing Committee, please.

List of participants who have successfully applied and have been registered for the conference, will be posted on the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration site ( after the October 16, 2017.

AND THE ORDER OF its Sending

  • File name should meet the user name in Latin (for example: Ivanov_Ivan).
  • Microsoft Office Word file with the extension
    *.rtf or *.doc.
  • The file sending is available by electronic mail
    (e-mail subject must contain the name and the surname of the participant and indication ‘for the conference’).

Requirements for the materials

Text length– up to 3 pages, word processor – Microsoft Word, page format – A4 (297х210mm), margins – 20 mm, font – Times New Roman, font size – 14, line spacing – 1, style – Normal.

The first paragraph – full name.

The second paragraph – position, place of work (study), scientific degree, academic rank.

The third paragraph – title of the report. Next – the text of report is placed with 1 cm paragraph indent.

List of references (if available) is placed at the end of the text. It should be written in accordance with bibliography standards.

Working languages – English, Ukrainian, Russian, Polish.