Public Works Committee Minutes

October 28, 2014


The Public Works Committee of the City of Raleigh met in regular session on Tuesday, October 28, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, Room 201 of the Raleigh Municipal Building, Avery C. Upchurch Government Complex, 222 West Hargett Street, Raleigh, North Carolina with the following present:

Committee Staff

Councilor Eugene Weeks, Chairman Public Works Director Carl Dawson

Councilor John Odom Deputy City Attorney Ira Botvinick

Raleigh Fire Chief John McGrath

Absent and Excused Senior Real Estate Specialist Greg Pittman

Assistant Public Utilities Director Kenneth

Councilor Wayne Maiorano Waldroup

Assistant Public Utilities Director T. J.


Senior Traffic Engineer Jed Niffenegger

These are summary minutes unless otherwise indicated.

Mr. Weeks called the meeting to order and indicated Mr. Maiorano was absent and excused from today’s meeting.

The following item were discussed with actions taken as shown.

Item #13-14 – Fire Station – Harden Road - Concerns. Mr. Weeks noted during the October 7, 2014 City Council meeting this item was referred to the Public Works Committee for further discussion.

Public Works Director Carl Dawson indicated a copy of Staff’s report is included in the agenda packet.

Raleigh Fire Chief John McGrath talked about efforts to expand fire protection for the city noting Fire Station 14 required new facilities to house a ladder company to address changing needs in the area. He stated the present facility was built in the 1960’s and is too small to house a ladder truck. He stated the current site is surrounded by Rex Hospital property and talked about a previous offer by the Hospital to swap land for a new facility; however that is no longer possible. He talked about looking at land along Harden Road and Blue Ridge Road including land owned by the North Carolina Art Museum; however, the Art Museum has yet to respond to Staff’s overtures regarding land along Blue Ridge Road, and is only willing to lease the land on a long term basis. He stated Engine 14 had approximately 1,100 calls in the past year, 70% of those calls were medical runs.

Mr. Odom questioned which lot the Fire Department is considering with Chief McGrath responding the lot address is 3510 Harden Road, and noted the item was referred to the Committee by Councilor Bonner Gaylord in order to receive public comment.

Brief discussion took place regarding the distance between the fire station’s present and proposed locations.

Tom West, Meredith Woods Homeowners Association President, stated he first heard about the proposal when the item appeared on the City Council meeting agenda and there was no meeting with the Fire Department about this issue beforehand. He expressed concerns regarding noise, traffic, and safety pointing out the proposed station would be across the road from a future Montessori school currently under construction. He talked about there being limited vehicular access to Meredith Woods including access including Lake Boone Trail via Nancy Ann Drive. He talked about traffic often travelling along Lake Boone Trail at 60 miles per hour in a 45 mile- per-hour zone and expressed concern a diesel fire truck making left hand turns onto Lake Boone Trail at intersections without a traffic signal. He also expressed similar concerns regarding access onto Blue Ridge Road from Harden Road.

Mr. West questioned the Fire Department’s policy regarding the use of lights and sirens after hours and talked about City Council conditions regarding early morning trash pickup with nearby commercial developments as well as the Montessori school due to noise. He talked about the recent Board of Adjustment case regarding the Montessori School stating the School would install traffic calming devices on Harden Road, which in his opinion is an acknowledgement by the City Council a traffic issue exists.

Mr. Odom questioned whether Nancy Ann Drive exits onto Lake Boone Trail with Mr. West responding in the affirmative.

Mr. Weeks questioned if the residents could hear noise emanating from the present fire station location with several members in the audience responding in the affirmative. Mr. Weeks talked briefly about City policy regarding noise for emergency vehicles.

Mr. West went on to express concern regarding the Fire Department’s move from a major thoroughfare to a side road and questioned the Art Museum’s willingness to sell the land.

Chief McGrath pointed the City does not have a policy regarding noise for emergency vehicles after 5:00 p.m. and stated sirens are used to warn people in advance of the approaching fire truck. He stated fire vehicles are required to stop at all intersections, and expressed his belief there would be no adverse traffic impact from the fire station noting there would be greater impact from the school. He expressed his understanding regarding the residents’ noise concerns, and stated the Department would prefer to relocate onto Blue Ridge Road; however, no one is willing to sell. He talked about looking at lots adjacent to the Harden Road location as well as making attempts to meet with the neighbors; however, the Department did not make any announcements as it may affect the price of the lot. He pointed out the City’s fire trucks are required to go the posted speed limit when responding to calls.

Mr. West stated out there is no commercial property along Harden Road with Chief McGrath pointing out the medical office complexes located along the north end.

Julie Bremer-Smith indicated she is a former Harden Road resident and questioned the Fire Department’s preferred egress from the neighborhood and expressed her opinion the most logical route was through the residential section of Harden Road. She pointed out the area was slated for traffic calming installations and expressed concern this effort would be hampered due to the future fire station location.

Chief McGrath stated call responses try to access the main roads as much as possible and avoid residential sections unless responding to a call within the neighborhood. He noted the Department is not in favor of traffic calming devices due to the effect on wear and tear of fire equipment and stated the Department favors greater police speed enforcement.

Ms. Smith talked further about Harden Road conditions and urged the City add traffic signals to the intersections of Nancy Ann Drive at Lake Boone Trail as well as Harden Road at Blue Ridge Road. She also talked about alternate egress routes avoiding the Nancy Ann Drive/Lake Boone Trail intersection with Chief McGrath noting the Department is not opposed to having a traffic signal at on Lake Boone Trail at Nancy Ann Drive.

Mr. Odom spoke about traffic calming issues in his district.

Susan Guganus, 2204 Myron Drive, indicated she has lived in Meredith Woods since the 1960’s before Rex Hospital and the fire station were built. She talked about people walking through her neighborhood on the streets as well as a recent Board of Adjustment condition that the Montessori school stacks waiting vehicles on their property. She expressed her opinion that such stacking of vehicles will not be possible and that there will be stacking of vehicles along Harden Road. She also expressed concern that neither the School nor the Fire Department approached her neighborhood about relocating their facilities on Harden Road.

Tom Turner, 3404 Harden Road, thanked the Raleigh Fire Department for its work on behalf of Raleigh’s citizens and urged the Committee place the project on hold until the Chief meets with the neighbors as well as the school. He expressed concern the proposed fire station locating close to the school and that no enough planning went into relocating the fire station.

Chief McGrath talked his history with the Fire Department in other Cities noting many fire houses are located in residential neighborhoods and went on to state Fire Department drivers are among the safest with Mr. Turner reiterating his concern the School was not approached and so questions the Chief’s reason for locating the fire station near the school. The issues was debated at length between Chief McGrath and Mr. Turner with Mr. Turner stating he wanted a commitment from the City to place the project on hold until the Fire Chief meets with the neighborhood and the School to address their concerns.

Public Works Director Carl Dawson talked about the amount of time required for the planning and design process with Mr. Turner expressing his opinion it is a case of the tail wagging the dog and the whole process does not make sense. Mr. Odom assured Mr. Turner the neighbors’ issues will be addressed as it will take time for the process to take place.

Charlene Turner, 3500 Harden Road, indicated her property is located at the corner of Harden Road and Nancy Ann Drive. She stated she received a letter from the City expressing interest in purchasing her lot in order to expand the lot for the proposed fire station. She noted the process is on hold at this time and went on to talk about improvements she made to her home and lot.

Senior Real Estate Specialist Greg Pittman indicated he was the staff person who spoke with Ms. Turner. He talked about Staff’s efforts to purchase additional land to expand the lot for the proposed fire station and stated staff is in talks with another adjoining neighbor, Ms. Keefer, for her lot as well; however, Staff has yet to hear back from Ms. Keefer. He pointed out Ms. Turner would not be forced to sell her land, and also pointed out the proposed fire station location is split-zoned Residential in front and Office and Institution in the rear. Ms. Turner questioned when she would hear from the City regarding hear land with Mr. Pittman responding he hoped to let Ms. Turner know within the next week.

Michael Pjetraj, 2201 Nancy Ann Drive, stated he has lived in the neighborhood since 2007. He expressed his appreciation to the Fire Department as well as his support for a new fire station. He stated if he had access to an area map he would be able to point out a number of more desirable vacant lots in the area. He expressed his concern relocating a fire station from a main road to a small street noting if the fire station had existed before the neighborhood was built it would be a different matter. He pointed out a large piece of land at the corner of Harden Road and Blue Ridge Road stating that would be an ideal location for a fire station. He talked about topography issues in the area in that noise from sirens fills the valley area, and indicated he spoke with Chief McGrath regarding the use of sirens and lights in the neighborhood. He stated given the recent upswing in the economy, he urged the City either sell the Harden property at a profit or turn the property into a much-needed park for the neighborhood. He expressed his support for installing traffic calming devices in the neighborhood at talked about a recent incident where he witnessed a driver speeding through the neighborhood and running through a stop sign at Nancy Ann Drive. He also expressed his support for adding traffic signals as well suggesting the City dead-end Harden Road at the fire station lot in order to force all Harden Road access via Blue Ridge Road.

Mr. Weeks questioned the last time a traffic study was conducted in the area with Public Works Director Dawson responding the last study was conducted around 2012-2013. Mr. Dawson went on to point out both Lake Boone Trail and Blue Ridge Road are State roads, and that the City can conduct studies and make advise NCDOT regarding its findings; however, installing traffic signals is NCDOT’s call.

Mrs. Gurganus a recent traffic study indicating traffic volume on Blue Ridge Road warranted the installation of traffic signals; however there were not enough accidents. Discussion took place regarding traffic counts as well as accident statistics with Public Works Director Dawson talking about NCDOT efforts to prioritize traffic signal installations based on the amount of funds available.

Mr. Odom pointed out a map showing other sites considered by the City were included in the agenda packet. Further discussion took place regarding additional potential sites with Mr. Odom suggesting holding the item in Committee for further review by staff.

Chief McGrath indicated the City first approached the Art Museum 2 years ago and went on to point out the present proposed location was not chosen at random with Mr. Pittman pointing out the Art Museum land comes with strings attached in that Museum officials are only willing lease the land on a long term basis.

Following further discussion Mr. Weeks stated the item will be held in Committee for further discussion with Chief McGrath indicating he will meet with the neighbors and the School in the meantime.

Item #13-15 – Fence – 3531 Rock Creek Drive. Mr. Weeks indicated during the City Council’s October 7, 2014 meeting this item was referred to the Public Works Committee for further discussion.

Assistant Public Works Director Kenneth Waldroup referred to Staff’s report in the agenda packet and used at PowerPoint presentation to give a history of the issue and outlined as follows:


·  1-31-2013: Redevelopment survey did not identify easement over sewer main, new easement required as condition of redevelopment by DJF Builders.

·  2-11-2013: Building Permit issued; Notice Provided that fixed structures not allow in easement.

·  12-13-2013: DJF Builders sought utility line location services for a fence.

·  12-27-2013: DJF Builders conveyed 3531 Rock Creek Drive to Mr. Collin Dretsch and Ms. Heather Johnson.

·  1-2-2014: Code Enforcement personnel reminded DJF Builders that the fence installation was not allowed.