MissouriLeadership Development Program


U.S. Office of Personnel Management

Eastern Management Development Center

2019MOLDP Student Agreement Form

Please submit this form to o later than August 24, 2018. Once this form has been reviewed by OPM, you will be notified that you have been added to the class roster. Note: Registration and payment must occur prior to submission of this form to OPM.

Part 1: Student Agreement

I, ______(print/type name) am enrolled as a participant in the 2019 Missouri Leadership Development Program (MOLDP). As an MOLDP participant, I agree to the following:

  • Attendance at Orientation is mandatory as it establishes the foundation of the 6-month program. If you are unable to attend the Orientation, please let us know immediately. A substitute from your organization may be considered.
  • I will attend each of the scheduled sessions during the course of the program. If I miss more than two scheduled session days during the program year, I understand that I will not receive a graduation certificate.
  • It is my responsibility to schedule coaching sessions with my assigned coach and to attend these sessions at the agreed upon time. I recognize that my coach is an independent contractor, has obligated this time in lieu of other commitments. For this reason, I will ensure that my coach is informed as far in advance as possible if I cannot attend the session as originally scheduled. I understand that I may have to forfeit this session if notification occurs less than 48 hours in advance.
  • To ensure my coaches are prepared for my coaching sessions and that those sessions are effective, I give OPM my consent to share the results of the assessments taken by me prior to the orientation (e.g. OPM Leadership Potential Assessment, MBTI, FIRO-B, etc.) with my assigned coach.


(This is the way your name will appear on your graduation certificate.)

Part 2: Participant’s Statement of Interest

  1. Explain how your agency will benefit from your participation in this program.
  1. Explain how you will benefit from your participation in this program.

Part 3: Supervisor Approvals

By signing this form, I agree that this employee is a high potential candidate for this program and I support his/her participation in this program.

Supervisor (1st Level): Phone: ()

Approval Digital Signature:______E-Mail:

Supervisor (2nd Level): Phone: ()

Approval Digital Signature:______E-Mail:

MOLDP Participants’ supervisor(s): Research indicates that individuals who have the support of their supervisor when undertaking a developmental activity will more likely benefit from and be able to apply what they learn in the classroom setting. We will invite participant’s first-line supervisor to attend a two-hour, supervisors only, Orientation session on September 28, 2018

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